Python Programming Community

About Python Programming Community

Welcome to the Python Programming Community - This page is designed for people who are involved with the Python programming language.

Python Programming Community Description

Python Programming Community is a general discussion and chat page for anyone who uses Python (A computer programming language) From beginners to fully experienced users, the page is intended to be a source of advice, help, and general chit-chat. As long as the general topic of talk is Python related, it doesn't matter what the subject of discussion is. If you need help or advice, this page will hopefully provide a means to that. If you want to find a way around a specific error, you can post it here and see if anyone can help. I don't want people to abuse it (getting FULL assignments done for them) but the idea is to help others and learn - so don't be afraid to ask for help with something Python related.

As it's a community page, if you wanted to just introduce yourself and share your Python story / experiences that would be fine. I actually encourage it.

I hope this page gets used, and I will not censor or block any posts - unless I think they are completely off-topic, inappropriate, abusive, or if people are trying to get assignments done without putting the work in themselves.

If you have any issues or questions please don't hesitate to message me!

I hope you all enjoy the page, and Happy-Coding!



Stay safe everyone during these difficult times.
I am grateful to the healthcare and hospital workers but its also the tech minded people who keep things like the internet, communications and our software we depend upon so much running and maintained.
Without you guys we wouldn't be able to tolerate isolation for long periods of time so a big thank you to all those who work in these areas as-well.
... I hope you all remain well x
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Some really cool Python T-Shirts here - for everyone :) ming+t-shirts


When my two main interests combine - Programming and Gaming!
Nvidia are using Python and Anaconda to develop AI, machine learning and GPU accelerated computing alongside their Graphics hardware.
This is the sort of thing I would love to get involved with after graduating :)
... python
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I am studying Computing and IT in University and today I found out we are going to be doing a lot of Python stuff this term!!!
I am just starting Stage 2 of my degree, and up to now the programming side of things has been quite basic with software like Scratch and RobotLab (an environment for programming Lego mindstorm kits, with a programmable onscreen robot as-well). We have covered basics like loops, functions, algorithms and some neural network programming too. The rest o...f the course has been more Linux and networking based stuff with the internet being the main subject and I have been anxiously waiting to get coding - I thought we would be doing some Java but had no idea Python would be a big part of this course :)
Anyway the next course has gone live this morning, and I was VERY happy to see that we are doing a lot of Python related programming this term! Python was what started it all off for me and is the reason I ended up working towards a degree! Here is the first 2 weeks schedule :)
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Teach them Python from a young age :)


I have made a wordlist/dictionary generator that stores the list into a text file...
Here's my problem:
I ran the script for every possible combination of 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
... In 10 character long strings. You can probably guess the problem here.
The output.txt file was 35GB then crashed due to lack of HDD space, and no program will even open a text file this size. I don't even know how far it got through the alphabet when it crashed out at 35GB!
I was thinking about using crunch to do this on the fly in a shell, and normally would do this, but the circumstances of what I'm doing doesn't allow me I need my own dictionary files ready made.
Basically, I want to edit my existing program to ONLY generate and store results beginning with 'A'.
I will then go through each letter individually and eventually have a list of dictionary files in alphabetical order
I will paste the code into pastetbin:
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I have been looking at various Python API's for SMS...
Theres a few out there but has anyone had any luck in the UK? because every service I attempt to use is not set-up in the UK yet
Let me know if you have had any more luck than me :)


Hi all, sorry its been a little while.
Has anyone looked into this yet? thoughts appreciated, and I would love to hear any reviews or reports from any end-users who have tried and tested this out, both with any pros and cons :) stribution…


As an addition to my previous post. Here's the sort of thing I do with youtube - very basic, no audio, I use the free music samples provided by YouTubes copyrighted music feature, ALL of the editing is done within youtubes basic creator studio, the content itself is recorded with a trial of a program and leaves a watermark mesage across the screen saying the program is unregistered, and it is all very basic.
I want to be able to talk through what I am doing line by line of just using notepad and Python itself to write information - the description of the video will usually have a link to my GitHub page, usually a repo made for the video.
I had a free screen recorder on a Linux distro I was using, but Ive switched ot Windows for compatability with University work and software so I am struggling because although Windows has some very good software, it usually comes at a price. I would love to pay for an all in one screen recorder and video editor to make professional videos!
If I could make high quality tutorials I could even generate an income from YouTube directly.
Let me know your thoughts.
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Hi coders and codettes, sorry for the long post....
I had an idea, and was thinking about using this community page to get it out there. This is not me whinging about money so please just bare with me.
I have been helping people with Python for about 2 years or more now. I write booklets, create videos, interact one on one with people, and it takes up a lot of my time. I do it all for non-profit, in my free time between studying, and don't make a penny out of doing what I l...ove.
I am also studying on the side trying to get a degree so I can get a job in Software Development of some sort in the future. So anyway, I don't get paid for anything I do, I have never asked for donations, or charged for my books.
My partner thinks that with some work my books could be sold, I disagree because I want knowledge to be free to those who want to learn it, but she is right in a sense. I don't make or contribute any money doing what I do. Now, the videos I make are poor quality, but they get views and have helped a lot of people. I screen record, with no audio, I don't have a camera or mic, or any decent editing software for the YouTube channel, I could do so much more if I had a decent set-up for video creating.
I could even make a course for Udemy.
So I was thinking about trying this out. I am going to write a series of books, based on an idea I had before - I wrote a small PDF booklet called "The Power Of Python" , the overall theme was for beginners to do a LOT with a little, all programs under say 30 lines that do things which are visually quite powerful.
If this book made me enough to buy a camera or mic, say £100, I would go on to make better YouTube videos for free as usual, make a course that would generate some income, and continue to help people as much as possible for free as I want it to be.
I don't want this page to become an advertisement for my stuff, and I don't want people to think they can't ask for advice on here for free anymore, but I have to do something, and soon. My situation isn't good at the moment.
So if any of you would object to me using this community page to post a book for sale every so often, let me know and I will take it into consideration.
If any of you have ideas for books and content you want me to cover let me know.
And if any of you have any advice on what I can do to improve my situation I would welcome the advice. My overall goal is a website to act as a Hub for everything.
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Hi everyone, you will be seeing more of me now I am back on track with things - I will be posting new content, and working on my own tutorial PDF and video series for beginners to Python - all for free of course - and let me know if you want me to cover anything specific
As always, feel free to use the community page for anything (as-long as it's not spam) and if you want more 1 on 1 advice or tutorials, remember to inbox me through the page and we can go from there


