Rhentu Doeth Cymru / Rent Smart Wales

About Rhentu Doeth Cymru / Rent Smart Wales

Gweithredu’r broses gofrestru a thrwyddedu sydd yn ofynnol yn gyfreithiol.

Delivering the registration and licensing now required by law.

Rhentu Doeth Cymru / Rent Smart Wales Description

Mae Rhentu Doeth Cymru yn gweithredu’r gyfraith sydd yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i bob landlord gofrestru ac i bob landlord sydd yn hunan reoli a phob asiant yn Nghymru gael trwydded. O 23 Tachwedd 2016, caiff unrhywun nad sy’n cydymffurfio gosb benodedig, neu, os yn mynd i’r llys, gallant gael eu dirwyo. Y nod yw codi safonau drwy sicrhau fod landlordiaid, asiantau a thenantiaid yn ymwybodol o’u cyfrifoldebau a’u hawliau.

Rent Smart Wales delivers the law now requiring all landlords to register and self-managing landlords and agents in Wales to obtain a licence. From 23 November 2016, anyone who has not complied can be issued with a fixed penalty, or if taken to court, can be fined. This aims to raise standards by ensuring landlords, agents and tenants are aware of their respective rights and responsibilities.



Did you know that you can anonymously check if your landlord is legal using the public register on our website? Check now: http://socsi.in/V0ab2
Wyddoch chi y gallwch wirio’n ddienw os yw eich landlord chi’n gweithredu’n gyfreithlon drwy ddefnyddio ein cofrestr gyhoeddus? Gwiriwch yma: http://socsi.in/Ik0n3


Remember, you can access our UK Housing Legislation Summary for clarity on the different legislation and obligations for landlords and agents across the devolved nations here: http://socsi.in/J59Rm


Answers to the most common questions asked about RSW are available here on our FAQ’s page: http://socsi.in/LtN6d
Gallwch ddod o hyd i atebion i gwestiynnau mwyaf cyffredin am RDC yma: http://socsi.in/T6UJe


This week is national business fire safety week. Make sure your compliant with your Fire Safety obligations as a landlord by completing our free online fire safety course. Click here: http://socsi.in/YerLT


There’s still time for you to have your say on a recent Welsh Government consultation on the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 - Regulations relating to supplementary provisions. Click here to complete the consultation: http://socsi.in/Pzjmh
Mae dal amsar i chi roi eich barn ar ymgynghoriad diweddaraf Llywodraeth Cymru ar Ddeddf Rhentu Tai (Cymru) 2016 - Rheoliadau’n berthnasol i ddarpariaethau atodol. Cliciwch y ddolen am fwy o wybodaeth: http://socsi.in/uj82R


Remember, you can access our UK Housing Legislation Summary for clarity on the different legislation and obligations for landlords and agents across the devolved nations here: http://socsi.in/3LmQ1


Landlord/Agent in the Gwynedd area? Places still available for our #RSW landlord/course in Bangor on 16/02/18 Book here: http://socsi.in/MGRuO
Ydych chi’n landlord neu Asiant yng Ngwynedd? Mae dal llefydd gwag yng nghwrs landlord/asiant #RDC ym Mangor ar 16/02/18. Archebwch le yma: http://socsi.in/u3bIr


The National Assembly’s @SeneddELGC want to hear from you! Share your views on letting agent fees by joining their online discussion: http://socsi.in/Vdwlx
Hoffai Pwyllgor @SeneddCLlLC y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol glywed gennych! Gallwch ddweud eich dweud am y ffioedd a godir gan asiantau gosod drwy ymuno â’u trafodaeth ar-lein: http://socsi.in/eIIjs


Landlord/Agent in the Cardiff area? Places still available for our #RSW landlord/course in Cardiff on 10/09/18 Book here: http://socsi.in/lDCBt Ydych chi’n landlord neu Asiant yng Nghaerdydd? Mae dal llefydd gwag yng nghwrs landlord/asiant #RDC yn Nghaerdydd ar 10/09/18. Archebwch le yma: http://socsi.in/nozYi


We’ve worked with all 3 fire authorities in Wales to produce a free online Fire Safety Course for Landlords and Agents. Click this link to book the course http://socsi.in/rIMAR


Rydym wedi gweithio ac Awdurdodau Tân yng Nghymru i greu cwrs Diogelwch Tân Ar-lein i landlordiaid ac asiantau sydd nawr ar gael am ddim ar ein gwefan. Cliciwch y ddolen i drio'r cwrs http://socsi.in/iqMnH
We’ve worked with all 3 fire authorities in Wales to produce a free online Fire Safety Course for Landlords and Agents. Click this link to book the course http://socsi.in/3R98z


Failing to provide information to Rent Smart Wales can be as damaging to a landlords business as failing to register and licence. Can you afford not to comply? Full story here:
Gall methu â rhoi gwybodaeth i Rhentu Doeth Cymru fod yr un mor niweidiol i fusnes landlord â chollfarn am fethu â chofrestru a chael trwydded. A allwch chi fforddio i beidio â chydymffurfio? Stori lawn yma:
... http://socsi.in/SRnV5
See More


4 landlords pay the price for not complying with Rent Smart Wales. Can you afford not to comply? More information here: http://socsi.in/bLF16
4 landlord yn cael eu cosbi am beidio â chydymffurfio a Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Yw e werth y risg? Gwybodaeth bellach yma: http://socsi.in/ao3Pj


Meddwl symud i fewn i dŷ rhent preifat? Gwiriwch fod landlord yr eiddo yn gweithredu’n gyfreithlon drwy ddefnyddio ein cofrestr gyhoeddus yma: http://socsi.in/Y2JNS

More about Rhentu Doeth Cymru / Rent Smart Wales

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