Rebellion Strength Personal Training

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00

About Rebellion Strength Personal Training

The journey to the 'Strongest you' starts today!

Rebellion Strength is a Personal Training company dedicated to making you stronger and fitter.

Rebellion Strength Personal Training Description

Personal Training service providing:

- Personal Training
- Diet and Nutrition Advice
- Remote Programming
- Lifting Seminars
- Motivational Support

Please contact Rogan Allport via:

Mobile: 07545955557



Do what you love, with the people you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. . #rebellionstrength


12 weeks ago, @kainowen_sfc and I took on three amazing ladies for a brand new challenge. . The goal? . The best shape of their lives for a photoshoot on May 2nd 2019.... . Today was that day. . To say I am proud of how all three of them have done would be an understatement. . They smashed their goals, looked fantastic, and above everything else pushed passed their comfort zones. . I can’t wait to reveal more on what has been an amazing journey once we get the photos back. . A couple of special thank yous. . Thank you to Jon @gsdmediauk for his amazing photography skills this morning, and for putting the girls at ease for their first ever shoot. It was an amazing experience for them. . Thank you to Kain. You are a true friend and an outstanding coach. To have you as a sounding board during this process has been a privilege. . And lastly, thank you to my client @rachelleighalderman for digging deep when she needed to. Laughing when she wanted to cry. And for always being a highlight of my life and my week. . I am so proud of what you have accomplished, and can’t wait to show the world more of your success. . #rebellionstrength
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“Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, and dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love.” - Vince Lombardi . #rebellionstrength


Technique is important. . Arguably it’s the most important thing. But technique that isn’t tested allows for little to no adaptation. . Remember that the prettiest steel was still forged with hammers and flame.... . If you never push your boundaries you’ll never grow. . Being an idiot and getting hurt serves no one. But you can’t get anything out of a movement that isn’t tested at some point. . That’s why I love lifting. It’s just one by analogy for life. . #rebellionstrength
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Expectations Vs. Reality. . We’ve all been there. . Check out the new blog by clicking the link in the captions or my bio.... . . #rebellionstrength
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As I grow older I have fewer and fewer regrets. . That’s not because I’m getting any wiser. It’s because I realised that there is very little in my life that I ‘have to do’. . Short of death and taxes, I don’t ‘have to do’ anything.... . But I ‘get to do’ everything. . I get to work hard. I get to go to the gym. I get to say no to people, events, and things that don’t serve my highest purpose. . I do more for myself, and by proxy more for others because I can give from a more full cup. . That’s why I never regret going to the gym. . Because it’s a choice that serves my highest purpose - improvement of self. . Regrets are built on foundations of choices not made, or choices made for the wrong reasons. . Stay true to you. Life’s more fun that way. . #rebellionstrength
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Guess you’ll have to check out my stories to find out 😉 . #rebellionstrength


Latest blog is live on the Rebellion Strength website! . Check it out via the link in my profile, or by going to . #rebellionstrength


