Rainbow And The Droplets



SPECIAL OFFERS GALORE!!!!!! Sooooooo today is Young Living Day! All round the world there are YL Rally's going on. We have seen the new Christmas Catalogue with lots of limited time products, plus lots of NEW European products have been launched, including 6 new Plus oils, Life 9 probiotic, Lavender Honey (it's produced by the bees that live at the lavender farms, so tastes of lavender!!! 😍) & Einkorm flour (an ancient grain that is great for many with wheat issues). Not ONL...Y that though, but if you order this weekend by phone or email then YL will cover the shipping if your order is over 150PV.....that includes brand new members buying the fabulous Premium Starter Kit that I'm always raving about (12 oils, an ultrasonic diffuser & other esxtras) . To get the free shipping discount, then you just need to add a few more items to get your order up to 150PV (PV= product value & is linked to the US price). Below is a good suggestion of some great products to add- the wonderful toxic free Thieves Cleaner (that we use for all our household cleaning needs & it smells gorgeously of cinnamon, lemon, clove, eucalyptus & rosemary!!), the Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, Thieves Hand Sanitizer & Cedarwood (a great oil to help improve sleep). PLUS I'll even presonally refund a further £10 this weekend only for new members! Message me for more details 😁
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It's that time of the month when Clary Sage becomes my best friend!! Since consistently using the hormonal support oils, then AF's monthly visit is much easier & less dramatic than it used to be, but those first two days still have me wanting to hide away & hug a hot water bottle to my belly......& that's where Clary Sage helps me! I dilute a few drops with carrier oil, massage it on & then get on with my life, forgetting that my period is here, as it works that well! 💋


What do you wish you had an abundance of? This gorgeously exotic blend was made to enhance magnetic energy and to create the law of attraction through the magnetic field around us. I was quite dubious at first. I'm mean, what kind of woo woo was that? I got my bottle free as a monthly promotion, so used it as it contained lots of immune boosting oils.....an abundance of health is good too! Then I kept stumbling across more & more different things about the power of intention & belief. So I would state my goal, imagine it fully coming true, apply this lovely spicy blend........& more often than not it would happen, no matter how impossible the original goal seemed at the time! It's a magical oil that I love! 💓


Let's have a quick flash sale! Today & tomorrow only 👍 All it takes is a yes to change your life for the better (& yeah, I know that sounds super cheesy, but honestly these oils HAVE changed mine & my families lives in incredible ways!! 🌈)


So, the change of season caught us unawares! Normally during the colder times, we diffuse Thieves & other immune boosting oils every day. Plus we all have a pre-diluted roller of immune support oils by our beds to roll on our feet each & every night. And we take a shot of the awesome Ningxia Red antioxidant & immune boosting fruit drink each day (the kids get it hidden in daily smoothies!) As I said, the change of season caught us up & we had not got back into the habit of d...aily preventative measures & sure enough, hubbie is now a slight snot monster & the younger 2 boys caught the vomiting bug that is doing the rounds. I instantly grabbed all the relevant oils, got every diffuser in the house going, applied topically several times a day while alternating through the different immune boosting oils & blends, got them to drink their Ningxia Red & for hubbie to take Inner Defence capsules....... all 3 of them have only suffered extremely mildly compared to other people around us. The boys both only vomited once & then were absolutely fine, compared with friends who were ill for an entire day with it! (Digize blend is the one you NEED for any sorts of digestive issues!!! 😉) I sooooooo love that even when the odd lurgie does get through to us, then we have the tools to fight it hard & knock it out quick! Plus Thieves makes everything smell soooooo good & autumny, with it's blend of cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus & rosemary!! 😍 P.S look out for an offer on the Premium Starter Kit later today, & check out the link in my profile for an online Natural Living class tomorrow night 👍
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Transformation.....are you ready to blossom into the person you have always meant to be? I've been really struggling lately & have been hiding away form the world, including on all social media. I thank everyone for their patience during this time. ☺️ I got a new book the other day, describing how to use essential oils to release emotional blocks & trauma (it's called Aroma Freedom Technique) & I'm suddenly feeling so much lighter & free! It's pretty amazing, after 2-3 mont...hs of feeling like I'm wallowing through a thick sticky black sludge!! I'm hoping to start the certification training soon, as I have been so blown away by the positive results & would love to help others too. This oil, Transformation blend, is one of the key oils that you use during the technique & I'm so thankful to Dr Perkus for developing this practice, as I am blown away at just how different I feel to how I have been the last few months!! So I'm back & excited to continue on my teaching mission about essential oils, as once again they have changed my world for the better! I'm holding an online Facebook class tomorrow night (link in my profile) & look out today for a flash sale on the bargainacious (that's totally a word!!) Premium Starter Kit! #aromafreedomtechnique #mentalfreedom #beyou #newbeginings
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Today I'm definitely in need of Clarity & its ability to help mental alertness & memory retention! 🤓 What's your oil of the day or what need would you like some help with?


