Recordiau Noddfa

About Recordiau Noddfa

Ffurfiwyd yn hen safle y siop recordiau enwog 'Cob Records' ym Mangor, mae Noddfa yn grŵp uchelgeisiol o artistiaid a pherfformwyr gydag dyhead cydfuddiannol i ddod a Celf, Cerddoriaeth a Diwylliant i Ogledd Cymru. Rydym yn gobeithio, trwy drefnu digwyddiadau lleol ag arddangos yr artistiaid a cherddorion gorau sydd gan Ogledd Cymru i'w gynnig, gallwn ddechrau chwyldro creadigol, diwylliannol.

Formed in the old premises of Bangor's well known record store 'Cob Records', Noddfa is an ambitious group of artists and performers with a mutual aspiration to bring Art, Music and Culture to North Wales. It is our hope that through organising events in various local venues, showcasing the best artists and musicians North Wales has to offer, we can start a creative, cultural revolution.

Recordiau Noddfa Description

Ffurfiwyd yn hen safle y siop recordiau enwog 'Cob Records' ym Mangor, mae Noddfa yn grŵp uchelgeisiol o artistiaid a pherfformwyr gydag dyhead cydfuddiannol i ddod a Celf, Cerddoriaeth a Diwylliant i Ogledd Cymru. Rydym yn gobeithio, trwy drefnu digwyddiadau lleol ag arddangos yr artistiaid a cherddorion gorau sydd gan Ogledd Cymru i'w gynnig, gallwn ddechrau chwyldro creadigol, diwylliannol.

Formed in the old premises of Bangor's well known record store 'Cob Records', Noddfa is an ambitious group of artists and performers with a mutual aspiration to bring Art, Music and Culture to North Wales. It is our hope that through organising events in various local venues, showcasing the best artists and musicians North Wales has to offer, we can start a creative, cultural revolution.