
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Promo-Cymru

We empower people and communities to create positive change.

Everything starts with a conversation.

Promo-Cymru Description

We empower people and communities to create positive change.

Everything starts with a conversation.



. . Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, ... art is knowing which ones to keep . Scott Adams
Ō£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£ŻŌ£Ż . . Creadigrwydd yw caniat├Īu eich hun i wneud camgymeriadau, celf yw gwybod pa rai i'w cadw . Scott Adams
#inspirationalwednesdays #charities #not-for-profit #creativity #inspiration #art #promocymru #wales #uk #giveback #socialgood #community
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ŌÅ║’ĖÅ Doing Voice Recording ­¤ÄÖ’ĖÅfor the new Ad
These young people were super professional: #dubbing requires a lot of rehearsal to get to the perfect clip. Even the smallest outside noise can be a disturbance in the recording room. It's often best to wait for the quietest moment to record.
... Discussing the script with the dubbers before starting to record is essential to refine the script, decide the tone of voice and attitude of each character
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Promo Cymru produces advertising videos for charities. Check out our previous work here ­¤öĮ
#recordingstudio #voicerecording #charities #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #notforprofit #communication #promocymru #wales #uk #charitymarketing #charitybrand #videomakingtips #giveback #socialgood #community
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­ØÉ¢­ØÉó­ØÉŁ­ØÉĪ ­Ø¤¢­Ø¤É% ­ØÉ©­Øɤ ­ØÉŁ­ØÉĪ­ØÉ× ­ØÉ░­ØÉ©­Øɽ­ØÉź­ØÉØ'­Øɼ ­ØÉó­Øɦ­ØÉŁ­ØÉ×­Øɽ­Øɦ­ØÉ×­ØÉŁ ­ØÉŁ­Øɽ­ØÉÜ­Øɤ­Øɤ­ØÉó­ØÉ£ ­ØÉ£­ØÉ©­ØÉ”­ØÉó­Øɦ­ØÉĀ ­Øɤ­Øɽ­ØÉ©­ØÉ” ­ØÉ»­ØÉó­ØÉØ­ØÉ×­ØÉ© ­ØÉ£­ØÉ©­Øɦ­ØÉŁ­ØÉ×­Øɦ­ØÉŁ ­ØÉø­ØÉ▓ ­Ø¤É­Ø¤Ä­Ø¤É­Ø¤É, ­ØÉ»­ØÉó­ØÉØ­ØÉ×­ØÉ© #­Øɼ­ØÉŁ­ØÉ©­Øɽ­ØÉ▓­ØÉŁ­ØÉ×­ØÉź­ØÉź­ØÉó ­Øɦ­ØÉĀ ­ØÉó­Øɼ ­ØÉÜ­Øɦ ­ØÉ×­ØÉ▒­ØÉ£­ØÉ×­ØÉź­ØÉź­ØÉ×­Øɦ­ØÉŁ ­ØÉŁ­ØÉ©­ØÉ©­ØÉź ­ØÉŁ­ØÉ© ­ØÉ£­ØÉ©­Øɦ­ØÉ»­ØÉ×­ØÉ▓ ­ØÉ”­ØÉ×­ØÉÜ­Øɦ­ØÉó­Øɦ­ØÉĀ­Øɤ­ØÉ«­ØÉź ­ØÉ”­ØÉ×­Øɼ­Øɼ­ØÉÜ­ØÉĀ­ØÉ×­Øɼ ­ØÉŁ­ØÉ© ­ØÉÜ­Øɦ ­ØÉÜ­ØÉ«­ØÉØ­ØÉó­ØÉ×­Øɦ­ØÉ£­ØÉ×
­¤æē Even the most complex concepts can easily be explained in a few clips, where speaking matches with and supports pictures to facilitate understanding
... ­¤æē #Emotional messages are best communicated through videos: the tone of voice, the music and the pictures used can effectively impact on the viewer's state of mind. Words can easily be forgotten, feelings cannot, that's why they're more likely to lead people to action.
­¤æē The average human attention span has fallen from 20 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2019. This is a challenge for charities who need to raise attention on important issues. Videos can engage people more easily than written content, and that is particularly true of young people audiences.
ProMo-Cymru produces advertising videos for charities. Check out our previous work here>
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­¤æē Gellir egluro'r cysyniadau mwyaf cymhleth yn hawdd mewn ychydig glipiau, pan fydd siarad yn cefnogi ac yn cyd-fynd ├ó lluniau i hwyluso dealltwriaeth
­¤æē Y ffordd orau i gyfathrebu negeseuon #emosiynol ydy trwy fideo: mae t├┤n y llais, y gerddoriaeth a'r lluniau defnyddir yn gallu cael effaith ar gyflwr meddwl y gwyliwr. Gellir anghofio geiriau'n hawdd, ond nid teimladau, dyna pam eu bod yn fwy tebygol o annog pobl i weithredu
­¤æē Mae cyfnod canolbwyntio person arferol wedi disgyn o 20 eiliad yn 2000 i 8 eiliad yn 2019. Mae hyn yn her i elusennau sydd angen codi ymwybyddiaeth o faterion pwysig. Gall fideo gysylltu ├ó phobl yn haws na chynnwys ysgrifenedig, ac mae hyn yn arbennig o wir ymysg cynulleidfaoedd pobl ifanc
Mae ProMo-Cymru yn cynhyrchu fideos hysbysebu i elusennau. Ewch draw i weld ein gwaith blaenorol yma >
#charities #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #notforprofit #communication #promocymru #wales #uk #charitymarketing #charitybrand #marketingtips #giveback #socialgood #community
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Our Mobile Video Production Training attendees yesterday #learned one of the most important rules of #videomaking:
_______ß┤ø╩£ß┤ć 180 ß┤ģß┤ć╔ó╩Ćß┤ćß┤ć ╩Ćß┤£╩¤ß┤ć_______
When filming two people in a scene, it's useful to draw an imaginary line crossing them. That way, the people are positioned on the same line, which splits the filming space into two sides: two 180 degree angles.
... When the camera is on the same side of the filming space, it gives a sense of orientation to the viewer. Breaking this rule, moving the camera from one side to the other, achieves a feeling of chaos. Being aware of these tricks is essential to convey the right meaning when filming a scene.
#videotraining #mobilevideomaking #promocymru #charities #videomarketing #advertising #marketing #notforprofit #communication #promocymru #wales #uk #charitymarketing #charitybrand #videomarketingtips #giveback #socialgood #community #videomakingtips #videostorytelling #videomakingtips #tipsandtricks
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#charities #notforprofit #communication #promocymru #wales #uk #giveback #socialgood #community