Emails flying out on the regular for all members of the Rebellion Strength mailing list. . Sign up now to get the latest and greatest of all things Rebellion Strength. . . #rebellionstrength
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All middle class grass hockey jokes aside. The secret to not getting set back on your goals over the holiday period is to ensure your activity level stays high. . Maybe you don’t have access to a gym. But I made sure that I hit 15k steps every day regardless of whether I managed to get to the gym or not. . Ultimately it will always come down to checks and balances. And the true key to long term fat loss is long term activity level increase.... . I ate and drank what I wanted this weekend. . Not to excess mind you. . But I didn’t say no to a glass of wine for the sake of its calorie density when compared to gin. . The result? . I put on 3lbs of what is going to be water. Because there is no way I consumed a 10,500kcal surplus over three days. 😂 . Family time is important. So make the most of it and stay active with your family. . Hope you all had a fantastic Easter and I will see you all back in the gym soon. . #rebellionstrength
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It’s Easter... and we all know what that means. . That’s right. CHOCOLATE! . As well as assorted other delights.... . Check out my survival guide in my stories for what is a tough weekend for those of us with goals to meet, and gains to make. . #rebellionstrength
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When Dave came to me, he said he wanted to bench 130kg. . Today he came in and hit 130kg for a double. . Then he hit 132.5/135/137.5. All for a single.... . Afterwards he thanked me, and he told me that “I did that”. . While I was touched, I told him he could t be more wrong. . Yes. I made the plan. . But the follow through was all him. . The drive to push through the hard work was all him. . The consistency was all him. . The passion, the aggression, and everything else that made this “old man” show up all the youngsters in the gym... it was all him. . It doesn’t matter your age. Strength comes in all shapes and sizes. . Passion and drive however are universal. . Well done mate. Big things are still to come. . #rebellionstrength
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Just a guy throwing his hat into the ring when it comes to the high fat / low fat debate. . *stands by for #keto zealots* . I try to keep as an objective of a stance as possible on this one because ultimately, I don’t care about high fat vs low fat. I care about what works for the client.... . Do I have my personal opinions? Absolutely. However, what I think is the best approach doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t work in the context of my clients palette and lifestyle. . Give it a read by clicking on the link in the post or my bio. . . Don’t forget to sign up to the newsletter to receive our weekly digest, as well as top fitness tips and discounts on your first block bookings. . #rebellionstrength
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Are you happy with your body? . Honestly, yes. . Does that mean I don’t want to make it better? No.... . I love my body, and have the best relationship with it that I have ever had. . But while I am “body positive”, I’m also not satisfied. . I’m not satisfied because I know there is so much more I can do with my body. . I can make it stronger. . I can make it more mobile. . And yes I can make it look better. . Ultimately, while I’m happy with my body, I’m not content with it. . But that’s fine. . I think people often confuse those with a poor body relationship as being the same as those with high standards. . You and I are responsible for everything that our bodies are, and everything they’re not. . For how good they look, or how they don’t look. . I love my body. But I won’t let it rest on its laurels . #rebellionstrength
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I’d take the pain of challenge and change over the pain of regret any day. . It won’t always be easy. Living your life to your best ability is challenging. That’s why so few choose to rise to the occasion. . Sometimes you’ll want to quit cause the juice no longer seems worth the squeeze.... . But I promise you that it’s worth it. . #rebellionstrength
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Dieting ain’t easy. . Especially if you want to kick ass in the gym. . In my story today I talk about how to make the most of the macros you have to ensure the best training you can. Despite being in a deficit.... . #rebellionstrength
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True story bro! . But what are you going to do about it? . Check out my stories to see how you can deal with a weekend calorie over spill.... . #rebellionstrength
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The first Rebellion Strength email has gone live! . In this email, we talk about why the gym has to be one of many pieces to maximise your health. Not just the whole thing. . We all know that person who smashes it in the gym, but can’t keep their life outside of the gym on track with their goals.... . Sound like someone you know? Then share this with them and tell them to subscribe and get in touch. . To subscribe to the mailing list and receive the latest and greatest in all things strength and fitness, you’ll also receive a cracking 10% off discount for all subscribers. . To sign up go to, or follow the link in my bio. . Catch you all on the flip side. . #rebellionstrength
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Rogan you are a gem. No one has ever taken the time to help me see the picture the way you have just explained it all. To me my thyroid being completely defunct was my excuse for lots of things, it's not, it's just something to work around and now that I have enough plans to put in place I can change it all up. Excited moving forward and feeling like a whole better me is going to come out of this. Thank you thank you thank you. �.


Rogan took me through 10 wks of the basics of Olympic lifting. I loved every minute. He corrected form, showed advanced warm up techniques and delivered a great plan with realistic progression goals.

Overall strength went up including a front squat, snatch and clean PB.

This phase gave me the confidence to try technically advanced lifts and to not be afraid to fail.

Can't recommend highly enough!


Rogan is the most amazing personal trainer. He is so pationate about what he does, he is so knowledgeable and extremely patient. He's help me to achieve things I never thought I would. I still have a long way to go but with his help, guidance and encouragement I will get there. He's such a nice guy and has become a good friend. He makes training fun and enjoyable. And he has the best taste in music ;) Thanks for everything dude. Xx


Rogan is one of the most passionate and knowledgeable trainers out there who genuinely cares about his clients. Whatever your goal may be, Rogan can 100% assist you in making it a reality.


Rogan is awesome! An incredibly patient PT he's helped me go from barely being able to lift 20kg in March this year, to flipping 130kg tyres in July.


Rogan genuinely cares about people which is a character trait that carries over massively in his approach to personal training. A very knowledgable PT, if he hasn't got the answers you seek on hand you can guarantee he will go off and read up on the subject matter.

A rare trait in today's industry!

Warm and approachable, he also poses a vocabulary I envy unremittingly!


Massive thanks to Rogan for giving me the technique to lift heavier than I thought possible & the confidence to challenge myself. After hitting a plateau, I've changed shape dramatically in less than two months. Week on week I've improved my strength & fitness and I can't recommend Rebellion Strength highly enough! Thank you for putting up with my moaning, for encouraging me when I told myself I couldn't and for pushing me when I told you I wouldn't!! I'm sure I've been a nightmare but I loved every second (apart from the ones where I hated you for pushing me, lol). I'm so grateful for the support you've given me & the support you've promised to continue to give as I start to get my head around the macro're awesome! Rebellion Strength is AWESOME!


In 18 months Rogan has helped me go from a size 18-20 to a 12 -14. I never in my wildest dreams thought that would be possible. Rogan has encouraged me and pushed me along the way whilst still managing to make it fun with 5star banter. He makes working hard fun and whilst still understanding that you have to live your life. I can’t imagine being at the stage I am without his invaluable help and support! I can not recommend him highly enough.


If you're looking for a remote personal trainer, look no further. I live in the US and Rogan is in Wales: he trains me from 3500 miles away, and he's still the best trainer I've ever had.

He developed workout plans for me that I can follow easily from his app, and we Skype once a week to check in. It's worked better than I could have hoped: I get affordable and thorough workouts, regular support by text and Skype, and the flexibility to workout whenever I want.

Rogan is supportive, knowledgeable, and extremely helpful. I can't recommend him highly enough.


I've worked out in many different gyms & fitness classes, but have never received as noticeable results as I have with Rogan. It is a full body workout and he makes you do things that you don't think are possible, but they are. Rogan varies the program from session to session with never the same routine. I am challenged, encouraged and the atmosphere is always fun and positive. I always look forward to my next session with Rogan. The results are amazing and my body has changed it's look and it's strength. All in all, Rogan is the best!!!!!!


I've had other PT's in the past so I can confidently say that Rogan genuinely cares about getting the results you are looking for and will motivate you all the way. He's so passionate about what he does and I trust him 100% in helping me to achieve.


I saw a big change even in the first month in muscle mass and fat loss. The routines are tough enough to challenge you but just enugh to make sure that your training can go ahead the following day (only a little soreness). Rogan excels himself in the personal touch to training, my goals were not exactly what many people go to the gym for and Rogan was knowledgeable, excited and thoroughly helpful in providing a well thought out roadmap to get me there. As a former high level martial arts practitioner and fighter, I have trained with many people over the years and without a doubt Rogans approach to training will work for anyone. His ability to work a routine around old injuries was brilliant (and I did throw a few curve balls in that department), yet also develop areas where I had been previously adoped bad practice, correct these areas and generally strengthen my overall chain. 5* are well deserved.


I came to Rogan after a turbulent time with my diet, nothing had worked. I had tried slimming world, juice plus, Keto, low carb, Cambridge, Tea Cleanse......nothing helped.

I’d assigned myself to just being how I was and remaining on 800 calories a day convinced low calories would mean slimmer me. Instead I put on more weight, like my body was fighting me. I went from 70kg to 82kg.

Rogan re trained my thinking and after some hurdles improvement is being made, retraining your brain is hard, but eventually becomes habit. Rogan encourages me all the way, and is constantly pushing me to up my game.

