Richard C Pendry

About Richard C Pendry

Author, Counter Terrorism Expert, Risk Consultant www.



Its a warm one out there guys, make sure you stay hydrated.


Losing Small Wars is an excellent book. It provides a devastating, highly readable critique of why Britain’s armed forces have fared so badly in two of the country’s most recent and controversial conflicts: Iraq and Afghanistan.
Of the many military books that have saturated the market in recent years, few have been so precise as this one. It spells out in specific, and at times painful, detail why the British Army was humiliated in Iraq – a process which was set in motion ju...
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No Islamic State terrorist should ever be allowed back into any Western country whatever lies they come out with. Those already returned should be deported, imprisoned or placed in administrative detention.


This is Sean Kelly, of the Belfast Brigade of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) and member of the active service unit which carried out the Shankill Road bombing in 1993.
The no-warning IRA bomb attack in Frizzell's fish and chip shop took place on a busy Saturday afternoon on October 23, 1993. It killed 13, the fatalities including two children.
Under current proposals the Shankill bomber will receive a pension from the Britush government.
... This is in insult to those that suffered at the hands of terrorists and should be stopped at all cost.
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Top Gun and Maverick are back!! Loved the original, wonder if the remake will live up to the legend?


This is my eldest son proudly wearing my beret and stable belt. He didn't join the army and I'm glad that he didn't.
Soldiers are simple souls. They just get on with the task in hand. But their job can involve extreme danger and sometimes they have to take lives to save their own.
When this happens you would think that those who put them in harms way [the politicians] would support them, but don't be so sure.
... There have been many cases brought against our soldiers, Brian Wood MC is one and Soldier F is the most recent.
Ask a soldier who he can rely on and he will say the guy on my left and the guy on my right, as in battle that's all you have. What he doesn't need is a knife in the back.
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This is the coastline of Somalia, a brief snapshot of the capital, Mogadishu.
I've visited the East African country on a number of occasions, the most recent in 2017 when I got to see the location of the second biggest terror attack in history only a matter of weeks after it had happened.
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Parliament is due to break for its summer recess 30 June - 1 Sep. That's two months that will be wasted while the biggest challenge this country has faced in generations goes unresolved, unfinished.
If you think that our elected representitives should forgo thier summer hols until #Brexit is sorted then please like and share. #NoSummerRecess


In 2005 like many ex-military guys I headed to Iraq to go and work for a private securiy company. It was a dangerous job but I have to admit that I was paid well for my services and to make our job easier the company ensured that we had the best kit.
One thing that was a must was armoured vehicles. We wouldn't go anywhere without them. The landcruiser in the pics was one of mine that was hit by a road side bomb. The guys inside were shaken up but all survived.
Brit Mil on th...e other hand were using the outdated and underarmoured Snatch Landrovers. They had been designed for use in Northern Island but were no match for the IEDs in Iraq.
The fact of the matter was that there wasn't enough money to replace the antiquated vehicles. The generals said that the soldiers had all the equipment they needed but that has been proven as a bare faced lie.
The first time I saw Brit Mil use purpose built military armoured vehicles like the Mastiff was in March, 2007. Four years after the start of the conflict.
Brave men went out to do thier duty everyday without the right equipment to keep them safe. Not all returned.
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I managed to get to the Basra War Memorial in 2007. It was one of the locations that we all wanted to visit but it was put out of bounds due to the threat of 'booby traps' left by the insurgents for unsuspecting visitors. On a recce to find an oil pipline in 2007 we managed a quick visit. Saddam Hussain was respectful of the British memorials and they were left alone during his time but I would like to find out what it is like now. If anyone has any updates please share. The... other facinating story is that of the statue or Gurtude Bell, who was one of the architects of modern day Iraq and Syria - TE Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, being one of her prodigies. It is said that the Iraqis made a statue of her and that at some time the statues head was cut off. My boss, Tim Spicer, pictured behind me, was fascinated with this story and was despertate to find the head. 'Find me the head of Gurtrude Bell,' great name for a book, wonder if he ever did? Airial photo thanks to Nick of the #QueensDragoonGuards in 2003.
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The Forum in Leptis Magna, Libya. This most magnificent and well preserved of Roman cities receives hardly any visitors. Colonel Gaddafi the former dictator of the country distrusted foreign tourists, considering them as spies. I've visited Pompeii on several occasions but Leptis is far better, stunning, a real gem. #XtremeArchaeology


In 2009 I was working in Jalalabad, Afghanistans most easterly city. My job was to recruit and train 50 Afghans as armed security guards. When I was in the process of buying the various weapons I needed, I came across some old Egyptian, AK-47s with an amazing story... Press on the link to read the full story.


Great to be at the launch of the Institute for Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) earlier this week in the City of London. Pictured with one of the founding members Dr David Rubens. Just can't waste an oppotunity to plug #DamascusRedemption ha ha


Live interview on #bbcradiowales just after 8am this morning. Talking about the #utrechtshooting #understandingterrorism

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A call out for your reviews of Damascus Redemption; a thought provoking story that will take you for a roller-coaster ride with intrigue, deception, betrayal and page turning action. Book 2 ‘Roxanne’s Revenge’ is coming out in late 2019.
Your purchases and reviews are much appreciated.
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For those of you that like Youtube be sure to click below to access my channel. Loads of great stuff and more to come, hit subscribe for updates.


I was invited to the launch of Brian Wood MCs bestseller #DoubleCrossed recently. Had an amazing evening, the atmosphere was electric, a real night to remember. Now I've read the book I can understand what the commotion was all about! Click on the picture to find out for yourself.

More about Richard C Pendry