Who else has a brain that runs too fast? 🙋 Last night I could not shut off. A million & one things were going round & round & round my brain....... Had I forgotten the family dentist appointment ?!? I wonder which of the boys will next lose a baby tooth? I hope the tooth fairy remembers to come this time! ... Do you think the tooth fairy has kept up with modern technologies? Does she use sat nav to find the addresses? Does she have an app on her phone that alerts her when a child loses a tooth? In the future, do you think she could have Star Trek like transporters that just zap the tooth away & she could work from home in her pyjamas while drinking wine & no body would know.......
When I got to this stage in my mind wanderings, then I reached for the bottle of Vetiver on my bedside table. It is a natural tranquilizer when inhaled & can stop even MY brain from traveling at a 100mph!!! I tend to dab a small drop just inside my nose, but I have heard others swear that a drop on the third eye chakra is awesome too. I really like diffusing it with orange & cedarwood too.....as that combo knocks my 5 year olds brain out! 😉 Apparently, not only is it calming, grounding & stabilising it can also help to enlarge breasts when mixed with geranium & ylang ylang! 😮😁 #doesthetoothfairyusesatnav
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Let's do this....... My youngest has gone to Nanny's house for the day & I have a To Do list that is rolling out the door & down the hill 🤦‍♀️ I've been putting off a big horrible job (filling in my eldest DLA renewal form), so I've slapped on some Motivation blend & am going to get it done! This is a combination of roman chamomile, spruce, ylang ylang & lavender to help overcome fear & procrastination. Which is just what I need today!! 👩‍💻


I'm really digging Young Livings lip balms lately. Not only are they lovely & moisturising, but contain healing oils too AND taste good too!! 💋 Which is your favourite?


7/7 Inner Child This is one of my favourite blends. It contains orange, tangerine, Jasmine, ylang ylang, spruce, sandalwood, lemongrass & neroli. The sweet fragrance can be used aromatically to encourage you to connect with your authentic self. Apply 1 drop of the oil below your nose to open the pathway to your inner self.
This is the last post in my series on the Feelings Kit. It is £153.60 at wholesale, which is a discount on buying the oils individually, especially as so many of them contain very expensive single oils. If that is too high a price right now for you, then personally I would recommend either getting any that really spoke to you, or Valor, Release, Inner Child & Forgiveness would be my top initial choices in an emotional wellness kit 😊


6/7 Present Time When we live in the past or dwell on the future, we are not being productive in the present. Energise three drops of Present Time by making clockwise circles in the oil in the palm of your hand & then apply it to your thymus (the glands just under your sternum or breastbone).


5/7 Release Release combines uplifting, calming oils that help stimulate a sense of peace & emotional well-being, which in turn facilitate the ability to release anger & frustration. It is believed that negative energy goes into the blood & then into the liver for cleansing, where the toxins can remain trapped.Thus, the liver energetically becomes a storage place for anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, envy,addictions and a host of destructive feelings. Apply a few drops of Release over the liver, just below the rib cage on the right. Drink lots of water & do a liver cleanse if possible.


