Rita Kara Robinson Homeopath

About Rita Kara Robinson Homeopath

Homeopathy focussing on specialising in children on the autism spectrum and general family health.

Rita Kara Robinson Homeopath Description

Homeopathy focussing on detoxing vaccines, metals and medicines using detox programs. I specialise in autism and HPV vaccine injury cases globally.





First world problems:
"Part of what stops us addressing our emotional knots is a background belief that they are too small to be worth bothering with. Our will to tackle what may, in reality, destroy our lives is sapped by a background fear of being self-indulgent. A lingering puritanism kicks in at precisely the wrong moment.
... But there is ( sadly) nothing laughable about the problems unfolding in the world's richest countries. People may not starve, life expectancy is high and child mortality almost eradicated, but populations remain beleaguered.
The issues are not the sob stories of the well-to-do, begging for sympathy on account of an incorrectly chilled wine, but comprise extremes of
loneliness anxiety relationship breakdown rage humiliation depression
problems that culminate in the greatest indictment of advanced societies: their exceptionally high suicide rates."
Extract from The School Of Life, Alain De Botton
We are experiencing a flashlight being focussed on all these emotions right now.
Which one is highlighted for you right now? Where does it stem from? What are your triggers? Imagine all the possibilities if you could heal these emotions?
Pharma helps you cope by suppressing your emotions - only for them to turn into physical symptoms.
Homeopathy helps to neutralise these emotions - to heal them so you can lead your best life.
Seeing a homeopath is not self indulgent. Seeking therapy is not a treat. Humans need therapy - humans need healing.
Now is a good time to talk. Book with my team - and unload for a whole hour - get some remedies prescribed and sent to you - heal your emotions.
Make changes for the better.
♥️ You can heal ⭐️ I'm in your corner
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This lady sorted her depression in good time for all these world events. She is in a much better place to be able to cope with these changes.
😍"My depression has lifted"
... 😍Knee pain has gone
😍Hormones are now balanced with no cramping at all with cycle.
We neutralised the effects of the depression meds she had been on. Gave some hormonal support and remedies for all her symptoms.
She is a very happy lady and she lives in the USA and worked with me via Grainne on my team.
My team works via Skype - perfect for lockdown.
We all need to talk to people and get things off our chest. I saw my homeopath today and just from having the session ( before I even took my remedies) I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. I feel lighter and calmer and more together. I needed my session today - all homeopaths see homeopaths. We all need support as we support our loved ones.
Book with my team > google my name > book with my team. If you get my newsletter check for a special offer that went out yesterday for my mothers in my community.
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner
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This is me - escaped on my private jet to my private villa on my private island. If you want my private special offers - you need to sign up to my private newsletter. Uncensored. My community of mothers. Where special stuff happens.... Not everything is on my page here. With the increase in constrictions - it’s where I’m free. Join me - google my name - sign up on front page.
Btw - my colleagues Nicola Hanlon and Grainne Flanagan have NEW kits in!!!! They are hot hot cakes - get hold of yours from them.
A super special offer for mothers has gone out today - so if you ARE on my email list then check it today.
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More worried because you have asthma? Be proactive. Now. Do something to help yourself instead of sitting there thinking you can never get rid of it. That's not true. You can. But not if you just stick to pumps and steroids all your life.
... We can get you off steroids and asthma pumps in 1-2 sessions! Yes - scroll down on my page I did an asthma special of 3 posts.
I need to get this out there more than ever.
Here is what Becky emailed me this morning and let me share this with you so you can heal too.
"I truly believe my family and I may have already had this and, despite having asthma, we are OK. That’s because our asthma has been improving since working with your team. I can’t wait until we are completely clear of it and are no longer in any high-risk categories. I’m confident we will get there because what you do is brilliant."
Scroll for one of my posts where I spoke about 4 typical cases we healed patients in 1-2-3 sessions.
You don't have to live in fear all your life.
Sign up to my newsletter for uncensored info. Facebook are not allowing us to like posts, share posts. The censorship is ON and its REAL. Sign up > google my name> front page sign up box.
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner
Now is the time! Get rid of your asthma and stop worrying that you are more susceptible.
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The Swedes are not stupid people. They are typical Europeans. Right now there are scientists of equal weight, credibility and experience who specialise in viral diseases who are arguing with each other over what's going on - over the numbers, over the actions taken and over what has happened in the past.
Our lockdown in the UK is based on a "250,000 predicted deaths if we do nothing." On one paper - one scientist from Imperial college.
... The newspaper says ,“They think Imperial chose a number of variables that gave a prognosis that was quite pessimistic, and that you could just as easily have chosen other variables that gave you another outcome. It’s not a peer-reviewed paper. It might be right, but it might also be terribly wrong. In Sweden, we are a bit surprised that it’s had such an impact.”
If you are in the right circles - you will see videos and posts from eminent scientists arguing for a different case.
This isn't stupidity versus sense. Or a consensus. Far from a consensus.
Just keep an open mind. Don't rely on your mainstream media for your opinions. Be curious.
You have control over your immune system - to build it up. My team and I have helped many children and adults get off asthma pumps. Asthma sufferers were told to stay home from work immediately. Before the lockdown. Do something proactive. Be in control of your immune. Ask yourself why is mainstream media banning and removing ALL posts giving natural and very old hints and tips on immune boosting foods and strategies? Ask your own questions.
Maybe Sweden is right - maybe the UK/USA is right? While you have time on your hands - ask questions.
If you want to see the counter argument I suggest you seek out Del Bigtree's latest video - get into 1 hour 6 mins for the scientists counter argument.
The best bit of all this? It's men arguing with men. Not so called " unknowledgeable mums on the internet" versus the governments.
Edit- since writing this post - the man who wrote the paper is backtracking on his numbers vastly - see in comments below!
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So something serious has happened. My team and I have just dodged some journalists trying to frame us for something we don't even do. So this is what the UK newspapers are doing. This is their way of helping this sad situation. People losing their lives and their jobs. And this is what they can contribute. When you can't get a doctor’s appointment for 3 days. They would rather all therapists disappear.
...Continue Reading