You should also check out his podcast hosted with Kain Owen and Gregory Patrick Foley �”Talking Fit”. It’s the first fitness podcast that’s honest and frank where nothing is trying to be sold to you.

Soak up this information guys and gals because it’s gold!!! It’s explained in simple form, with science to back up everything.

Diverse conversation and opinions on nutrition and exercise makes this such a vibrant podcast.

I drive for work and listening to this prevents me from stopping at services for crappy food, godsend for people like me!!


I came to Rebellion Strength on a trial. Completely confused with all of the conflicting information about exercise, diet plans and options, after trying many and failing needless to say that I felt quite low.

Rogan took me back to basics. And after having an A* chat about SUSTAINABLE diet plans and always be in ACCOUNTABLE for your choices, we were in action.

He understands that nothing is black and white. We all have different budgets and actually many diets lack variety which is why they fail us. He understands triggers, binge triggers which is HUGE for me as not many Pt's really understand what it's like to be obese and to have these stress triggers. We hit our "self destruct" button and make ALL of the wrong choices. He understands what it FEELS like to be bigger and want to do something about it bit is completely lost as to where to start. �

For me this is the beginning.

Already I'm lifting with better form, trimming up, but the biggest change for me is the HUGE smile on my face.

Love this group, always there to help.

The members are all so supporting 100% recommended.


Great workout but more importantly Rogan cares about the results you are looking to achieve! This translates into enthusiasm in his sessions which motivates you to work hard and get the most out of each one! A great PT!


Being completely new to the fitness and weightlifting industry, Rogan has been the most amazing personal trainer. He is passionate and patient, he makes training fun but also challenging, always encouraging and positive. He is knowledgeable and excellent at explaining how every move works as well as why it is important, which is extremely helpful, especially for me as a beginner. A truly great guy and personal trainer who I would absolutely recommend to anyone!


Amazing first PT Session with Rogan , learning new techniques , pushed me and explained everything as we was going along . Cannot wait until next week . Would extremely recommend this guy �� thought I was going to die but loved it �


Rogan you are a gem. No one has ever taken the time to help me see the picture the way you have just explained it all. To me my thyroid being completely defunct was my excuse for lots of things, it's not, it's just something to work around and now that I have enough plans to put in place I can change it all up. Excited moving forward and feeling like a whole better me is going to come out of this. Thank you thank you thank you. �.


Rogan took me through 10 wks of the basics of Olympic lifting. I loved every minute. He corrected form, showed advanced warm up techniques and delivered a great plan with realistic progression goals.

Overall strength went up including a front squat, snatch and clean PB.

This phase gave me the confidence to try technically advanced lifts and to not be afraid to fail.

Can't recommend highly enough!


Rogan is the most amazing personal trainer. He is so pationate about what he does, he is so knowledgeable and extremely patient. He's help me to achieve things I never thought I would. I still have a long way to go but with his help, guidance and encouragement I will get there. He's such a nice guy and has become a good friend. He makes training fun and enjoyable. And he has the best taste in music ;) Thanks for everything dude. Xx


Rogan is one of the most passionate and knowledgeable trainers out there who genuinely cares about his clients. Whatever your goal may be, Rogan can 100% assist you in making it a reality.


Rogan is awesome! An incredibly patient PT he's helped me go from barely being able to lift 20kg in March this year, to flipping 130kg tyres in July.


Rogan genuinely cares about people which is a character trait that carries over massively in his approach to personal training. A very knowledgable PT, if he hasn't got the answers you seek on hand you can guarantee he will go off and read up on the subject matter.

A rare trait in today's industry!

Warm and approachable, he also poses a vocabulary I envy unremittingly!


Massive thanks to Rogan for giving me the technique to lift heavier than I thought possible & the confidence to challenge myself. After hitting a plateau, I've changed shape dramatically in less than two months. Week on week I've improved my strength & fitness and I can't recommend Rebellion Strength highly enough! Thank you for putting up with my moaning, for encouraging me when I told myself I couldn't and for pushing me when I told you I wouldn't!! I'm sure I've been a nightmare but I loved every second (apart from the ones where I hated you for pushing me, lol). I'm so grateful for the support you've given me & the support you've promised to continue to give as I start to get my head around the macro're awesome! Rebellion Strength is AWESOME!


