Paul Edwards Domestic Appliance Repairs 07970474291

About Paul Edwards Domestic Appliance Repairs 07970474291

Repairs and servicing to all makes of washing machine, dishwasher and tumble dryer in Pembrokeshire



Today between 3 and 3.30 pm pauls van was damaged, door dented and window completely smashed - hit and run in Holloway Court Penally while doing his work. Anyone see it?


Apologies for slow or no response to enquiries, paul is off work until next week


Paul will be away from work from today until Monday 26th March. If you can wait, leave a message here or on his phone for when he returns, thank you


Hello everyone, when messaging a question please leave your mobile number too so i can ring to discuss


It's all or nothing. Busy b and b to run and all of a sudden there's lots of washers, dryers and dishwashers breaking down too. 'The only reason for time is that everything doesn't happen at once' - Albert Einstein.


Paul was 65 last month, he has decided to retire in the autumn of 2047


Ode to a washing day
My washing machine goes round and round Round and round round and round My washing machine goes round and round... All day long
My sheets and towels and underwear go round and round Round and round round and round My sheets and towels and underwear go round and round All day long
Those sheets and towels and underwear go thump and bump Thump and bump thump and bump They get wrung and hung and wrung and hung All day long
Out on the line they dry in the wind They dry in the wind they dry in the wind Out on the line they dry in the wind All day long
Along come the birdies who dump their stuff Dump their stuff dump their stuff Along come the birdies who dump their stuff All day long
So off the line and into the machine Into the machine into the machine Off the line and into the machine All day long
My washing machine goes round and round Round and round round and round My washing machine goes round and round All day long
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Hope everyone has had a good and festive Christmas and will have a happy and healthy new year. Back in work on 4th January, see you soon ......


Apologies to those people who have called me while i have been away, will catch up with your messages tomorrow and get back to you as soon as i can


Dear washing machine man. My hotpoint aquarius extra 1300 spin is no longer for this life, i think. You filled it with towels this morning and off it went thumping and bumping to get those little stains out. I carried on with my b and b duties, like the good little housekeeper i am and was suddenly alerted to a very large BANG! Then serious thumping and bumping. Now if my hotpoint aquarius extra 1300 spin had not been enclosed near the kitchen sink, i am sure my kitchen sink ...would now be washing the dishes of those hotels on the Esplanade. So, i ran into the kitchen, switched my hotpoint aquarius extra 1300 spin off at the main switch and the poor hotpoint aquarius extra 1300 spin came to a halt. I am sure my towels will be the cleanest they have ever been as they are now soaking in suds and water. So washing machine man, i require your assistance sometime in the next millennium or one of us will be getting acquainted with the laundromat or is that the laundrette!
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How do you choose a new washing machine?


Bit of a break, winter started so only alternative is to seek the sun - back 22 october


Good news, my new mobile, updated from old cell phone to smart phone, is now working great so you can now continue phoning mobile 07970474291 as well as landline 01834 843256 for washer, dishwasher, electric cooker and tumble dryer repairs


Mobile phone issues at the moment!! Apparently issues with EE mast? If you have been trying to contact me, apologies, can't get hold of messages either. Please use the landline number 01834843256 until proper service resumes Thank you


Why do people ask me if I have retired? Could be I look old or they think I have a stash of cash or it could be that they think I am a kept man!! Well, lovely people, I wish it was true that I had a stash of cash and was a kept man but no! I am out and about in my white van seen travelling the roads of Pembrokeshire from Tenby to St Davids. When I retire, I will hang up my toolbox, paint my van purple and head off on the road to nowhere in particular. Washers, dryers and dishwashers will be working for sometime yet - just have a nice cuppa ready for me when I call ☕️

More about Paul Edwards Domestic Appliance Repairs 07970474291

Paul Edwards Domestic Appliance Repairs 07970474291 is located at 21 Clareston Road, SA70 7LR Tenby, Pembrokeshire