This 8 year old girl's mother is so pleased that she doesn't need to turn to growth hormones anymore. This is what she told us -
" The Endocrinologist said she should grow one inch a year and she has grown one inch in the past 3 months !"
... She was told to take growth hormones by the doctors but she came to us first.
This lovely girl and her mother is working with me through Kathryn on my team. If you work with my team you can jump the waitlist and get your child healing straight away.
We are so pleased that we prevented a child needing to take synthetic hormones and heal naturally.
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner
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Recovery rates 33% better when patients also used Traditional Chinese Medicine alongside modern protocols. The majority of Chinese patients were given both. And why not? There’s room for everything. Facebook is censoring any posts promoting natural and alternative solutions.... Does this include TCM? I know it includes Homeopathy. This is a global serious issue. Are we not adult enough to make our own decisions? Where there IS NO given modern solution - should we not be promoting whatever resources we have?
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I’m staying away from cheap sanitisers - my son has allergies and very sensitive skin. I’m using this solution From top organic brand Neal’s Yard Order online ( if they have any left) .... . . We also have a homeopathic kit at home to deal with any flu like or cough symptoms. . . . Flash sale on my e-course teaching you how to use your own kit, about dosage, how often to give in a crisis, which remedies to choose for flu, coughs and colds which everyone is talking about.
From $297 to $97 for 5 days only. Pm me for that link.
The 294 women I have taught to use Homeopathy and a kit aren’t panicking. They feel confident to deal with this at the first sign so it doesn’t develop to a bad stage. You can feel confident too - in 2 hours and have what you need. Plus a support group of 200 mums who have your back
You are not alone x
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Hand sanitisers are alcohol based. A reminder that everything on your skin disappears internally. Where do you think your face cream disappears when you rub in it? Check out this post...