In 18 months Rogan has helped me go from a size 18-20 to a 12 -14. I never in my wildest dreams thought that would be possible. Rogan has encouraged me and pushed me along the way whilst still managing to make it fun with 5star banter. He makes working hard fun and whilst still understanding that you have to live your life. I can’t imagine being at the stage I am without his invaluable help and support! I can not recommend him highly enough.


If you're looking for a remote personal trainer, look no further. I live in the US and Rogan is in Wales: he trains me from 3500 miles away, and he's still the best trainer I've ever had.

He developed workout plans for me that I can follow easily from his app, and we Skype once a week to check in. It's worked better than I could have hoped: I get affordable and thorough workouts, regular support by text and Skype, and the flexibility to workout whenever I want.

Rogan is supportive, knowledgeable, and extremely helpful. I can't recommend him highly enough.


I've worked out in many different gyms & fitness classes, but have never received as noticeable results as I have with Rogan. It is a full body workout and he makes you do things that you don't think are possible, but they are. Rogan varies the program from session to session with never the same routine. I am challenged, encouraged and the atmosphere is always fun and positive. I always look forward to my next session with Rogan. The results are amazing and my body has changed it's look and it's strength. All in all, Rogan is the best!!!!!!


I've had other PT's in the past so I can confidently say that Rogan genuinely cares about getting the results you are looking for and will motivate you all the way. He's so passionate about what he does and I trust him 100% in helping me to achieve.


I saw a big change even in the first month in muscle mass and fat loss. The routines are tough enough to challenge you but just enugh to make sure that your training can go ahead the following day (only a little soreness). Rogan excels himself in the personal touch to training, my goals were not exactly what many people go to the gym for and Rogan was knowledgeable, excited and thoroughly helpful in providing a well thought out roadmap to get me there. As a former high level martial arts practitioner and fighter, I have trained with many people over the years and without a doubt Rogans approach to training will work for anyone. His ability to work a routine around old injuries was brilliant (and I did throw a few curve balls in that department), yet also develop areas where I had been previously adoped bad practice, correct these areas and generally strengthen my overall chain. 5* are well deserved.


I came to Rogan after a turbulent time with my diet, nothing had worked. I had tried slimming world, juice plus, Keto, low carb, Cambridge, Tea Cleanse......nothing helped.

I’d assigned myself to just being how I was and remaining on 800 calories a day convinced low calories would mean slimmer me. Instead I put on more weight, like my body was fighting me. I went from 70kg to 82kg.

Rogan re trained my thinking and after some hurdles improvement is being made, retraining your brain is hard, but eventually becomes habit. Rogan encourages me all the way, and is constantly pushing me to up my game.

You should also check out his podcast hosted with Kain Owen and Gregory Patrick Foley �”Talking Fit”. It’s the first fitness podcast that’s honest and frank where nothing is trying to be sold to you.

Soak up this information guys and gals because it’s gold!!! It’s explained in simple form, with science to back up everything.

Diverse conversation and opinions on nutrition and exercise makes this such a vibrant podcast.

I drive for work and listening to this prevents me from stopping at services for crappy food, godsend for people like me!!


I came to Rebellion Strength on a trial. Completely confused with all of the conflicting information about exercise, diet plans and options, after trying many and failing needless to say that I felt quite low.

Rogan took me back to basics. And after having an A* chat about SUSTAINABLE diet plans and always be in ACCOUNTABLE for your choices, we were in action.

He understands that nothing is black and white. We all have different budgets and actually many diets lack variety which is why they fail us. He understands triggers, binge triggers which is HUGE for me as not many Pt's really understand what it's like to be obese and to have these stress triggers. We hit our "self destruct" button and make ALL of the wrong choices. He understands what it FEELS like to be bigger and want to do something about it bit is completely lost as to where to start. �

For me this is the beginning.

Already I'm lifting with better form, trimming up, but the biggest change for me is the HUGE smile on my face.

Love this group, always there to help.

The members are all so supporting 100% recommended.


Great workout but more importantly Rogan cares about the results you are looking to achieve! This translates into enthusiasm in his sessions which motivates you to work hard and get the most out of each one! A great PT!


Being completely new to the fitness and weightlifting industry, Rogan has been the most amazing personal trainer. He is passionate and patient, he makes training fun but also challenging, always encouraging and positive. He is knowledgeable and excellent at explaining how every move works as well as why it is important, which is extremely helpful, especially for me as a beginner. A truly great guy and personal trainer who I would absolutely recommend to anyone!


Amazing first PT Session with Rogan , learning new techniques , pushed me and explained everything as we was going along . Cannot wait until next week . Would extremely recommend this guy �� thought I was going to die but loved it �


Rogan you are a gem. No one has ever taken the time to help me see the picture the way you have just explained it all. To me my thyroid being completely defunct was my excuse for lots of things, it's not, it's just something to work around and now that I have enough plans to put in place I can change it all up. Excited moving forward and feeling like a whole better me is going to come out of this. Thank you thank you thank you. �.


Rogan took me through 10 wks of the basics of Olympic lifting. I loved every minute. He corrected form, showed advanced warm up techniques and delivered a great plan with realistic progression goals.

Overall strength went up including a front squat, snatch and clean PB.

This phase gave me the confidence to try technically advanced lifts and to not be afraid to fail.

Can't recommend highly enough!


Rogan is the most amazing personal trainer. He is so pationate about what he does, he is so knowledgeable and extremely patient. He's help me to achieve things I never thought I would. I still have a long way to go but with his help, guidance and encouragement I will get there. He's such a nice guy and has become a good friend. He makes training fun and enjoyable. And he has the best taste in music ;) Thanks for everything dude. Xx


Rogan is one of the most passionate and knowledgeable trainers out there who genuinely cares about his clients. Whatever your goal may be, Rogan can 100% assist you in making it a reality.


Rogan is awesome! An incredibly patient PT he's helped me go from barely being able to lift 20kg in March this year, to flipping 130kg tyres in July.


Rogan genuinely cares about people which is a character trait that carries over massively in his approach to personal training. A very knowledgable PT, if he hasn't got the answers you seek on hand you can guarantee he will go off and read up on the subject matter.

A rare trait in today's industry!

Warm and approachable, he also poses a vocabulary I envy unremittingly!


Massive thanks to Rogan for giving me the technique to lift heavier than I thought possible & the confidence to challenge myself. After hitting a plateau, I've changed shape dramatically in less than two months. Week on week I've improved my strength & fitness and I can't recommend Rebellion Strength highly enough! Thank you for putting up with my moaning, for encouraging me when I told myself I couldn't and for pushing me when I told you I wouldn't!! I'm sure I've been a nightmare but I loved every second (apart from the ones where I hated you for pushing me, lol). I'm so grateful for the support you've given me & the support you've promised to continue to give as I start to get my head around the macro're awesome! Rebellion Strength is AWESOME!


In 18 months Rogan has helped me go from a size 18-20 to a 12 -14. I never in my wildest dreams thought that would be possible. Rogan has encouraged me and pushed me along the way whilst still managing to make it fun with 5star banter. He makes working hard fun and whilst still understanding that you have to live your life. I can’t imagine being at the stage I am without his invaluable help and support! I can not recommend him highly enough.


If you're looking for a remote personal trainer, look no further. I live in the US and Rogan is in Wales: he trains me from 3500 miles away, and he's still the best trainer I've ever had.

He developed workout plans for me that I can follow easily from his app, and we Skype once a week to check in. It's worked better than I could have hoped: I get affordable and thorough workouts, regular support by text and Skype, and the flexibility to workout whenever I want.

Rogan is supportive, knowledgeable, and extremely helpful. I can't recommend him highly enough.


