Oriel Plas Glyn Y-Weddw

About Oriel Plas Glyn Y-Weddw

Art gallery within a Gothic Victorian building showcasing some of the best contemporary Welsh art and crafts. We're also a wedding venue and self catering



Teresa Jenellen Y Negesydd / The Messenger Dyfrlliw / Watercolour £750


Darlith ar un o enwogion Llanbedrog oedd yn byw yn ystod oes y Tuduriaid a'r Stiwartiaid/Lecture on one of Llanbedrog's famous people who lived during the Tudor and Stuart age. Translation facilities will be available.


Prosiect Syth i Sgwrsio ym Mhlas Glyn-y-Weddw
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7E6jwq65yAs &feature=youtu.be


Cofiwch archebu eich cinio Nadolig! Remember to order your Christmas lunch!


Mae elfennau o hiraeth, symboliaeth, crefydd, myfyrdodau a magwraeth yng ngogledd Cymru yng ngwaith Billy Bagilhole. Elements of nostalgia, symbolism, religion and an upbringing in north Wales can be found in Billy Bagilhole's work. @billybagilhole #art #celf #llanbedrog


Ffantasi a Thân - crochenwaith o bob math gan Grochenwyr Gogledd Cymru Fantasy and Fire - a variety of ceramics by North Wales Potters


Paentiadau olew trawiadol o fynyddoedd ac arfordir gorllewin Cymru gan Gwyn Roberts - yr arddangosfa i'w gweld tan y 24ain o Ragfyr. Striking oil paintings of the mountains and coast of west Wales by Gwyn Roberts - the exhibition can be viewed until the 24th of December. https://www.oriel.org.uk/en/artists/rober ts-gwyn


Nos Iau yma yn galeri, Caernarfon
This Thursday night at galeri, CaernarfonTranslated


Straeon tylwyth teg a chwedlau llên gwerin sydd yn mynd a bryd Teresa Jenellen ac mae arddangosfa o'i gwaith diweddaraf yn rhan o Sioe'r Hydref yn y Plas. Teresa Jenellen draws inspiration from fairy tales and folklore and an exhibition of her latest work can be seen at the Plas as part of the Autumn Show.


Straeon a chwedlau sydd wedi ysbrydoli arddangosfa newydd o waith Daniel Roberson sy'n dwyn y teitl 'Beirdd ac Adar'. Stories and legends are the inspiration for Daniel Roberson's new exhibition entitled 'Bards and Birds'.


Carreg Bica yn creu sain anhygoel yn yr oriel - dewch draw i'w clywed ac i ddawnsio yn y Twmpath 7.30pm heno!
Carreg Bica creating beautiful acoustic in the gallery - come and hear them and dance in the Twmpath 7.30pm tonight!


fory! / tomorrow!
Tomorrow! / tomorrow!Translated


Mae gennyn siaradwyr gwych ar gyfer y symposiwm corff tir lle yfory - beth am ddod draw. Manylion ar y we.
We have an amazing line-up of speakers for tomorrow's symposium body land place - why not come over. Detials online
Chris Ricketts - https://fieldworking.co.uk... Angharad Harrop - https://angharadharrop.com Robbie Synege - https://www.robbiesynge.com Simon Whtehead - http://simonwhitehead.net
a cofiwch am y twmpath gyda'r nos / and don't forget the twmpath in the evening
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Digwyddiadau ym Mhlas Glyn-y-Weddw dros y penwythnos hwn dan y teitl 'corff tir lle' sy'n archwilio cyswllt artistiaid â'r tirlun, yn arbennig trwy gyfrwng dawns a symudiad.
Events at Plas Glyn-y-Weddw over the weekend under the title 'land body place' exploring the connection between artists and landscape, especially through dance and movement.
12/10/2019... 10.30am - 4.15pm Symposiwm gyda / Symposium with Simon Whitehead, Robbie Synge, Angharad Harrop & Chris Ricketts Dangosiadau ffilm gan / Film screenings by Rosemary Butcher, Eiko & Koma, Jess Lerner/Tanya Syed, Adele Vye a/and Cleophée Lior Moser
7.30pm Twmpath (dance) gyda / with Carreg Bica - Julie Murphy (llais a shrwti / voice and shruti), Ceri Rhys Matthews (ffliwt / flute) - both founder members of Fernhill) ac / and Elsa Davies (ffidl / fiddle) - aelod o / from Deuair
13/10/2019 12pm Tro o gwmpas Nefyn gyda / a walk around Nefyn with Kenneth Brassil
am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu lle ewch i'r wefan neu ffionio'r oriel / for more info and booking go to the website or call the gallery - www.oriel.org.uk 01758 740763
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Arddangosfa newydd gan Gwyn Roberts ynghyd a thân croesawus yn y Plas. Hefyd yn arddangos mae Daniel Roberson, Teresa Jenellen, Billy Bagilhole a Chrochenwyr Gogledd Cymru. A new exhibition of work by Gwyn Roberts and a welcoming fire at the Plas. Also exhibiting are Daniel Roberson, Teresa Jenellen, Billy Bagilhole and North Wales Potters.


Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Stefan Gant - mae ei waith o'r arddangosfa 'Rhych' gyda Simon Callery yn Plas yr haf diwetha yn y rhestr fer am wobr arobryn Lumen am Gelf a Thechnoleg.
Huge congratulations to Stefan Gant - his work from the 'Rhych' exhibition at Plas last summer is shortlisted for the prestigious Lumen Prize for Art and Technology

More about Oriel Plas Glyn Y-Weddw

Oriel Plas Glyn Y-Weddw is located at Glynyweddw Estate, LL53 7TT Llanbedrog
01758 740763