
About Positif

Positif Politics: Wales' largest public affairs company and a leading provider of communications advice, knowledge, intelligence and support to the business, voluntary and public sectors.

Positif Description

'Positif' is the Welsh word for 'positive' and reflects our outlook and the way we do business. We are an open, transparent, responsible and ethical company and our core mission is to make a positive difference for our clients and the people of Wales.

Browse around our page to find out more about the range of public affairs, communications and consultancy services we offer which include political consulting, monitoring and research; public and stakeholder relations; event management; public affairs and communications training; and strategic consultancy support.


Croeso i dudalen Facebook Cwmni Positif. Ni yw cwmni materion cyhoeddus mwya’ Cymru ac yn un o brif ddarparwyr cyngor cyfathrebu, gwybodaeth, deallusrwydd, a chefnogaeth i’r sectorau busnes, cyhoeddus a gwirfoddol.

Mae’r term ‘Positif’ yn adlewyrchu’n gweledigaeth ar ffordd rydym yn gweithredu. Rydym yn agored, tryloyw, cyfrifol a moesol ac egwyddorol ac ein hamcan craidd yw gwneud gwahaniaeth positif i’n cleientiaid a phobl Cymru.

Ar y dudalen hon cewch weld mwy am y gwasanaethau materion cyhoeddus, cyfathrebu ac ymgynghori sydd gennym i gynnig sy’n cynnwys cynghori gwleidyddol, monitro ac ymchwilio; cysylltiadau cyhoeddus a rhanddeiliaid; rheoli digwyddiadau; hyfforddiant mewn materion cyhoeddus a chyfathrebu; a chefnogaeth ymgynghori strategol.



Always happy smiles when Team Positif is randomly reunited on The Hayes!


Newyddion trist ofnadwy heno. Rydym oll yn meddwl am teulu a ffrindiau Steffan yn ystod yr amser anodd hwn
Terribly sad news this evening. All our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with Steffan’s family and friends at this difficult time


As the newly elected First Minister announces his new Cabinet, Daran Hill looks at the 10 key themes arising from his appointments


Daran Hill shares his thoughts on the Welsh Labour leadership result - The Mark of the Man


Congratulations from all at Positif to Jen and Nick Ramsay on the birth of their first child


Never forgotten


EVENT: The Half Way Line - join us as we take stock of the fifth Assembly so far and take a look at what the next two and a half years will look like for politics in Wales.
We'll be joined by Paul Davies AM, Welsh Conservatives and Helen Mary Jones AM, Plaid Cymru who will be discussing their party priorities and challenges over the same period.
************... DIGWYDDIAD: Y Llinell Hanner Ffordd - ymunwch a ni i gymryd golwg ar y 5ed Cynulliad a'r hyn sydd ar y gweill dros y ddwy flynedd a hanner nesaf yng ngwleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru, gyda chwmni Paul Davies AC, Ceidwadwyr Cymreig a Helen Mary Jones, Plaid Cymru a fydd yn trafod blaenoriaethau a heriau eu pleidiau dros yr un cyfnod.
2-5pm, Coffi Co, Monday 5th November 2018
RSVP: susan@positif.cymru
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Interesting presentation from Daran Hill this morning to the Civil Engineering Contractors Association on politics and infrastructure in Wales


Os ydych yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr wythnos hon, dewch draw i Ystafell Pwyllgora 3 yn y Senedd bore Gwener am 10 i glywed Beti George yn cyfweld Eluned Morgan AC
******* If you're at the National Eisteddfod this week, come over to Committee Room 3 in the Senedd tomorrow at 10am where broadcaster Beti George will be interviewing Eluned Morgan AM.
... The event will be conducted through the medium of Welsh, but simultaneous translation will be available.
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End of term lunch with the grand dame of Positif and her favourite iced berries


Social Prescribing – From Concept to Prescription Tuesday 12th June 2018 6pm - 8pm Culture and Media Centre, Loudoun Square (CMC@Loudoun), Butetown, Cardiff CF10 5HW.
... Join us at our Positif Thinking seminar where Future Generations Commissioner Sophie Howe, Bethan Sayed AM and Jenny Rathbone AM will be joined by representatives from the Royal College of General Practitioners Wales and Working Links on a panel to discuss how social prescribing is taken forward in Wales.
Attendance is free. Please help publicise the event to maximise turnout. To confirm your place please RSVP to – susan@positif.cymru
**************************** Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol – O’r cysyniad i’r presgripsiwn, Dydd Mawrth 12fed Mehefin 2018 6yh – 8yh Canolfan Diwylliant a Chyfryngau, Sgwâr Loudoun, (CMC@Loudoun), Butetown, Caerdydd CF10 5HW.
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer seminar Positif Thinking ble bydd Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol, Sophie Howe, Bethan Sayed AC a Jenny Rathbone AC ynghyd a chynrychiolwyr o’r Coleg Brenhinol Meddygon Teulu a Working Links ar banel i drafod sut mae presgripsiynu cymdeithasol yn cael ei weithredu yng Nghymru.
Mynediad am ddim. Os gwelwch yn dda, rhannwch a hyrwyddwch y digwyddiad. I gadarnhau eich lle, ateber i susan@positif.cymru
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Started the old office clearout and selling a few pieces on Gumtree


Daran Hill shares his thoughts on the Welsh Labour deputy leadership election


We've spruced up the Positif logo to coincide with the launch of our new-look website - who likes the makeover?
Head over to www.positif.wales to browse the new site!

More about Positif

+44 (0)29 20 105296