Here's my true story ( it links to you...) Yesterday I had to take my son to A&E (ER) to get a suspected fracture checked out. Turns out he was fine - so that's a blessing. HOWEVER... While we were waiting ( 3 hours ) to sort this out - we could see what emergency cases were being admitted in the children's ward.
... There was a long list of CROUP patients- and that was it.
What frustrated me is that doctors will give steroids for this and that's their only tool. Young children are taking steroids - that's not a great solution. It's their only solution. It's not yours.
Antoinette and myself have taught exactly 294 mothers to sort out their children's acute croup cases themselves.
It's not a big secret.
They used a homeopathy kit which you can purchase online and they joined our "Homeopathy made Easy for Busy Mothers" E-course.
This comes with a global support network - with mums who have done the course and are going to give useful not random advice and support.
There are 5 homeopaths in there to help you grown your confidence too.
Antoinette and I get messages all the time from mothers who are so grateful to themselves that they made the decision to be able to sort these problems out. They have been treating the croup in the early stages so that they don't end up in the hospital. They have sorted things out themselves. And so can you.
It takes 2 hours to do the basics of the course and there is about an hour of bonus videos.
We talk coughs and croup. We teach you do deal with colds and flu like symptoms - perfect for what the world needs right now. There is also an anxiety module.
If you want the full module rundown PM me for the link and I'll send it to you because FB doesn't like weblinks attached to posts. Or google Home Prescribers Academy...
Seeing those children and hearing them suffer has made me want everyone to get access to our course.
So - there is a $200 REDUCTION THIS WEEK ONLY. $297 and for this week it is $97.
Come and join almost 300 women who have bought one of our homeopathy courses.
Pm me for links. x
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I'm going to keep this simple.
You can get your child off asthma pumps. You can get yourself off asthma pumps.
... You can do it with homeopathy - because we look at the trigger- which tends to be environmental or medical.
I asked Kathryn to get 5 random cases we solved late last year. This is just a handful of cases we have sorted out last year.
I don't know why I haven't promoted this more because it's such a fast win compared to my long term complex cases.
Here goes ( I don't put names on medical cases on posts)
1. 44 yr old woman, USA Asthma worse for exercise, using inhalers Detoxed OCP & Steroids Off all inhalers, symptom free in 2 detox sessions with asthma remedies.
2. 12 yr old girl, UK Dry Asthma with cough Using Albuterol and Steroid inhalers Detoxed Steroids and Vaccines Off all inhalers, symptom free in 2 sessions.
5 yr old boy, USA Asthma with wheezing and frequent cough Using inhalers Detoxed steroids and BCG Off all inhalers, symptom free in 2 sessions.
56 yrs old woman, UK Asthma and cough Using Albuterol and Steroid inhalers Detoxed Steroids and OCP Off both inhalers, cough resolved in 2 sessions.
5 yr old girl, USA Asthma worse in winter Using Steroid and Ventolin Detoxed Steroid and ABX Off both inhalers, symptom free in 2 sessions.
True cases, real people, asthma gone. If you want this for you or your child - book in with Kathryn on my contact page on my website.
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner
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#2 of 3 posts on Asthma.
Asthma affects children and adults, on or off the spectrum.
Everyone on the planet is given 2 types of inhalers - the "normal blue ones" or the "purple or brown heavy duty ones."
... Yet not everyone with asthma has the exact same symptoms.
We believe that most of our patients fall into these main categories. If you or your child has asthma, can you identify yourself here?
Type 1️⃣ Feeling of suffocation Often happens at night Wheezing and cough Frothy mucous Often triggered by anxiety Panicky feeling, can’t keep still
Type 2️⃣ Tendency to attacks in the winter Trembling and weakness Blue discolouration around mouth Rattling cough Hoarseness Cold hands and feet
Type 3️⃣ Feeling of tightness in the chest Much worse for movement of any kind Triggered by changes in the weather Violent, incessant cough ending in retching or vomiting Sweaty head Stiffness in limbs
😍This illustrates that we look at you as a person in detail. Homeopathy has many, many asthma remedies...and we listen to you explain YOUR symptoms and find the best match.
We also look into the onset - what was happening when it started? What could have been the trigger?
😍This is why we are so successful at getting children and adults off inhalers. We look at the whole picture in detail.
This can be done in 1-3 sessions.
If this interests you but you have more questions, then PM me or email me and I'll be happy to connect with you.
You can start to rid yourself of this health life sentence by booking with Kathryn who is my asthma expert.
Google my name > contact page > Kathryn's button.
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner
My team and I lost count of how many people we helped to stop needing inhalers last year. 🤩 In respect to the level of complexity of cases we see - this is pretty straightforward. You deserve better x
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Do you or your child have asthma? This post is for you. ( 1 of 3)
Many of us are worried about Corona Virus at the moment and what it may mean in the coming weeks and months but people with chest complaints such as asthma are even more concerned.
One of the main symptoms of Corona Virus is shortness of breath, this can lead to exacerbation of asthma symptoms and pneumonia.
... Asthma is considered to be an autoimmune condition, which is why doctors treat it with steroids.
Auto immune disease is a clear indication that your immune system is not functioning as it should be.
Here's a quote from the UK Kidney Org explaining the long term impact of Prednisone - the most common steroid for asthma.
" Steroid drugs, such as prednisone, work by lowering the activity of the immune system."
"People taking prednisone can also experience higher blood sugar, which is a special concern for those with diabetes."
We understand it's use in life threatening situations - but now you or your child has this long term condition - isn't it time to look at ways of getting off inhalers for good? All types of inhalers, not just steroid.
Inhalers don't heal asthma - they just fire fight attacks.
Don't you want to stop the attacks in the first place?
Our asthma treatment plan includes:
Detoxing these pharmaceuticals from the body Strengthening your immune system Managing the symptoms of your asthma so you no longer need to use daily medication or rescue inhalers.
We will need to know how YOUR asthma presents, we’re all different right? Homeopathy will treat you, the person, not just ‘asthma’.
From previous experience we know that with 2-3 rounds of treatment we can greatly reduce and often completely eliminate the need for pharmaceuticals and their not so pleasant side effects as well as strengthening your chest and building up your immune system to help reduce the chance of contracting viruses such as COVID-19.
Does this float your boat?
Why wouldn't you want to get off drugs and heal your asthma?
Kathryn on my team is your woman for the job.
She has spaces available to stop you worrying about your child having an asthma attack when they are at school, or you aren't around.
Wouldn't you love to get rid of this stress in your life?
We have helped countless adults and children achieve this.
PM me with any questions today or book direct with Kathryn for next week. Sign up for my newsletter for exclusive offers for any new asthma patients.
Google my name > contact page > Kathryn's button.
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner
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We are so happy for this girl having some important gains. It's so good to hear that our patients no longer need meds or supplements.
Here's a list of his gains from the last session:
... 🤩Acid Reflux – improvement.
🤩Sleep – really good. Before had used melatonin.
🤩Bowel – pooping every day – was 2-3 days.
🤩Sweating – improvement.

During the last consult was she was very serious and quiet. This consult she was chatting mostly by herself and laughing and goofing around with me.
After the steroid detox, her giddy side has been coming back more and more and Mum is delighted to see it.
This lovely girl is working with Grainne on my team.
If this resonates with you - book with my team - I still prescribe for every patient. Grainne will take your details and we will post your 2 month program out to you. Google my name > contact page > Grainne's button.
If you know someone who has a child with these issues - please tell them about us 😊
😍You can heal ⭐️I'm in your corner

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Read and sign up to hear the first news we have on asthma....


Did you know you can sign up for my news here on my page. On your computer > go to left sidebar > there it is! I’ll be giving exclusive content on there and exclusive offers.
Not to mention uncensored posts - I’m limited to what I can say on Facebook now - so you’ll find me speaking my truth on my newsletter.
... If you are on your phone - go to my homepage of my website - google my name > go to the bottom. 1 click - done.
😊 You can heal 🤩 I’m in your corner
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More about Rita Kara Robinson Homeopath
