Powys Children'S Library Services

About Powys Children'S Library Services

Developing and promoting confident readers in Powys



Mae heddiw'n Ddiwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel. Nod Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel yw ysbrydoli sgwrs genedlaethol am ddefnyddio technoleg mewn modd cyfrifol, parchus, beirniadol a chreadigol. Chwiliwch ein catalog am help a chyngor ...http://tiny.cc/pdsujz
Today is Safer Internet Day.... The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. Search our catalogue for help and advice…http://tiny.cc/pdsujz
See more


Ar ddiwedd Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant, dyma’ch atgoffa chi bod gan Wasanaeth Llyfrgelloedd Powys dewis eang o lyfrau i annog plant o bob oed i siarad am eu hemosiynau a’u teimladau.
As Children’s Mental Health Week ends, a reminder that Powys Library Service have a variety of books to encourage children of all ages to talk about their emotions and feelings.


Mae hi’n fis Michael Morpurgo mis Chwefror. Mae gennym amrywiaeth eang o’i lyfrau ar gael yn llyfrgelloedd Powys. Pa un yw eich ffefryn chi?
February is Michael Morpurgo month. We have a wide range of his books available from Powys Libraries. Which is your favourite?


This week is National Storytelling Week. Here are some of our favourite stories, what are yours?
Mae’r wythnos hon yn Wythnos Adrodd Stori. Dyma rai o’n hoff straeon, beth yw eich un chi?


Dydd Mercher Wednesday


Heddiw yw Diwrnod Cofio’r Holocost ac mae’n bwysig ein bod ni’n siarad â phlant am y cyfnod hwn yn ein hanes. Mae gan Lyfrgelloedd Powys ddewis o lyfrau sy’n addas i blant hŷn.
Today is Holocaust Memorial Day, and it's so important that we talk to children about this time in history. Powys Library Service have a selection of book suitable for older children.


Mae heddiw’n Ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Hoffech chi wybod rhagor am y Santes Gymreig? Ewch i gatalog y llyfrgell i weld pa lyfrau sydd ar gael. Today is Saint Dwynwen's Day. Want to know more about this Welsh saint? Visit the library catalogue to see what books we have available


Dydd Sadwrn yw dechrau’r Flwyddyn Newydd Tsieneaidd – Blwyddyn y Llygoden Fawr. Gallwch ddarganfod rhagor trwy fenthyg un o’r llyfrau yma o Lyfrgelloedd Powys
Saturday sees the start of the Chinese New Year - The Year of the Rat. Find out more by borrowing one of these books from Powys Libraries.

More about Powys Children'S Library Services

Powys Children'S Library Services is located at The Gwalia, Ithon Road, LD1 6AA Llandrindod Wells
01597 826884