Pay2Fish Ltd

About Pay2Fish Ltd

Pay2Fish is an eTicketing service for Angling Clubs, Fisheries and Riparian Owners.

Pay2Fish Ltd Description

Pay2Fish is an eTicketing service for Angling Clubs, Fisheries and Riparian Owners.



Well done Jason Corcoran


Every little helps. Any followers interested please encourage South West Lakes to list on Pay2Fish Ltd


Need to update the Business Plan


Yesterday Tan-y-Mynydd Trout Fishery signed up to sell more Tickets ONLINE for FREE. You can see their listing (and purchase 'hours') at:
Want to join them?


Last year Martyn Cattermole and I set up Due to personal circumstances Martyn has now stepped down, leaving a gap in the business for a keen angler, who believes in eTicketing and can market to UK clubs, fisheries and riparian owners. If you know anyone who fits this profile, please get in touch as the service needs you. Telephone: 029 22211737. Email: or message me on Facebook. Thanks, Greg Cannon


Great to see a national newspaper giving fishing this coverage. Next year's update should include venues that can be booked via Pay2fish.


Can you promote online ticketing to the UK's Angling Clubs and Fisheries? In return for each owner you sign up to our service you'll earn a commission and a % of the booking fees. To find out more, please message us on Facebook or email:


At this time of year Angling clubs across the UK are taking stock of the last 12 months and considering how many new members they can accommodate in 2018. One factor that may influence this is the cost of recruiting new members and is where we can help.
You can use to sign up new Members online, for FREE. Here's how:
... 1. We create your Club Page on using details from public sources or that you supply 2. We create your 2018 Membership Ticket also using details from public sources or that you supply 3. We assign one or more of your officials editorial control, so they can edit and update these details anytime 4. We both market your Membership offer, directing new members to sign-up online using the service 5. New Members receive an automated email confirming payment and details of their Membership 6. You get copies of all transactions and the contact details of all new members, allowing you to post their membership cards and any other items you send out.
As we take care the Payment Processing, the amount you set as the Membership Price is the amount your get credited to your bank account, which allows you to apply discount pricing to online subscriptions - if you want.
If this sounds like a service your club would benefit from, please contact us and we'll be happy to arrange a call back or visit, and set you up for selling 2018 Membership tickets online.
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This is a real conversation on a Club's Facebook page that took place less than 22 hours ago. As the conversation occurred in a Closed Group we've blacked out the people's names and the outlet's details, but this is WHY we set-up


Registration is free and simple - just click here to get started


The first sales in any new business are always much anticipated and we're very happy when they come. So it's official, Pay2Fish is now 'in business' and selling Tickets. Angling Adventures Ltd, the first Guiding service to list, is making sales, and with each sale our mutual success comes that much closer. If you're an angling club, fisheries owner, guiding service, or for that matter anyone who sells day, season or membership tickets to anglers, please take a few minutes to review the website and the service we offer. It's free to join and as you get 100% of the Ticket price, paid to your bank account in days of the sale, this provides an extra sales channel at no overhead and very low risk. So why not join Angling Adventures in selling your tickets online.


Its live !


News Update ! The online eTicketing system is now live, and open for business. For the many Clubs, Angling Clubs and Associations that have expressed interest in our services over the last few months, then thank you for being patient, we promise you the wait will be worth it !
Prices stay the same as we proposed early this year: FREE to the Club, money in the Club bank account within a few days and the anglers paying a transaction fee per ticket. But then the angler...s save money as they do not have to go shopping to buy the ticket (no fuel or parking costs) and the website is ALWAYS open 24/7/365. So no wasted trips to tackle shops that are closed, and you can buy a ticket when YOU want, not when the shop is open.
What we have built for is a simple, but effective, eTIcketing platform that enables you to sell as many tickets as you want, when you want, for the price you think is right. You can control how many tickets are available on a venue, on a specific day, and set the price. And then do some outbound marketing through email, and texts, to create demand for the tickets, and increase sales revenue..
For Club secretaries worried about poaching, compliance is built in with car registrations, EA license numbers and anglers real names recorded in the user profiles. Passport style photos can be included and identities verified through the payment process.
Prices 1. Pay2Fish will sell fishing day & season eTickets at face value. We do not set the price. The Fishery Owner does. 2. 100% of the eTicket price goes to the club or fishery owner. 3. Pay2Fish charges the angler a small booking fee of £1, £3 or £5. 4. The fee is applied as follows: - for tickets less than £10, we add a £1 booking fee - for tickets from £10 to £100 we add a £3 booking fee - for tickets above £100 we add a £5 booking fee. 5. VAT. The booking fee includes VAT at 20%. We do not charge VAT on the eTicket price. The club or fishery owner sets the eTicket price including any VAT they may have to charge if not exempt. 6. The booking fee is how Pay2Fish pays for the online eTicketing services. 7. To cover the cost of credit card/PayPal fees we also add a payment processing charge. This charge has no mark-up and only covers the costs charged by the payment clearing houses and banks that provide our online card payment facility.
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Here is an update on the Pay2Fish eTicketing project.

More about Pay2Fish Ltd

Pay2Fish Ltd is located at 45 Llwyn Passat, CF64 1SE Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan