Plas Menai

Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00

About Plas Menai

Delivering the ultimate in watersport courses and outdoor adventures

Plas Menai Description

Plas Menai is the National Outdoor Centre for Wales. We run an extensive programme of technical and coach education courses in dinghy sailing, windsurfing, powerboating cruising and kayaking. We also run a busy programme of outdoor activities for schools, groups, adults, children and the local community.



DERBYNNYDD WRTH GEFN/ACHLUSUROL Cyflog: £9.00 ya Lleoliad: Plas Menai Dyddiad Cau: 12:00 ar y 03/06/2019 Oriau: Pam fydd angen... Manteision: Arfelol
CASUAL RECEPTIONIST Salary: £9.00 ph Location: Plas Menai Deadline: 03/06/2019 12:00 Hours: As and when Benefits: Standard
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Da ni wedi bod yn lawnsiad swyddogol heddiw yn Bae Caerdydd. Cynllun o Gymru sydd yn hyrwyddo ac annog pawb i #fentrangall yn yr awyr agored yn cael ei ymdopi yn Lloegr
We have been at the launch of today in Cardiff Bay. A scheme to promote safety in the outdoors that was developed in Wales now being rolled out in England #Beadventuresmart Sport Wales Snowdonia-Active


Diolch i @lifeinnorthwales am yr erthygl. Mae’r haf bron iawn yma - archebwch ei cwrs a mentrwch allan ar y dwr!
Thank you for the lovely mention from @lifeinnorthwales this morning. Book with us today and get out on that water. Summer is almost here.
Repost @lifeinnorthwales... ・・・ Imagine #sailing #surfing #kayaking with this amazing backdrop @plas_menai 😍🏄‍♀️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳 󠁿 #menaistrait #sport #wales #cymru
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Swyddi Achub Bywyd a Dysgu Nofio Mae Plas Menai yn chwilio am staff achlusurol / wrth gefn i weithio ar fyr rhybudd yn y pwll. Rhaid fod drost 18 oed ac hefor gallu i siarad Cymareg
Lifeguard and Swimming Teachers Plas Menai is looking for casual Lifeguards and Swimming Instructors to provide short notice and holiday cover. You must be over 18 and have the ability to speak Welsh


The view from our yacht, Menai IV in Holyhead was pretty lovely this morning. Our yachting weekends and weeks are the perfect way to enjoy the coastline of North Wales. You can do as much or as little as you want! Some want to learn the ropes, others to sit back and enjoy the wildlife and stunning coastal waters. Check out your choices by clicking here ruising/
Dyma'r olygfa oddiwrth ein cwch hwylio Menai IV bore ma o Caergybi. Mae ein penwythnosau hwylio yn ffordd perffaith i fwynhau arfordir hardd Gogledd Cymru. Mae yna sawl opsiwn ar gael. Mae rhai yn chwilio am cyrsiau technegol tra mae eraill yn hapus i eistedd yn ol a mwynhau yr olygfa ar bywyd gwyllt. Ewch ir gwefan i ddargandod mwy ac i weld beth sydd ar gael ruising/


Dim Nofio Cyhoeddus 12.30-14.00 Dydd Iau 9fed Mai, ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfleuster.
No Public Swimming 12.00-14.00 Thursday 9th May, apologies for any inconvenience.


Mae bod yn gymwysiedig cyn ceisio fynd ar y mor a llywio ein arfordir yn holl bwysig. Ewch ir gwefan trwyr linc ar waelod y nodyn yma am fwy o wybodaeth
Being qualified before venturing out to sea and navigating our coastline is so important. Visit the website for more information. ruising/


Drost 55 mlwydd oed? Cyfle i drio antur newydd
Over 55? A great opportunity to try something new


Ydi llywio’r dwr o amgylch ein arfordir ddim yn peth newydd....
Navigating the water around the coastline we enjoy isn't a new thing......…/canoe-bel ieved-3500-years-old…


Well done to the new RYA Start Windsurfing instructors who completed their course last week. Here is their concept of an ideal instructor! Da iawn i'r hyfforddwyr RYA Dechrau Gwyntsyrffio newydd a gwblhaodd eu cwrs yr wythnos diwethaf. Dyma eu cysyniad o hyfforddwr delfrydol!


Mae hi’n tymor clychau’r gog yma yn Golgedd Cymru. Gyda tywydd braf ar ei ffordd drost y penwythnos, mae hi’n amser perffaith i fod tu allan. Da ni wrth en bod hefo’r llun yma gan @visitingnorthwales Mae gan Plas Menai dewis o weithgareddau antur drost y penwythnos yn cychwyn am £35 cliciwch ar y linc ar waelod y neges i archebu eich lle heddiw.
It’s bluebell season here in North Wales and with a fine and dry forecast it’s the perfect weekend to get outdoors. We love this... shot from @visitingnorthwales We have some great activities going on over the bank holiday weekend from just £35. Click here to book your place today…/e…/epic -bank-holiday-activity/
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Swyddi Achub Bywyd ar gael. Contractau dydd Sadwrn, dydd Sul neu orchudd achlysurol rheolaidd. Anfonwch e-bost at am ragor o wybodaeth a disgrifiad swydd.
Lifeguard posistions available. ... Regular Satuday, Sunday contracts or casual cover Please email for further info and job desription.
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Mae ein hyfforddwyr "Rescue 3" yn cael eu hyfforddi ir safonau uchaf. Dyma nhw yn ymarfer eu sgiliau mewn cynhadledd yng Nhanolfan Rhyngwladol Dwr Gwyn yn Gaerdydd. Am ragor o wybodaeth am y cyrsiau ewch ir gwefan trwyr linc ar waelod y neges.
Our Rescue 3 Instructors are trained to the max. Here they are updating their skills down at Cardiff International White Water @cardiffintww as part of the bi-annual Rescue 3 Conference this week. Click here for more information -…/develop/w ater-rescue-training/


Wel, am wahaniaeth mewn 24awr. Hwylfawr i Hannah, gwasanaeth arferol yn ol!!
What a difference in 24hrs. Goodbye Hannah, normal service is resumed


Dyma’r eryhygl a cyfweliad gyda ein prif hyfforddwr yn cylchgrawn “Life in North Wales
Here is the article and interview with our Chief Instructor in the latest edition of Life in North Wales


Ydi hyn yn edrych yn olygfa hardd? #fynghymrui wedi ei dynnu drost penwythnos Y Pasg.
Mae yna tywydd garw ar ei ffordd ond mae pethau yn edrych yn addawol iawn wythnos nesaf ac yn cynesu yn barod am penwythnos gwyl banc.
Mae caiacio yn ffordd perffaith i fwynhau ein arfordir. Cyrsiau hyfforddi neu teithiau tywys ar gael yma yn Plas Menai. Cysylltwch ar 0300 3003112 i greu antur eich hun.
... Doesn’t this look serene? #thisismywales Captured over Easter weekend. We’ve got some rough weather coming our way tomorrow but the forecast into next week ahead of the bank holiday is looking warm and sunny. Kayaking is the perfect way to enjoy the coastline. Instruction and guiding is available here at Plas Menai. Call 0300 3003112 to discuss your bespoke package today.
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Pan mae eich dosbarth yn edrych fel hyn, mae hi’n hawdd dysgu! Rhedodd ein cyrsiau cychod pwer Lefel 1 & 2 yr RYA drost penwythnos Pasg yn ystod y tywydd braf Dewch draw i baratoi am haf allan ar y dwr yma yn Mhlas Menai.
When your “classroom” looks like this, you’re always going to learn! Our RYA Powerboat Level 1 & 2 courses that ran over Easter weekend couldn’t have had better conditions. Get ready for a summer out on the water here at Plas Menai.


Edrychwch allan am cyfweliad hefo ein prif hyfforddwr Jamie Johnson yn argraffiad nesaf o @lifeinnorthwales fydd argael wythnos yma.
Look out for an interview with our very own chief instructor Jamie Johnson in the next issue of @lifeinnorthwales which hits the shelves later this week.

More about Plas Menai

Plas Menai is located at Plas Menai, National Outdoor Centre, LL55 1UE Caernarfon
0300 300 3112
Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00