­¤Äź ­¤Ä¼ Ō£Ź’ĖÅStoryline building is one of the most time-consuming phases of film production. It takes a lot of effort to come up with interesting ideas, but it's worthwhile to watch how creative people can get when working together . On right now: Video Training @ ProMo-Cymru . #groupwork #creativity #filmproduction #videotraining #videomaking #learning #course


#GoodMorning #charities #learning #teaching #communication #promocymru #wales #uk #giveback #socialgood #community


Rydym yn lansio MIEG yfory, gwasanaeth llinell gymorth eiriolaeth newydd yn cefnogi trigolion Gwent i ddeall eu hopsiynau a chael mwy o reolaeth dros eu gofal cymdeithasol a gwasanaethau cefnogol. Gwent Regional Partnership Dewiscil Age Cymru Gwent Training in Mind NYAS Caerphilly People First All Wales People First
Darganfyddwchwy: rth-eiriolaeth-nŌĆ”/ŌĆ”


We are launching GATA, a new advocacy service helpline tomorrow, supporting people in Gwent to understand their options and have more control over their social care and support services. Gwent Regional Partnership Dewis CIL Age Cymru Gwent Training in Mind NYAS Caerphilly People First All Wales People First
Find out more: ce-helpline-for-gŌĆ”/


Really looking forward to this training next week - we always have great fun with Monmouthshire - A County That Serves and cover a great deal in the sessions!
There's still time to join us in #Newport - follow the link for more info.
Newport Volunteer Centre - GAVO // Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations - GAVO // Newport Centre


Accredited Video Training during Oct half-term for young people living in Cardiff, run by TheSprout! Sign up now! Places are limited!


Some great work going on with volunteers learning blogging skills at our cultural community building in Ebbw Vale. #LDTgrants Ebbw Vale Institute WCVA


Mae ProMo-Cymru yn recriwtio staff llinell gymorth sesiynol i ddarparu cymorth dros dro, yn trosglwyddo gwybodaeth, cyngor, cymorth ac eiriolaeth yn canolbwyntio ar y person ac wediŌĆÖi selio ar hawliau. Diddordeb? Gwybodaeth bellach yn ein hadran swyddi gwag: o/swyddi/?lang=cy


ProMo-Cymru is recruiting sessional helpline staff to provide back up cover, delivering rights based and person centred information, advice, assistance and advocacy helpline services. Interested? Find out more in our vacancies section:


Bu ProMo-Cymru yn cefnogi Cadwyn Housing Association a Merthyr Valleys Homes i adolygu'r ffordd maent yn ymgysylltu ac yn cynnwys eu tenantiaid. Darganfyddwch sut helpom i roi cyfle i denantiaid yng Nghaerdydd a Merthyr i gael dweud eu dweud:


ProMo-Cymru recently supported Cadwyn Housing Association and Merthyr Valleys Homes to review the way they engaged with and involved their tenants. Find out how we helped give tenants in Cardiff and Merthyr a chance to have their say:


Looking for male voice actor sounding in their 20ŌĆÖs ŌĆō 30ŌĆÖs for PHW Sexual Health instructions video. Fluent Welsh and English speaker. Voice-over tone: friendly professional The script length is 1 page in English and 1 page in Welsh. So we think it will take about an hour to record it bilingually. We can offer ┬Ż30 or voucher of the same value.
... Dates & Locations: At the earliest convenience, before 27th of July if possible. Cardiff Bay High-quality audio files could be recorded remotely in a home studio and sent to in-house production team.
If interested, please email for more details.
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Do you work with any young people who would benefit from free training happening in the @ebbwvaleEVI this summer?
Ydych chi'n gweithio gyda phobl ifanc fydda'n buddio o hyfforddiant am ddim yn yr @ebbwvaleEVI dros yr haf?

More about Promo-Cymru

Promo-Cymru is located at 17 West Bute Street, CF10 5EP Cardiff
029 2046 2222
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -