Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner For Gwent

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner For Gwent

Your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is elected by local people and is accountable for how crime is tackled throughout Gwent.
We're also on Twitter: @gwentpcc

To see our privacy policy, please visit bit. ly /GPPCPrivacy.

Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner For Gwent Description

Jeff Cuthbert B. Sc. , MCIPD has been elected as the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent and he will hold office until May 2020. Elections are held every four years.

The commissioner operates from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and is held to account by the Police and Crime Panel for Gwent.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for:

‚ÄĘ finding out what you think about policing and crime in Gwent
‚ÄĘ making sure your voice is heard and listened to
‚ÄĘ setting priorities for Gwent Police
‚ÄĘ preparing the Police and Crime Plan that contains the policing and crime priorities
‚ÄĘ publishing a yearly report that tells you whether policing and crime priorities and targets have been met
‚ÄĘ hiring and firing (if necessary) the Chief constable of Gwent Police
‚ÄĘ deciding the policing budget and the amount of money used from your council tax to pay for police services
‚ÄĘ commissioning policing and crime services
‚ÄĘ making arrangements with criminal justice bodies to provide an effective and efficient criminal justice system in Gwent



Road Sign Survey
The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales is seeking your views on the image used on a Road Warning Sign.
This survey should take you no longer than 4 minutes to complete. Click here to complete the survey.
... ge.aspx…
If you cannot access the survey, you can complete the Word version attached or request a paper copy by contacting or 03442 640 670.
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Mae Heddlu Gwent yn gwneud gwaith ‚Äėda' i leihau trosedd a chadw pobl yn ddiogel.
Cynhaliodd Arolygiaeth Cwnstabliaeth, Gwasanaethau T√Ęn ac Achub Ei Mawrhydi (yr Arolygiaeth) arolwg o Heddlu Gwent ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd a rhoddodd radd 'da' i'r llu am ei effeithiolrwydd cyffredinol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ymchwilio i droseddau, amddiffyn pobl fregus a mynd i'r afael √Ę throseddau difrifol a chyfundrefnol.
Mae adroddiad yr arolwg yn nodi hefyd bod y llu yn 'dda' o ran effeithlo...nrwydd, sy'n cynnwys bodloni galw presennol a'i ddefnydd o adnoddau, yn ogystal √Ę chynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol.…/maer-comisiyn ydd-yn-croesawu-arol…
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Gwent Police is ‚Äėgood‚Äô at reducing crime and keeping people safe.
Her Majesty‚Äôs Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue (HMICFRS) inspected Gwent Police in November last year and found that the force rated ‚Äėgood‚Äô for its overall effectiveness. This includes investigating crime, protecting vulnerable people, and tackling serious and organised crime.
The inspection report also states that the force is rated ‚Äėgood‚Äô for its efficiency which includes meeting current deman...ds and its use of resources, as well as planning for the future.…/commissioner- welcomes-latest-peel…
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Angen siarad √Ę rhywun? Need to speak with someone? ‚Ä™0300 123 21 33‚Ĩ #ItsNotOK #ItsNotOK2020


People in mental health crisis are some of the most vulnerable in society and often turn to the police in their greatest hour of need. I supported the placement of mental health professionals in the Gwent Police control room and I am pleased to say that this initiative is proving to be a great success, offering people help and support when they need it most.
#PCCSMakingadifference #TimetoTalk


Mae Trefnydd Ymgysylltu √Ę Goroeswyr newydd wedi dechrau gweithio i Heddlu Gwent.
Dyma'r swydd gyntaf o'i math ar gyfer llu heddlu yng Nghymru a chafodd ei chreu yn dilyn argymhelliad gan Swyddfa'r Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd.
Bydd yn sefydlu fframwaith cynaliadwy i ymgysylltu √Ę goroeswyr, y gall pobl sydd wedi goroesi cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol ei ddefnyddio i rannu eu profiadau.
... ūüĎČ‚Ķ/heddlu-gwent- yn-cyflogi-trefnydd-‚Ķ
A new Survivor Engagement Coordinator has started work at Gwent Police.
The post is a first of its kind for a police force in Wales and has been created following a recommendation from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office.
It will establish a sustainable survivor engagement framework, through which survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence can share their lived experience.
ūüĎČ‚Ķ/gwent-polices -new-survivor-engage‚Ķ
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Mae plant o uned Heddlu Bach Ysgol Gynradd Greenmeadow wedi torri'r dywarchen ar safle pencadlys newydd Heddlu Gwent i nodi dechrau swyddogol y gwaith adeiladu. Bydd yr adeilad yn Llantarnam yn gartref i ystafell reoli'r llu, sef y pwynt cyswllt cyntaf i bobl sy'n ffonio'r llu, ynghyd √Ę thimau troseddau mawr, swyddogaethau hyfforddiant, gwasanaethau cymorth ac uwch reolwyr. Pan fydd wedi ei gwblhau, bydd y pencadlys newydd yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn sicrhau bod anghenion a hyfforddiant staff plismona yng Ngwent yn cael eu diwallu, i'w helpu nhw i amddiffyn a thawelu meddwl y cymunedau maen nhw'n eu gwasanaethu.‚Ķ/serem oni-torrir-dywarche‚Ķ/
Children from Greenmeadow Primary School’s Heddlu Bach unit have cut the sod at the site of Gwent Police’s new headquarters to officially mark the start of construction. The facility in Llantarnam will be home to the control room, which is the first point of contact for calls to the force, alongside major crime teams, training functions, support services and senior management. Once complete it will play a key role in ensuring the well-being and training needs of policing staff in Gwent are met, helping them to protect and reassure the communities they serve.…/sod-c utting-ceremony-off…/
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Mae heddiw’n nodi dechrau Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Gam-drin Rhywiol a Thrais Rhywiol 2020. Rwyf wedi ymroi i fynd i’r afael a’r materion hyn trwy ymyrryd ac atal yn gynnar.
@HeddluGwent a’n partneriaid, Dyw Hyn Ddim yn Iawn #ItsNotOk #ItsNotOk2020
Edrychwch ar fy mlaenoriaethau: m-ni/cyfrifoldebau/... @GwentVAWDASV
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Today marks the start of Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2020 I remain committed to tackling these issues through early intervention & prevention with Gwent Police and partners, #ItsNotOk #ItsNotOk2020
Take a look at my priorities:‚Ķ/abou‚ Ķ/my-responsibilities/ @GwentVAWDASV


