Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery

Art, Craft & Specialist Exhibitions

Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery Description

The Ground Floor, No. 24 King Street, Carmarthen is Arts Care Gofal Celf's exciting new home. Located right in the heart of Carmarthen's rapidly developing 'Arts Quarter', we are now on the high street, opening the organisation up to new & even more far-reaching projects & possibilities.

Fronted by the brand new "Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery" named after our founder, Dr Huw Bevan-Jones, which features work by our professional registered artists. The gallery is an ideal addition to Arts Care Gofal Celf, finally giving us the opportunity to show off what we do. . . !

Items are for sale and we will also hold one-off exhibitions, Oriel Bevan Jones is open between 10am and 3pm from Tuesday - Saturday.

Just behind the gallery is be our extended office spaces and meeting room & extended gallery which holds a range of further artwork. Please call in and see us - we'd love to see you!



We may be temporarily closed but we're bringing some of the stunning work by our talented, professional artists to you, whilst we are unable to welcome you to the gallery in person. For the time-being, Home is where it's Happening - and here is some superb sculpture from Rebecca Buck. Stay safe, stay well.


We may be temporarily closed but we're bringing some of the stunning work by our talented, professional artists to you, whilst we are unable to welcome you to the gallery in person. For the time-being, Home is where it's Happening - and here is some delectable work from Julia Griffiths Jones. Stay safe, stay well.