I've worked out in many different gyms & fitness classes, but have never received as noticeable results as I have with Rogan. It is a full body workout and he makes you do things that you don't think are possible, but they are. Rogan varies the program from session to session with never the same routine. I am challenged, encouraged and the atmosphere is always fun and positive. I always look forward to my next session with Rogan. The results are amazing and my body has changed it's look and it's strength. All in all, Rogan is the best!!!!!!


I've had other PT's in the past so I can confidently say that Rogan genuinely cares about getting the results you are looking for and will motivate you all the way. He's so passionate about what he does and I trust him 100% in helping me to achieve.


I saw a big change even in the first month in muscle mass and fat loss. The routines are tough enough to challenge you but just enugh to make sure that your training can go ahead the following day (only a little soreness). Rogan excels himself in the personal touch to training, my goals were not exactly what many people go to the gym for and Rogan was knowledgeable, excited and thoroughly helpful in providing a well thought out roadmap to get me there. As a former high level martial arts practitioner and fighter, I have trained with many people over the years and without a doubt Rogans approach to training will work for anyone. His ability to work a routine around old injuries was brilliant (and I did throw a few curve balls in that department), yet also develop areas where I had been previously adoped bad practice, correct these areas and generally strengthen my overall chain. 5* are well deserved.


I came to Rogan after a turbulent time with my diet, nothing had worked. I had tried slimming world, juice plus, Keto, low carb, Cambridge, Tea Cleanse......nothing helped.

I’d assigned myself to just being how I was and remaining on 800 calories a day convinced low calories would mean slimmer me. Instead I put on more weight, like my body was fighting me. I went from 70kg to 82kg.

Rogan re trained my thinking and after some hurdles improvement is being made, retraining your brain is hard, but eventually becomes habit. Rogan encourages me all the way, and is constantly pushing me to up my game.

You should also check out his podcast hosted with Kain Owen and Gregory Patrick Foley �”Talking Fit”. It’s the first fitness podcast that’s honest and frank where nothing is trying to be sold to you.

Soak up this information guys and gals because it’s gold!!! It’s explained in simple form, with science to back up everything.

Diverse conversation and opinions on nutrition and exercise makes this such a vibrant podcast.

I drive for work and listening to this prevents me from stopping at services for crappy food, godsend for people like me!!


I came to Rebellion Strength on a trial. Completely confused with all of the conflicting information about exercise, diet plans and options, after trying many and failing needless to say that I felt quite low.

Rogan took me back to basics. And after having an A* chat about SUSTAINABLE diet plans and always be in ACCOUNTABLE for your choices, we were in action.

He understands that nothing is black and white. We all have different budgets and actually many diets lack variety which is why they fail us. He understands triggers, binge triggers which is HUGE for me as not many Pt's really understand what it's like to be obese and to have these stress triggers. We hit our "self destruct" button and make ALL of the wrong choices. He understands what it FEELS like to be bigger and want to do something about it bit is completely lost as to where to start. �

For me this is the beginning.

Already I'm lifting with better form, trimming up, but the biggest change for me is the HUGE smile on my face.

Love this group, always there to help.

The members are all so supporting 100% recommended.


Great workout but more importantly Rogan cares about the results you are looking to achieve! This translates into enthusiasm in his sessions which motivates you to work hard and get the most out of each one! A great PT!


Being completely new to the fitness and weightlifting industry, Rogan has been the most amazing personal trainer. He is passionate and patient, he makes training fun but also challenging, always encouraging and positive. He is knowledgeable and excellent at explaining how every move works as well as why it is important, which is extremely helpful, especially for me as a beginner. A truly great guy and personal trainer who I would absolutely recommend to anyone!


Amazing first PT Session with Rogan , learning new techniques , pushed me and explained everything as we was going along . Cannot wait until next week . Would extremely recommend this guy �� thought I was going to die but loved it �

More about Rebellion Strength Personal Training

Rebellion Strength Personal Training is located at Unit 2B, Lakeview Business Park, CF3 2EQ Cardiff
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00