4/7 Forgiveness "Forgiving someone doesn't mean that their behaviour was "OK." What it does mean is that we are ready to move on. To release the heavy weight. To shape our own life, on our terms, without any unnecessary burdens." Dr. Suzanne Gelb
This lovely powerful blend contains a synergistic blend of soothing & uplifting oils that may enhance the ability to release hurtful memories & move beyond emotional barriers. Again this blend contains some of the expensive single oi...ls like Melissa, sandalwood, jasmine, ylang ylang, helichrysum & rose. Apply Forgiveness oil around the naval with the right hand going clockwise several times & think of situations where you need to forgive yourself or others. We beat up on ourselves, but everyone makes mistakes. Yet we struggle to forgive our own mistakes & those of others. Unforgiveness is one of the most common roots of physical, mental & spiritual disease. Unforgiveness does not make the offending party sick. It makes US sick! Forgiveness is for our own benefit. It is accomplished in five steps 1. Forgive yourself for allowing the person to affect your health & happiness 3. Forgive the other person any harm he or she may have caused you (this need not be done directly with the person being forgiven, but is an inner adjustment on your part) 4. Give the other person permission to forgive you 5. See the good in the situation 6. Be thankful for the experience & the lesson it taught you. Inhale & apply Forgiveness oil whilst going through the steps & repeat as often as necessary to clear feelings of unforgiveness.
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3/7 Harmony Next in The Feelings Kit we have the wondefully exquisite blend, Harmony. It contains a whopping 17 different oils, many of them some of the most expensive single oils, like rose, jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang & frankinsence. It helps to promote physical & emotional well-being by bringing harmonic balance to the energy centres of the body. For the 30 day feelings protocol we are told to massage one drop on each of the energy centre points of your body (chakra ...points). These are tailbone (base of spine), naval (below belly button), solar plexus (upper abdomen), heart, throat, third eye (between eyebrows) & crown (top of head). You can also apply drops along the spine exactly opposite the energy centres just described. Harmony oil helps our bodies nervous system maintain balance. This, in turn, gives us positive creativity & feelings of confidence.
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2/7 Valor 2 Valor can bring about feelings of calmness, peace & relaxation, whilst also helping us overcome fear & opposition. (It's also known as a chiropractor in a bottle, as it has been found beneficial in helping to align the physical structure of the body.....but we are talking about Feelings here! 😉). It also balances & equalises the bodies energies thereby increasing oxygen intake (& is why it's a key oil used in the Raindrop Technique massage). For the 30 day protocol it is recommended to rub it onto the soles of both feet at nighttime. This blend is effective in erasing limited beliefs & can be combined with Highest Potential (available separately) for an even greater effect. You'll wake up in the morning more self assured & more alive to start the day 👊👍😁


The Feelings Kit......a whole lot of self love in a box! 😍 Post 1/7 As promised yesterday, I want to talk about the wonderful Feelings Kit & go through all the oils that come in it. Too many of us do not look after our emotional health & quite often this results in physical issues later on. We all need to value ourselves enough to look after our minds as well as our bodies! The Feelings Kit features six 5ml essential oils blends, that were formulated by Dr Gary Young to pr...omote emotional clearance & self renewal. Many have found that not only do the oils have a pleasing aroma, but are also the most effective in supporting & releasing emotions. I will run through each of the 6 oils in my next 6 posts & how Gary recommended they can be used as a daily routine. Personally I found that they helped me process things much faster & in a much healthier way than I have in the past. My personal little black cloud used to descend & would stay around for weeks, if not months. Last week I had 1 REALLY bad day (I had been too busy to use my oils or eat healthy while away), which made me start the routine the next day & then I felt much stronger just 2 days later. There is no way in the past would I have managed to drag myself out that fast. It would have been weeks! My husband said he felt lighter & less weighed down by life's daily things when he used the kit for a month. He found him self singing & dancing round the kitchen & in the shower, which he had not done for months! To think I didn't believe in the hipppy dippy emotional aspects of oils when I got started!! 🤦‍♀️
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My phone is fixed & I'm back!! Did you miss me? 😘 So I'm back to continue teaching about these wonderful oils 😍 While away I got triggered badly & it resulted in some pretty big PTSD flashbacks. I've debated about talking about my struggles, but I figure my main reason that I lurrrvvveee my oils business is that I can help others improve their lives.....& I know there are (far too many) others out there struggling emotionally 😚 These 2 oils are my immediate go to's when I get flashbacks to my trauma. I also started doing the Feelings Kit, which has a daily routine with 6 blends of oils. I'm going to start a session of posts on this wonderful kit tomorrow, as it has changed mine & my husbands emotional health for the better. If you would like to know more about these two oils, Trauma Life & SARA, then comment below or DM me 😊

More about Rainbow And The Droplets

Rainbow And The Droplets is located at Trelay Farm, EX23 0NJ Bude