O ddydd Llun 1 Chwefror bydd angen i drigolion sydd am wneud cwyn i Heddlu Gwent gysylltu ag Adran Safonau Proffesiynol y llu, yn hytrach na fy swyddfa i.
Bydd fy swyddfa i'n dal yn gyfrifol am ymchwilio i gwynion yn erbyn y Prif Gwnstabl.
Gallwch gysylltu √Ę'r Adran Safonau Proffesiynol ar, trwy ffonio 01633 642037 neu ar wefan Heddlu Gwent -‚Ķ/‚Ķ/mae-eich-barn -yn-cyfrif/gwneud-cwyn/
... From Monday 1 February 2020 residents who would like to make a complaint to Gwent Police will need to contact the force’s Professional Standards Department (PSD), rather than my office.
My office will still be responsible for investigating complaints against the Chief Constable.
You can contact the PSD via, by calling 01633 642037 or the Gwent PolicePolice website -…/your-opinion-coun ts/making-a-complaint
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Heddiw mae Panel Heddlu a Throsedd Gwent wedi adolygu’r praesept treth y cyngor arfaethedig a amlinellwyd gan Gomisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert.
Mae wedi argymell y dylai'r Comisiynydd ystyried opsiynau i leihau'r cynnydd arfaethedig i'r praesept o 6.99 y cant i 6 y cant ar gyfer 2020/21.
ūüĎČ‚Ķ/panel-heddlu- a-throsedd-gwent-yn-‚Ķ


The Gwent Police and Crime Panel has today reviewed the proposed council tax precept set out by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert.
It has recommended that the Commissioner considers options to reduce the proposed precept increase from 6.99 per cent to six per cent for 2020/21.
ūüĎČ‚Ķ/police-and-cr ime-panel-makes-prec‚Ķ


Rwy'n falch i sefyll gydag arweinwyr y gymuned ac arweinwyr grwpiau ffydd, a'm cydweithwyr yn yr heddlu, i gofio'r miliynau a gollodd eu bywydau yn yr Holocost ac achosion diweddarach o hil-laddiad.
Rwyf am i Went fod yn rhywle y gall pobl fyw a gweithio ynddo, ac ymweld ag ef, heb ofni profi casineb o unrhyw fath, gan gynnwys anoddefgarwch crefyddol.
Mae pwysau gwleidyddol a phryderon cymdeithasol ac economaidd wedi achosi cynnydd mewn tensiynau cymunedol ar draws y byd. gwahaniaethu'n dal i ddigwydd, felly rhaid i ni barhau i hyrwyddo a gwarchod ein hegwyddorion o oddefgarwch, cynhwysiant a chydraddoldeb.
Trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd gallwn adeiladu cymuned fwy cydlynol, sy'n rhydd o ofn a chasineb.
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I am honoured to stand together with community and faith leaders, and my police colleagues, to remember the millions who lost their lives in the Holocaust and later genocides.
I want Gwent to be a place where people can live, work and visit without fear of experiencing hatred of any kind, including religious intolerance.
Across the world political pressures and social and economic anxieties have caused an increase in community tension. Discrimination still occurs, so we must ...continue to promote and safeguard our principles of tolerance, inclusivity and equality.
By working together we can build a more cohesive community, free from fear and hatred.
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Mae gennym nifer o wirfoddolwyr ymroddgar sy'n cefnogi'r swyddfa gan gynnwys ein hymwelwyr lles anifeiliaid sy'n arsylwi ac adrodd ar sut mae adran cŇĶn Heddlu Gwent @gpdogsection yn hyfforddi, cadw, cludo ac edrych ar √īl eu cŇĶn.
Mwy yma‚Ķ/my-voluntee‚Ä ¶/animal-welfare-scheme
We have a number of committed volunteers supporting the office including our Animal Welfare Visitors who observe & report on how @gpdogsection train, house, transport & maintain dogs.
More info‚Ķ/my-voluntee‚Ä ¶/animal-welfare-scheme
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More about Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner For Gwent

Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner For Gwent is located at Turnpike Road, NP44 2XJ Cwmbran
01633 642200
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -