Popty 2015

About Popty 2015

Popty 2015 international artists workshop.
20 artists from southern Africa, Wales and the UK; open to visitors from Sat. 17th to Sat. 24th October 2015

Popty 2015 Description

Popty 2015 international artists workshop, funded by the Arts Council of Wales, using the Triangle Network model of intensive collaborative residential workshops for local and international artists. 25 artists from South Africa, Zambia, Wales and the UK, will spend 10 days experimenting and exploring new methods and materials, using unusual, found, natural and scrap materials. The emphasis is on sharing of skills and ideas rather than resolving 'products' for 'exhibition'.
The workshop is open to visitors from 17th October and there will be an Open Day on Saturday 24th October for the general public, art students and artists to visit and talk to the artists about the processes, discoveries and skill sharing which are a fundamental part of the Triangle Network international workshops. All are very welcome.