Rnli Bangor

About Rnli Bangor

Saving Lives at Sea since 1965



Looking for something a little different for that special Xmas gift? How about a year's supply of naked sailors on your wall? Inspired by the calendar girls way back in 2010, and wanting to do something a little different to fundraise for the RNLI, Lindsay Nolan (the now Rear Commodore (House) at Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club), has finally seem her dream come true. And, thanks to the photographer Jennifer Dickson, designer Sarah Hinds and printer WG B...aird giving their time and printing free of charge, 100% of the proceeds will go to the RNLI. Of course, unlike the Calendar girls, the models are not completely naked. Remember, no matter what - you always wear your life jacket at sea!!! Calendars are on sale from the club at a price of £10. Full proceeds to the RNLI. Two of the models, Russell Mcgovern and Jamie Hanna, are seen (clothed) by the poster at the launch event held at RNIYC in November.
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VOTE FOR BALLYHOLME YACHT CLUB The volunteers at Bangor RNLI have always had a soft spot for Ballyholme Yacht Club. For many of us it is where we - and our children - first learned to sail; for others it is a lively clubhouse where the members always make us very welcome.
For these reasons, we are delighted to hear that BYC has made it to the finals of the RYA and Yachts & Yachting Club of the Year Award 2019.
... Now it's down to the public vote. If you know BYC, please vote for them. If you have never been, why not pop in for a coffee or a beer - they will make you very welcome. Better still, find out about their ever-expanding range of watersports - now including open water swimming and wake boarding as well as a wide range of sailing options for every age and experience level.
http://awards.yachtsandyachting.co.uk/bal lyholme-yacht-club/
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Yesterday morning (Thursday), we were delighted to receive a cheque for £6,073 from the William Coates Foundation, a charity set up by William's family and friends after he sadly lost his life to cold water shock in May 2017. In addition to raising funds, his family and friends have worked tirelessly since their loss to raise awareness of this preventable cause of death. Presenting the cheque to Lifeboat Operations Manager Kevin Byers and... members of Bangor RNLI are Billy and Brenda Coates, their son Andrew, and William's friend Davy Lynch. The money was raised at a number of events held this year, and was generously topped-up by the Halifax, as part of their Community Fund. William's father Billy said "William's loss came as a great shock to all of us, and we are determined to do all we can to prevent other families going through the same ordeal." Kevin Byers said "It is humbling to see William's family and friends turn their tragedy into a way to help others, and we will be thinking of them each time we launch."
You can find out more about cold water shock on YouTube - https://youtu.be/fgASxPh-xqU
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The competition is now closed and a winner has been selected. There were so many wonderful entries it was impossible to single one out. So all the entries were entered in to a draw and the winner was selected at random. The winner is Charlene Mcmullan whose entry said "I would give it to my daughter Amy-Louise who in turn will pass it on to my younger daughter Georgia.💕".... We hope that Amy-Louise and Georgia will treasure their prize.
Brian Meharg has asked me to thank everyone who entered the competition. He is humbled by your enthusiasm for his book, although, as it took him 25 years to write this one, there might be some wait for a follow-up!
For those who didn't win, the good news is that you can still buy copies at Bangor museum, Tower House, and Stewart Miller in Holywood and Newtownards. You can also find it on eBay at https://bit.ly/2Qgy90E
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With Christmas just around the corner, it's time to tell you about a new book that is just perfect for your littl'uns.... "The Legend of Jenny Watt" has been written by longtime Bangor RNLI volunteer, and legend in his own lifetime, Brian Meharg MBE. Started as a story for his own young daughter, Brian finished the book 25 years later for his granddaughter, so it's certainly not a rush job. Beautifully illustrated by Janet King, this is a must for the Christmas stocking. You can purchase the book in the Bangor museum, Tower House, and Stewart Miller in Holywood and Newtownards. More information can be found at https://youtu.be/Iz5BAbyaLLQ
*** COMPETITION TIME *** Even better, we have a copy of Brian's book, signed by the author, and a bookmark, to give away. All you have to do is to "like" this post and leave a comment saying who you would give the book to - and why. Winner will be selected on Wednesday 21 November.
Good luck - it's a great way to get you hands on a great read.
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Every now and again a piece of local history comes our way, and we are happy to share it with you. Bangor RNLI recently received a bequest from the estate of Mrs Frances Williamson (nee Lappin). Accompanying this was a fascinating insight into Frances' part in WW2. From 1941-45, Frances managed the Hotel Pickie in Bangor, on behalf of the American Red Cross, when it was being used to house American servicemen in lead up to D-Day. The canteen in the ...hotel was open every day from 8am to 2am. When General Dwight D Eisenhower visited Bangor to boost morale amongst the American troops before they set off on the hundreds of ships stationed in Bangor Bay, he visited the Red Cross and was introduced to Frances, a meeting she never forgot. Later, in 2005 when the North Pier was re-named Eisenhower Pier, Frances had the honour of being introduced to General Eisenhower's grand-daughter, Mary-Jean Eisenhower, and was presented with a beautiful gift of a photograph of the USS Aubrey Fitch. Later in life, Frances was the manager of Royal Ulster Yacht Club, maintaining her connection with the sea and those who sail on her. She was a proud supporter of the RNLI in Bangor, and we are delighted to pass on this piece of her story. If any of you have memories of Frances, the Hotel Pickie, or the American ships in Bangor Bay, please let us know.
[We are sorry for the quality of the photos, but these are the best quality we have.]
Rest in Peace Frances - and thank you.
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Volunteer crew members Kyle Marshall & Dave Beale prepare to lay a wreath on behalf of Bangor RNLI during the Remembrance Day parade at the War Memorial in Bangor this morning. In case you are wondering, the RNLI does not require crew to have extremely short hair; both of these men had their heads shaved a week ago in support of Macmillan Northern Ireland. They certainly did 'Brave the Shave' - not only to come out on a chilly November morning to honour those who died in defence of the country, but also in support of those whose lives are currently being blighted by cancer.


Bangor RNLI prepare to pay their respects.


How lovely to see 10-year old Ella Moore's generosity in raising funds for Bangor RNLI rewarded in the County Down Spectator - not only did she get her photo published, they also featured her in the cartoon.


Now that the sailing season is at an end, please make sure that all your lifejackets are stored in a warm dry place over the winter months. And while you are at it, why not take the opportunity to have your lifejackets checked by your local RNLI safety adviser.


This old Scottish phrase, meaning that lots of small things make a big thing, came to mind during a visit to the station on Saturday. 10-year old Ella Moore, inspired by a TV programme on the RNLI, made her own RNLI collection box and encouraged everyone she knew to drop in their 1p and 2p coins. As a result, she visited Bangor RNLI yesterday to deliver the £140 she has collected, accompanied by her Mum Lynne and Dad Paul.... Thanks to Ella, and other fundraisers like her, we are able to keep the waters around us safe.
Thanks Ella, we look forward to welcoming you to the crew when you're a bit older.
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Taking a break from 'Saving Lives at Sea' (see what we did there?), two of our intrepid crew - Kyle Marshall and Dave Beale - volunteered to Brave the Shave for Macmillan Northern Ireland at Jenny Watts Bar on Friday night. Wielding the trimmer was Michael from Thee Gent's Quarters in Bangor. Thanks to everyone who took part, close to £1,000 was raised on the night.... In the before and after photos, Dave is on the left and Kyle on the right.
Good job for a great cause, guys!
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We are sharing this in the hope you might be able to help the PSNI in Bangor. Our thoughts are with this lady, and her family and friends.


Out and about today, it is hard to believe it is the end of October. The clocks may change, but the training of our volunteer crews goes on. Many thanks to Iain Galbraith for sending us this photo of the Jessie Hillyard on exercise this morning.


Who needs rollercoasters?


It's not enough for some of Bangor RNLI's volunteer crew to keep the waters around us safe - some of them are volunteering to raise funds for Macmillan Northern Ireland by sacrificing their hair. If you want to show your support, join them in Jenny Watts Bar on Friday 2 November from 8:30pm.
... Photos will follow!
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Thanks to our wonderful fundraising team, and to everyone's perfect pop-up purchases. we raised an astonishing £450 on Saturday. Thanks to you, we have raised vital funds to help us protect those who go on, or near, the water around our coast.


BARGAINS GALORE Don’t forget the RNLI pop-up at Bangor lifeboat station - until 4pm today.


What a great group of volunteers, the best there is anywhere :)


Great crew, came to my rescue so cant thank them enough. Very professional and caring.


Great bunch of lads got to meet them last Saturday at the Donaghadee Life Boat Festival and we got to see them all doing a helicopter exercise and it was fantastic and I'm so proud of the work they all do saving lives and the RNLI Programme on tv is class. Check out my photos on my page welcome to use them any time


What a great group of volunteers, the best there is anywhere :)


Great crew, came to my rescue so cant thank them enough. Very professional and caring.


Great bunch of lads got to meet them last Saturday at the Donaghadee Life Boat Festival and we got to see them all doing a helicopter exercise and it was fantastic and I'm so proud of the work they all do saving lives and the RNLI Programme on tv is class. Check out my photos on my page welcome to use them any time


What a great group of volunteers, the best there is anywhere :)


Great crew, came to my rescue so cant thank them enough. Very professional and caring.


Great bunch of lads got to meet them last Saturday at the Donaghadee Life Boat Festival and we got to see them all doing a helicopter exercise and it was fantastic and I'm so proud of the work they all do saving lives and the RNLI Programme on tv is class. Check out my photos on my page welcome to use them any time

More about Rnli Bangor

Rnli Bangor is located at Seacliff Road, BT20 5ED Bangor, County Down