It probably comes as no surprise that, given the recent updates from government regarding the corona-virus, we have decided to close Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery for the time being.We have taken this decision to help protect the public, staff, artists and volunteers.
Staff will be mainly working from home for the foreseeable future. If you need to contact us, for any reason, then please message eiryl@acgc.co.uk AND info@acgc.co.uk to ensure someone receives your message and can... deal with your enquiry.
We are happy to post small items, such as jewellery, if required.
We will be using social media much more in the coming weeks and will use Facebook, Twitter & Instagram to post updates, as things progress.
In the meantime, thank you for your continued support and please look after yourselves and your loved ones.
Mae'n debyg nad yw'n syndod, o ystyried y diweddariadau gan y llywodraeth ynghylch y corona-firws, ein bod wedi penderfynu cau Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery am y tro. Rydym wedi gwneud y penderfyniad hwn i helpu amddiffyn y cyhoedd, staff, artistiaid a gwirfoddolwyr.
Bydd staff yn gweithio gartref yn bennaf hyd y gellir rhagweld. Os oes angen i chi gysylltu am unrhyw reswm, anfonwch neges i eiryl@acgc.co.uk AC i info@acgc.co.uk i sicrhau bod rhywun yn derbyn eich neges ac yn gallu delio da'r mater.
Rydym yn hapus i bostio eitemau bach, fel gemwaith, os oes angen.
Byddwn yn defnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol lawer mwy yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf a byddwn yn defnyddio Facebook, Twitter ac Instagram i bostio diweddariadau, wrth i bethau fynd yn eu blaen.
Yn y cyfamser, diolch am eich cefnogaeth barhaus a gofalwch amdanoch chi'ch hun a'ch anwyliaid.
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New at Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery this Spring - from March 17th to April 18th 2020
Gallery 2 - Fractures in Time by Gina Hughes & Clare Scott
Crystals are formed when the earth’s crust cracks, and molten lava erupts, burning the land it flows upon; then as it cools later, over time, sparkling crystals grow. The trauma of a chain of events may cause us to feel isolated, hopeless and broken, yet joy may arise unexpectedly as part of the process of recovery. Benefits can come as ...we find equilibrium, working with one another, finding a place in community, seeing lights in the darkness, the sparks of recuperation. The stories of others may give us optimism, and histories can remind us that all is not lost for ever. We are celebrating the beauty of what may come from explosions; times when disaster ruptures the even patterns of our daily lives; when nonetheless we survive and there is organic strength and beauty in our continuity. We are combining found objects that tell tales of survival with the grace and aesthetics of crystalline glazes, photographs and words that describe these stories. Gina Hughes and Clare Scott have explored a collaboration in creativity through multi-media, where the expressive arts and therapeutic interventions have united.
Newydd yn Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery y Gwanwyn hwn - rhwng Mawrth 17eg ac Ebrill 18fed 2020
Oriel 2 - Toriadau mewn Amser gan Gina Hughes & Clare Scott
Mae crisialau'n cael eu ffurfio pan fydd craciau cramen y ddaear, a lafa tawdd yn ffrwydro, gan losgi'r tir y mae'n llifo arno; yna wrth iddo oeri yn hwyrach, dros amser, mae crisialau pefriog yn tyfu. Gall trawma cadwyn o ddigwyddiadau beri inni deimlo'n ynysig, yn anobeithiol ac wedi torri, ond gall llawenydd godi'n annisgwyl fel rhan o'r broses adfer. Gall buddion ddod wrth inni ddod o hyd i ecwilibriwm, gweithio gyda'n gilydd, dod o hyd i le yn y gymuned, gweld goleuadau yn y tywyllwch, gwreichion adfer. Efallai y bydd straeon eraill yn rhoi optimistiaeth inni, a gall hanesion ein hatgoffa nad yw'r cyfan yn cael ei golli am byth. Rydym yn dathlu harddwch yr hyn a all ddod o ffrwydradau; adegau pan mae trychineb yn torri patrymau cyfartal ein bywydau beunyddiol; serch hynny rydym yn goroesi ac mae cryfder a harddwch organig yn ein parhad. Rydym yn cyfuno gwrthrychau a ddarganfuwyd sy'n adrodd straeon am oroesi â gras ac estheteg gwydrau crisialog, ffotograffau a geiriau sy'n disgrifio'r straeon hyn. Mae Gina Hughes a Clare Scott wedi archwilio cydweithrediad mewn creadigrwydd trwy amlgyfrwng, lle mae'r celfyddydau mynegiadol ac ymyriadau therapiwtig wedi uno.
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New at Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery this Spring - from March 17th to April 18th 2020
2D Area - Elaine Franks
For many years, Elaine has been living and working in mid Wales where she spent much of her childhood. She has made a number of television appearances, and her artwork has been exhibited throughout Britain and is held in public and private collections world-wide. As well as the natural history work for which she is known, Elaine also enjoys working on a variety of communi...ty art projects and teaching students of all ages. For Elaine, painting is about communication, exploration, discovery and above all, celebration. We are excited to be showing her work this Spring.
Newydd yn Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery y Gwanwyn hwn - rhwng Mawrth 17eg ac Ebrill 18fed 2020
Ardal 2D - Elaine Franks
Am nifer o flynyddoedd, mae Elaine wedi bod yn byw ac yn gweithio yng nghanol Cymru lle treuliodd lawer o'i phlentyndod. Mae hi wedi gwneud nifer o ymddangosiadau teledu, ac mae ei gwaith celf wedi cael ei arddangos ledled Prydain ac yn cael ei gadw mewn casgliadau cyhoeddus a phreifat ledled y byd. Yn ogystal â'r gwaith hanes natur y mae hi'n adnabyddus amdano, mae Elaine hefyd yn mwynhau gweithio ar amrywiaeth o brosiectau celf gymunedol ac addysgu myfyrwyr o bob oed. I Elaine, mae paentio yn ymwneud â chyfathrebu, archwilio, darganfod ac yn anad dim, dathlu. Rydym yn gyffrous ein bod yn dangos ei gwaith y Gwanwyn hwn.
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New at Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery this Spring - from March 17th to April 18th 2020
Feature Window - Juanita Humphris
We are delighted to welcome back Juanita Humphris and another delightful depiction of the change of season - as only Juanita can! As an artist and maker, Juanita discovers that her work cannot be separate from the world in which she lives. She says “My ground is the ecstatically beautiful and constantly amazing natural creation of this fragile earth upon which ...we stand. From a bee’s wing to a boulder, papiér mâché guides and instructs me in how to visualise and proceed with my making.”
Newydd yn Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery y Gwanwyn hwn - rhwng Mawrth 17eg ac Ebrill 18fed 2020
Ffenestr Nodwedd - Juanita Humphris
Rydym yn falch iawn o groesawu Juanita Humphris yn ôl a darlun hyfryd arall o newid y tymor - mewn ffordd na all dim ond Juanita gwneud! Fel artist a gwneuthurwr, mae Juanita yn darganfod na all ei gwaith fod ar wahân i'r byd y mae'n byw ynddo. Meddai “Fy nhir i yw creadigaeth naturiol hyfryd y ddaear ac yn gyson anhygoel o'r ddaear fregus hon rydyn ni'n sefyll arni. O adain gwenyn i glogfaen, mae papiér mâché yn fy arwain ac yn fy nghyfarwyddo ar sut i ddelweddu a bwrw ymlaen â'm gwneud.”
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“MAKING MEMORIES WITH MY EYES” at Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery
A breathtaking selection of contemporary new work by artists Alan Williams, Rebecca Buck and Meuryn Hughes.
Our Feature Window hosts a dramatic, ethereal and mystical collection of sculptural forms from Rebecca Buck of Osprey Studios in the Brecon Beacons. Her arresting yet gentle use of form and flow, creates shapes which both fire the imagination and soothe the soul.
... In our 2D Gallery Area, high profile printmaker Alan Williams brings us a collection of diverse and beautiful new images which really demonstrates the wide variety of techniques, styles and subjects that are covered by the term ‘printmaker’.
In Gallery 2, an exhibition by a new Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery artist; Meuryn Hughes brings us a collection of his paintings - representational works of subjects that, he says, are of interest to him and challenge his skills & imagination and are totally breathtaking.
We are excited by the sheer quality of work on display and hope that you can find time to come and let it light you up too! Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery, 24 King Street, Carmarthen is open on Mondays by appointment only and then, Tuesday - Saturday from 10.00 am until 5.00 pm. A warm welcome awaits you.
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Bydd eitem ar ein harddangosfa gyfredol o waith gan Meuryn Hughes ar bennod heno o Heno ar S4C am 7yh.
An item on our current exhibition of work from Meuryn Hughes will be on tonight's episode of Heno on S4C at 7pm.


