Royal Welsh College Of Music & Drama

About Royal Welsh College Of Music & Drama

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Royal Welsh College Of Music & Drama Description

The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the National Conservatoire of Wales, and part of the University of South Wales Group, competes alongside an international peer group of conservatoires and specialist arts colleges for the best students globally, enabling students to enter and influence the world of music, theatre and related professions.

Artistic Voice - The College educates some of the most talented students from around the world, aiming to give them not just the technical and craft skills they’ll need to succeed at the top levels of the profession, but also to help them to develop their individual artistic ‘voice. ’

Creative Diversity - The College’s events calendar encompasses over 300 public performances every year including orchestral concerts, recitals, drama, opera and musical theatre. The creative diversity of the college ensures a stimulating environment and broad experience for students of all disciplines.

Pushing Boundaries - Our dedicated teachers have a wealth of professional and industry experience and the college collaborates with a number of high-profile arts organisations, including Welsh National Opera, BBC NOW, visiting artists and directors, to ensure that the unique vocational nature of our training programmes reflect the current practices and conditions of the professional world.

The College is constantly pushing boundaries with innovative and exciting programmes of study tailored to the demands of contemporary arts and creative industries. In 2009, its 60th anniversary year, the College became the UK’s first All-Steinway Conservatoire. The focus is always on the future and we take immense pride in the world-class talent of our students.



By Sarah DeLappe Directed by Rania Jumaily Set and Costume Design by Rose Revitt Lighting Design by Cara Hood Sound Design by Charlie Foran
... CAST Nina Bloomgarden Martha Furnival Matilda Rowe Ruby Hartley Saran Morgan Grace Quigley Lucy Reynolds Lilly Tukur Alex Wanebo Nicola Reynolds
Photography by Kirsten McTernan
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The Sicilian Courtesan at RWCMD. By Lope De Vega Adapted by Sean O’Brien, from a literal translation by Esther Gomez Directed by Laurence Boswell
Photo by Mark Douet


In celebration of the Royal Welsh College’s 70th anniversary this year, the guest programme for 2019's Amserjazztime festival focuses on alumni of the College and our current resident artists and students; featuring Hannah Grace, Snowpoet, Atlas featuring Sara Colman, Huw Warren and the talented young musicians of the College. 6 – 9 June. • I ddathlu pen-blwydd Coleg Brenhinol Cymru yn 70 oed eleni, mae’r rhaglen gwesteion ar gyfer yr ŵyl Amserjazztime 2019 yn canolbwyntio ar gyn-fyfyrwyr, artistiaid preswyl a myfyrwyr presennol y Coleg; gan gynnwys Hannah Grace, Snowpoet, Atlas a Sara Colman, Huw Warren a myfyrwyr talentog ifanc y Coleg. 6 – 9 Mehefin. ztime_festival.aspx


During this year’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek we’re highlighting final year actor Peter Heenan’s art project, PostPieces – encouraging people to engage with their mental health creatively 🎨
Full story now on the blog. 👉🏼🌎…/m ental-health-awareness-week-pos…/
... Yn ystod #WythnosYmwybyddiaethIechydMeddwl eleni rydym yn rhoi sylw i brosiect celf gan Peter Heenan actor sydd yn ei flwyddyn olaf, #PostPieces – sy’n annog pobl i ymgysylltu â’u hiechyd meddwl mewn modd creadigol 🎨 .
Stori lawn nawr ar y blog. 🌎👉🏼…/wythnos-ymwyb yddiaeth-iechyd-med…/
😊 . . . . . .
#PostPieces #MHAW19 #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhewlthawareness #loveyourself #giveyourbrainabreak #suicideprevention #breakthestigma #artproject #publicartproject #art
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Our Steinway International Piano Series 2019/2020 is on sale now! Featuring Ingrid Fliter, Barry Douglas, Joseph Moog, Gabriela Montero and Julien Libeer performing at the Royal Welsh College's Dora Stoutzker Concert Hall between September 2019 - June 2020
Mae ein Cyfres Piano Rhyngwladol Steinway 2019/2020 ar werth nawr! Yn cynnwys Ingrid Fliter, Barry Douglas, Joseph Moog, Gabriela Montero a Julien Libeer yn perfformio yn Neuadd Dora Stoutzker Coleg Brenhinol Cymru rhwng Medi 2019 - Mehefin 2020 _piano_series.aspx