Could you call a Randomly generated mess of shapes and colours Art? If a person did it the answer is yes, but what about a Python program? Technically it is just doing as it is told.
Here is one definition of Art: "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power"
... So the above says it is a Human thing.
I am messing around with this idea as part of a Uni activity. We are covering the moral side of AI and robotics. Looking at why we humanise them, give them faces etc. I already have this Pycasso Art Creator on my git-hub from a while back.
It is a very simple program, written as a tutorial exercise for someone - just a Pygame window, black background, and a random choice of 3 colours, applied to a random size and positioning of squares and circles. I planned to add a little RGB generator function so it can create any combination of colours.
Let me know your thoughts on whether this could be called art :)

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Hey everyone, unfortunately lately the only time I've posted has been to apologise for not posting. Well here's another one.
I am now studying full time at University, so between that and other things my time is very limited.
I am really enjoying University though, I am studying full time towards a Degree in Computing and IT :) So far it has been brilliant. I am currently learning about robotics and AI programming, and will have a choice of direction into where I want to go wise at some point (General programming or Internet based programming and Networking).
Not a lot of Python on my course though unfortunately, I am doing more Java based programming but I have really enjoyed learning a new thing Java has taught me though - How much I love Python in comparison! but each have their pros and cons and I am learning that Java is pretty cool in some areas.
Anyway I apologise for late replies or not being able to reply to some questions asap, I am going to start going through them and replying bit by bit. I will keep you all posted with my course and how it's going, and who knows, towards the end of my course I may be able to sneak some Python into my final project :)
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Things are looking positive. I am enrolled for full time University, in Computing and IT. I will be able to get a degree in Computer Science, and the modules cover things like computer science, digital technologies, software development, web development, networking and more - I start in February, and will be doing full time Uni for 3 years...I am one Happy Chappy :) ons/q62


Found this collection of PDF books, some are a few years old now, but I have still found a few really good ones in there
Theres a HUGE resource of other materials in there too ;)


Check out this website guys, and they have an App that goes with it (I have it for Android, not sure about other platforms)
All courses are FREE, and they have many languages to get stuck into other than Python! I started with the Free App and did a Python 3 course...and it is really good.
I would say that you need at least a basic understanding of how to write, save and run Python code, even if it is just in IDLE....and although the app is very good, I definitely recommend ...using the desktop version so you can open up a Shell and tinker around with the code from the courses as you go!
The app allows you to progress on your courses while offline, but both desktop and app are identical. You go through each topic/section and answer questions, then they have a quiz at the end of each topic...
They have a built in API for you to write, run, and share any Python code, and have a Code Playground where people set challenges that need solving with programming!
No pressure, you can progress t your own pace, and get rewarded with an XP system the more you advance.
I've also taken a look at the SQL, C++, and Java versions as I like to look at other languages to see how the same things work with different input. They have a lot of courses, also including things like Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, C, C# and more!
I have messed around with, and completed a lot of these free online courses and some have been great while others have been a waste of time.
This one is up there with my favourite so far... it has even got me delving into new languages out of curiosity!!! GO check it out guys...Happy Coding :)
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Could you call a Randomly generated mess of shapes and colours Art? If a person did it the answer is yes, but what about a Python program? Technically it is just doing as it is told.
Here is one definition of Art: "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power"
... So the above says it is a Human thing.
I am messing around with this idea as part of a Uni activity. We are covering the moral side of AI and robotics. Looking at why we humanise them, give them faces etc. I already have this Pycasso Art Creator on my git-hub from a while back.
It is a very simple program, written as a tutorial exercise for someone - just a Pygame window, black background, and a random choice of 3 colours, applied to a random size and positioning of squares and circles. I planned to add a little RGB generator function so it can create any combination of colours.
Let me know your thoughts on whether this could be called art :)

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