“MAKING MEMORIES WITH MY EYES” at Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery
After a week of spring-cleaning, Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery is open again, with an exciting selection of stunning, contemporary new work by artists Alan Williams, Rebecca Buck and Meuryn Hughes.
Our Feature Window hosts a dramatic, ethereal and mystical collection of sculptural forms from Rebecca Buck of Osprey Studios in the Brecon Beacons. A renowned artist, Rebecca considers sculpture as a means of narrative, meldi...ng context with form and she strives to generate active, expressive intensity that can be reflected through the finished artwork. Her arresting yet gentle use of form and flow, creates shapes which both fire the imagination and soothe the soul.
In our 2D Gallery Area, high profile printmaker Alan Williams brings us a collection of diverse and beautiful new images which really demonstrates the wide variety of techniques, styles and subjects that are covered by the term ‘printmaker’. Alan was the founder of The Swansea Print Workshop and the Twyi Printmakers group and has specialised in print making for over twenty years.
In Gallery 2, an exhibition by a new Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery artist; Meuryn Hughes brings us a collection of his paintings - representational works of subjects that, he says, are of interest to him and challenge his skills & imagination. Meuryn works mostly in oil and varies his style from impressionist open palette direct paintings to methodical, highly detailed closed palette indirect paintings.
We are excited by the sheer quality of work on display and hope that you can find time to come and let it light you up too! Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery, 24 King Street, Carmarthen is open on Mondays by appointment only and then, Tuesday - Saturday from 10.00 am until 5.00 pm. A warm welcome awaits you.
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“CREU ATGOFION GYDA FY LLYGAID” yn Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery
Ar ôl wythnos o lanhau ac ail-drefnu, mae Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery ar agor eto, gyda detholiad cyffrous o waith newydd syfrdanol, cyfoes gan yr artistiaid Alan Williams, Rebecca Buck a Meuryn Hughes.
Mae ein Ffenestr Nodwedd yn gartref i gasgliad dramatig, arallfydol a chyfriniol o ffurfiau cerfluniol gan Rebecca Buck o Osprey Studios yn y Bannau Brycheiniog. Yn arlunydd enwog, mae Rebecca yn ystyried cerflunio fel... modd naratif, cyd-destun yn toddi gyda ffurf ac yn ymdrechu i gynhyrchu dwyster gweithredol, mynegiannol y gellir ei adlewyrchu trwy'r gwaith celf orffenedig. Mae ei defnydd syfrdanol ond ysgafn o ffurf a llif, yn creu siapiau sy'n tanio'r dychymyg ac yn lleddfu'r enaid.
Yn ein Hardal Oriel 2D, mae’r gwneuthurwr printiau proffil uchel Alan Williams yn dod â chasgliad o ddelweddau newydd amrywiol a hardd atom, sydd wir yn arddangos yr amrywiaeth eang o dechnegau, arddulliau a phynciau sy’n dod o dan y term ‘printmaker’. Alan oedd sylfaenydd The Swansea Print Workshop a grŵp Twyi Printmakers ac mae wedi arbenigo mewn gwneud printiau ers dros ugain mlynedd.
Yn Oriel 2, arddangosfa gan arlunydd newydd i Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery. Daw Meuryn Hughes â chasgliad o’i luniau atom - gweithiau cynrychiadol o bynciau sydd, meddai Meuryn, o ddiddordeb iddo ac yn herio ei sgiliau a’i ddychymyg. Mae Meuryn yn gweithio yn bennaf mewn olew ac yn amrywio ei arddull o baentiadau uniongyrchol palet agored argraffiadol, i baentiadau anuniongyrchol palet caeedig trefnus, manwl iawn.
Rydym wedi'n cyffroi gan ansawdd pur y gwaith sy'n cael ei arddangos ac yn gobeithio y gallwch ddod o hyd i amser i ddod a gadael iddo eich cyffroi hefyd!
Mae Oriel Bevan Jones, 24 Heol y Brenin, Caerfyrddin ar agor drwy apwyntiad yn unig bôb Dydd Llun a wedyn, o Ddydd Mawrth i Ddydd Sadwrn rhwng 10.00 am a 5.00 pm. Mae croeso cynnes yn eich disgwyl.
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More about Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery

Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery is located at Ground Floor, 24 King Street, SA31 1BS Carmarthen
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -