Powysland Museum

About Powysland Museum

Local Museum for Montgomeryshire, Powys, Wales.

Powysland Museum Description

The museum depicts the archaeology and social history of Montgomeryshire as well as having an extensive programme of changing temporary exhibitions. The Education and Access Service runs activities for schools, colleges, nurseries and holiday clubs. We also work with older people in residential care and with leisure learning pursuits.



Rydym am rannu newyddion cyffrous gyda chi. Rydym hefyd am fanteisio ar y cyfle i ddiolch i’n cwsmeriaid am eu cefnogaeth hyd yma, a fydd rwy’n siwr yn parhau dros y cyfnod hwn o drawsnewid. Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu chi i’r Lanfa’n fuan iawn.
Here is some exciting news we'd like to share with you. We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for the support they have shown, and I'm sure will continue to show, to staff during this transition period, and we look forward to welcoming you to The Wharf very soon!


Os ydych chi’n chwilio am weithgareddau I’w gwneud yr haf yma tra bod Amgueddfa Powys wedi’I chau ar gyfer yr ailwampio, beth am roi cynnig ar rai o’r digwyddiadau llawn hwyl rydym wedi’u cynllunio ar gyfer Llyfrgell y Trallwng.
If you’re looking for activities to do with your children this summer while Powysland Museum is closed for refurbishment why not try some of the fun events planned at Welshpool Library.


Object of the Month- March: Memorabilia of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra by Curator Eva Bredsdorff
This month’s objects are memorabilia relating to King Edward and his wife Queen Alexandra. King Edward was born on the 9th November 1841, the oldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. On the 10th March 1863 he married the Danish princess Alexandra. She was born on the 1st December 1844 and was the oldest daughter of King Christian IX of Denmark and his wife Louise.
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Object of the Month - February: Helmet of the Montgomeryshire Yeomanry by Curator Eva Bredsdorff
This month’s object is an Officer’s helmet and plume of the Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry from the end of the 19th century.
During the late 18th century a fear of an invasion by Napoleon induced the government to order the formation of volunteer forces throughout the country. Montgomeryshire had The Regiment of Militia, The Volunteer Legion and The Yeomanry Cavalry. But with pe...ace in Europe most of these troops were disbanded in 1828. Only three years later social unrest caused by low wages, bad harvests and high prices forced the creation of new units including in 1831 The Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry.
This initial unit of the Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry consisted of 120 men formed in 3 troops from Welshpool, Montgomery and the Newtown and Abermule area. The Lieutenant Colonel was Charles Watkin Williams Wynn. The Cavalry took the red dragon as its badge and the motto ‘Anorchfygol’ – the Welsh word for invincible.
The Montgomeryshire Yeomanry was called out during several periods of unrest in the county, most notably during the Chartist movement in the 1830's and especially the 1839 rising in Llanidloes.
More peacefully the Yeomanry escorted the Princess Victoria and her mother, the Duchess of Kent at their visit to the county in the autumn of 1838. In 1896 members of the Yeomanry formed part of the escort for the Prince and Princess of Wales - later King Edward 7 and Queen Alexandra – at their visit to Machynlleth.
The Yeomanry saw action abroad during the Boer War from 1900 to 1901. The men were allowed 12 months leave from their employment to serve in South Africa. During this campaign the Yeomanry lost 17 men. It was honoured, when General Viscount Kitchener came to present medals to the troops in Powis Castle.
The Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry was renamed The Montgomeryshire Imperial Yeomanry in 1901 and the Montgomeryshire Territorial Yeomanry in 1908.
The Yeomanry was in action again during World War 1, during which they served in Egypt, Palestine and France. During the stay in Egypt the Yeomanry was amalgamated with the Welsh Horse Regiment to form the 25th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers. During the war the Yeomanry lost 24 officers and 92 men.
Due to financial problems and the losing importance of the horse in warfare the Yeomanry was disbanded in 1919. It held its last parade on the 20th of September 1920 in Welshpool.
The helmet is part of the museum’s display on the Montgomeryshire Yeomanry located in the Social History Gallery on the first floor at Powysland Museum. The museum is open weekdays except Wednesday from 11am-1pm and 2-5pm as well as Saturday 11am-2pm.
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Objects of the Month: January - Bronze Age beaker by Curator Eva Bredsdorff
This month’s object is again from the museum’s archaeological collection. It is a Bronze Age beaker, found 'under a large stone' apparently with a burial near Aberbechan Hall, Llanllwchaearn, near Newtown in the 1860s, but little else is known of its provenance.
It is a typical example of ‘Beaker pottery’ which was prevalent in Britain during the earlier Bronze Age period between 2.200 and 1.600 BC, ...replacing the 'grooved' ware of the Neolithic era.
This type of pottery seems to have come from and spread all over Western Europe, but no satisfactory theory has yet been found as to the origin of this type or for its rapid distribution. The pottery has a distinctive shape and decoration of geometric lines. The Beaker pottery was succeeded by food vessels and urn-types.
The drawing is from The Montgomeryshire Collections, Vol.III, p.426
The item can be found in the museum’s archaeological gallery on the first floor. The museum is open weekdays (except Wednesday) 11am-1pm and 2-5pm and on Saturday 11am-2pm.
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Grandfather clock returns to Wales from Texas to Powysland Museum
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Objects of the Month: December - Medieval seal matrix by Curator Eva Bredsdorff This month’s object is from the museum’s archaeological collection. Although it was donated to the museum some time ago, it has been for conservation at Cardiff University and for identification at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.
The object is a lead seal matrix found near Montgomery. It has an unusual shield-shaped form with rounded corners, engraved in crude Lombardic lettering, which h...as been read as OWN LLN WYIX. However, key elements to the usual layouts are missing: there is no star to mark the beginning of the inscription, and some identifiable letters appear to be upside down (e.g. LL), while others are not (A, C). The inscription appears to be a garbled copy of lettering to resemble a personal name, around a heraldic device. It is probably late thirteenth or early fourteenth century.
The matrix is now on display with another similar object: a fourteenth century copper-alloy seal matrix found at Arbennig, Cefnspin Lane, Welshpool. This one is an ecclesiastical pointed oval matrix, with the Blessed Virgin, crowned with Christ Child, seated beneath a gothic-type canopy. It has a plain border, engraved *S – (PR)E – DE… AB…IENN.. (‘Seal of the Precentor of …) in Lombardic lettering (some letters missing or indecipherable, and ‘Precentor’ is not certain).
Both objects can be found in the museum’s archaeological gallery on the first floor. The museum is open weekdays (except Wednesday) 11am-1pm and 2-5pm and on Saturday 11am-2pm.
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Christmas preparations @ Powysland Museum
This year Powysland Museum starts off the festive season on Saturday the 1st of December, when there will be Christmas crafts and activities at the museum. Children can make Christmas decorations for the home including a calendar candle, snowflakes and a fridge magnet.
... This is a drop-in session with activities available between 11.30am and 1.30pm. The activities are aimed at children age 3 and above and children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
The cost is £3 per child.
Booking is advisable as the session is limited to 12 children. Please book a place on 01938 554656.
This all takes place at Powysland Museum, The Canal Wharf, Welshpool – across from Morrisons
Opening hours: Weekdays – except Wednesday : 11am-1pm and 2-5pm Saturdays : 11am – 2pm
For further information contact the curator on 01938 554656 or powysland@powys.gov.uk
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Objects of the Month: November - Gas mask and gas attack kit as well as WW2 gas mask and case by Curator Eva Bredsdorff
This month’s objects again relate to the First World War as well as to the Second World War.
In April 1915 the Germans carried out an attack against Ypres. The maneuver had no strategic purpose, but was a way to try a new weapon: chlorine poison gas. At first the Allied reaction proved the success of the invention – the affected frontline was abandoned and t...he Allied troops thrown into a state of terror. But very soon the Allies had created antidotes and other methods of avoiding the gas and even worse had added the poison to their own munitions store.
In the longer term the inhumane use of poison against humans was used as allied propaganda, adding to the stories of barbaric treatment of people in occupied countries such as Belgium and Poland.
This psychological effect lasted well into the next world war. When war was declared in 1939, all British citizens were provided with a gasmask because it was believed that Hitler and his regime would be dropping gas bombs on the country – as is known now this threat never materialized but its origin came from World War 1.
The indicator kit for the presence of gas was used for bomb holes. A drop of chemical from the flask was placed on the paper, which was then lowered into the bomb hole. If the stain went black it indicated that there was gas present.
These objects and other war memorabilia are on display as part of Powysland Museum’s temporary exhibition and the last one to commemorate the First World War.
“The War to end all Wars”? continues at the museum until the 22nd of December.
The museum is open weekdays (except Wednesday) 11am-1pm and 2-5pm and on Saturday 11am-2pm.
From the 1st April 2018 Powys County Council introduced free admission in all its museums, so come and visit us.
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Halloween @ Powysland Museum
On Tuesday the 30th of October there will be Halloween crafts and activities including spiders, witches and black cats at Powysland Museum.
... This is a drop-in session with activities available between 11.30am and 2.00pm. The activities are aimed at children age 3 and above and children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
The cost is £3 per child.
Booking is advisable as the session is limited to 12 children. Please book a place on 01938 554656.
This all takes place at Powysland Museum, The Canal Wharf, Welshpool – across from Morrisons
Opening hours: Weekdays – except Wednesday : 11am-1pm and 2-5pm Saturdays : 11am – 2pm
For further information contact the curator on 01938 554656 or powysland@powys.gov.uk
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”World War 1: ”The War to end all Wars”?
2018 temporary exhibition commemorating World War 1... at Powysland Museum in Welshpool
5 October – 22 December 2017 2014 was the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War and museums and other organisations all over Britain and on the continent commemorated this event including Powysland Museum. Since then the museum has run an annual exhibition with the one in 2018 being the last one. The exhibitions have explored various aspects of World War 1 including: • The men of Montgomeryshire in 2014 • War Propaganda in 2015 • The Trenches in 2016 • The Home Front in 2017
This year the first part of the exhibition focuses on the Armistice, the soldiers, who returned home, the wounded and those that gave their lives for their country and for what was expected to be an ever-lasting peace. But it also takes a critical look at the costs of the war and the future it created, which certainly did not include world peace for long.
The displays in this part of the exhibition are based on the museum’s own collection of memorabilia and objects from World War 1, which has been the case for all the previous exhibitions.
However, this year the second part of the exhibition centres on objects and collections borrowed from local people and displays hitherto hidden stories about local men and women, who took part or were affected by the First World War.
We hope visitors will find the exhibition of interest.
Opening hours: Weekdays (except Wednesday) 11am-1pm and 2-5pm & Saturdays 11am-2pm
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Object of the Month - October: Dead Man’s Penny by Curator Eva Bredsdorff
This month’s objects are the memorial bronze plaques given to the next-of-kin of all British and Empire service personnel who were killed as a result of the war. The plaque came with a letter and a scroll signed by King George V. The plaque was also known as a “Dead Man’s Penny”
The design of the plaque was the result of a competition, held while the war still raged, although manufacture did not start ...until 1919. In 1917 a committee set up the competition for any British-born person to design a plaque to record the name of a fallen service man or woman from the British and Empire forces. There were more than 800 entries to the competition from within the United Kingdom, from countries in the British Empire and from the theatres of war. The winning design was by Mr Edward Carter Preston (1894-1965). His initials, E.CR.P, appear above the foot of the lion.
The design features the figure of Britannia facing to her left and holding a laurel wreath in her left hand. Underneath the laurel wreath is a box with the commemorated serviceman or woman’s name. The name was cast in raised relief on each plaque, achieved by a labour-intensive process not fully known today. In her right hand she is holding a trident. In representation of Britain's sea power there are two dolphins each facing Britannia on her left and right sides. A growling lion is standing in front of Britannia, with another much smaller lion under its feet, biting the German Imperial eagle.
Around the edge of the plaque are the words “He died for freedom and honour”. These words were specified by the design competition committee to be included in any design submitted.
These plaques and other war memorabilia will be on display from the 5th of October as part of Powysland Museum’s newest temporary exhibition and the last one to commemorate the First World War.
“The War to end all Wars”? is on at the museum until the 22nd of December.
The museum is open weekdays (except Wednesday) 11am-1pm and 2-5pm and on Saturday 11am-2pm.
From the 1st April 2018 Powys County Council introduced free admission in all its museums, so come and visit us.
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... Friday 5th October 10am – 2pm
Halls specialists Jeremy Lamond and James Forster are travelling over the border to offer confidential valuations and advice about selling at auction for £1 per item to help raise funds to support the Powysland Museum.
Visitors are invited to bring in their heirlooms, memorabilia, things from the attic or the back of the cupboard for the experts to explain and value, while the museum curator will be on hand to give advice on the care of the objects.
This is a walk-in service and no booking is necessary.
The museum is delighted to welcome the two experts to the museum and most grateful to Halls Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers for their generous support and looks forward to welcoming visitors with their artefacts to the museum.
For further details contact the museum on 01938 554656 or email powysland@powys.gov.uk
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Saving Treasures; Telling Stories. “Archaeological Jewellery”
... Wednesday the 19th of September 4.30 – 7pm @ Powysland Museum in Welshpool
As part of Powysland Museum’s temporary exhibition on archaeological jewellery the museum is holding a ‘Finds Day’ where visitors can bring in objects they have found and which they would like identified.
So if you have found something while digging the allotment? Turned up something intriguing in your back yard? Had something on the shelf for years but not quite sure what it is? Then this event is for you.
Experts from Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust and CADW will be on hand to explain your finds and give you more information.
Please note the experts will not be able to give a monetary value.
This event and the museum’s temporary exhibition is part of “Saving Treasures; Telling Stories” - an all-Wales Project about bringing archaeology to life and enabling community engagement. It is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and administered by Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales in partnership with the Federation of Museums and Galleries in Wales and the Portable Antiquities Scheme in Wales.
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More about Powysland Museum

Powysland Museum is located at The Canal Wharf, SY21 7AQ Welshpool
01938 554656