Pendragon Press

About Pendragon Press

An independent publisher of horror, sf and fantasy with a particular emphasis on the novella form.



Message written. Going through photo-backups for some choice images to illustrate the eighteen years of publishing. Should be uploaded at the weekend.


The website will be replaced on 2nd April with a static page. I shall retain the domain name for as Mr Connery once said, "never say never".


'Tis the time of year to do the accounts and one thing I'll miss about running a publishing empire.... I won't be able to offset convention costs against tax. :'(
Seriously: if you are at all involved in this industry, get yourself self-employed registered.


Well, it is done. I had been putting it off, but with the dismal weather outside I had no excuse... opened up the cupboard of doom (just a tad smaller than the scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark) and started... and four hours later, the numbers are complete.
I shall add this list to the website, and offer the books up for postage costs only - those that are left over will become the property of the authors on 1st January 2019.
There is though one unexpected casualty: Gary McMahon's To Usher, the Dead is completely and utterly sold out. Which is great news obviously, but I somehow my own personal copy is gone. Which is upsetting since my 'vanity shelf' is incomplete. C'est le vie.


Psyching myself up for the big, final, Pendragon stock take and thus far I've found a small box of paperback copies of Visions Fading Fast - hitherto thought out of print. :(
If anyone wants a copy for the price of postage, then drop me a line.
In addition: once this insurmountable stocktake task has been completed then all affected authors will be contacted with regards to ownership of unsold copies of their books.


If anyone is interested.... won't be at SledgeLit. In London the following week, which will hopefully coincide with the BFS Open Night.


This time in 2020.... Who knows?


My FantasyCon schedule.... erm, drink and eat and add more books to the TBR pile.


I will be attending FantasyCon this year in a little over two weeks, but won't be having dealer's table. Therefore, on the off-chance that anyone reading who hasn't got a particular Pendragon title would like a copy, then drop me a line and I shall make sure to bring one along with me... and arrange a meeting, probably in the bar, where the merchandise shall be exchanged for a mutually agreed price, no questions asked.


I'll be skulking behind you at FantasyCon, unsure of what to do with myself without a dealers' table in front of me.


Just to recap: Pendragon will be joining the choir invisible on 1st January 2019. Until then all in print titles are greatly reduced, with any and all unsold copies after that date becoming the property of the original author.
Any profits from this fire-sale will be split as fairly as possible between the authors.


Well, I've found a copy of this.... -New…/…/0955445264/
First edition, first printing. Not signed, but you can have it for £20 (incl. UK postage). Cheaper than either of the copies on sale here.


Four days ago in August 2010...

More about Pendragon Press

Pendragon Press is located at CF34 0XG Maesteg