The cast of The Sicilian Courtesan got their dancing shoes on today as they rehearsed the movement sections of the play in their Spanish Golden Age costumes. This UK premiere of Sean O'Brien's new adaptation of Lope De Vega's Fenisa's Hook runs from 23 May to 1 June at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. Directed by Laurence Boswell.…/events/the_si cilian_courtesan.aspx
Gwisgodd gast The Sicilian Courtesan eu hesgidiau dawns heddiw wrth iddynt ymarfer adrannau symudiad y ddrama yn eu gwisgoedd Oes Aur Sbaeneg. Fydd y premier DU o gyfieithiad newydd o Fenisa's Hook gan Lope De Vega yn rhedeg o 23 Mai i 1 Mehefin yn Goleg Cerdd a Drama Cymru. Cyfarwyddir gan Laurence Boswell.


#Repost @yearofthedogband our fantastic student swing band of @sexeducation fame! Da iawn! 👏🏽👏🏽 ・・・ Even though @felixlindsellhales can’t play his own song, our single ‘Run These Streets’ from @sexeducation is out soon 👀 17th May! #runthesestreets #sexeducation #swingband


This weekend, we present Atmospheres 2019, a three-day festival of new and original music by composers from the Royal Welsh College, as well as performances by special guests. Take a look at our website for the full festival listings
Penwythnos yma, rydyn ni’n cyflwyno Awyrgylch 2019, gŵyl tri diwrnod o gerddoriaeth newydd a gwreiddiol gan gyfansoddwyr Coleg Brenhinol Cymru, a pherfformiadau gan ymwelwyr arbennig. Edrychwch ar y wefan am restr lawn yr ŵyl.


Thanks very much for having us Cardiff City Ladies FC!


Making badass swords ⚔️ Creu cleddyfau ⚔️ . . #propmaking #props #designforperformance repost @roriebrophy


This evening Llyr Williams launches his Pictures in Music series at 7.30pm, opening the door of his musical picture gallery. Prepare to see visions of Norway and Naples, to feel the evening sun and the west wind, and to meet the Girl with Flaxen Hair.
Heno fydd Llyr Williams yn lansio ei gyfres Lluniau mewn Cerddoriaeth am 7.30pm, bydd yn agor drysau ei oriel luniau cerddoriaeth. Byddwch yn barod am ddelweddau o Norwy a Napoli, i deimlo gwres yr hwyrnos a gwynt y gorllewin, ac i gwrdd â’r Ferch Benfelen.


Happy International Jazz Day! On 6 - 9 June we see the return of our AmserJazzTime Festival, featuring Snowpoet, Hannah Grace, Atlas ft. Sara Colman, Huw Warren and Jovino Santos Neto and our talented jazz students.
On 29 June, we also welcome back Gilad Hekselman for our Royal Welsh College Jazz Showcase
... Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Jazz Hapus! Ar 6 – 9 Mehefin bydd ein gŵyl AmserJazzTime yn dychwelyd, yn cynnwys Snowpoet, Hannah Grace, Atlas a Sara Colman, Huw Warren a Jovino Santos Neto ac ein myfyrwyr jazz talentog.
Ar 29 Mehefin, rydyn ni hefyd yn croesawu yn ôl Gilad Hekselman am ein llwyfan jazz Coleg Brenhinol Cymru
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Atmospheres 19
Benthic (by Dylan Champagne) part of the Saturday Triple Bill
Dylan Champagne is an MMus student who’s piece ‘Benthic’ will be performed as part of the Saturday Triple Bill, alongside Archipelago by Jon Sims and Pride by Freddie Hill. Benthic uses an unconventional ensemble (two string quartets set up in mirror image, with two bassoons and a double bass) as a musical metaphor for the mind.
... Here’s what Dylan had to say about his involvement in this year’s festival:
“Composition is such a lone-wolf endeavour most of the time, so I’m most excited to hear what everyone has been up to. I’m also excited to share my Atmosphere’s piece, of course – which overtly explores connections between the subconscious and the conscious mind. It has been a real treat to work completely within the context of a live acoustic ensemble.”
Catch Atmospheres 19’s Saturday Triple Bill on 4 May at 7:30pm
Tickets:…/ev…/benthic _archipelago_pride.aspx _
Awyrgylch 19
Benthic (gan Dylan Champagne) rhan o Dair Cyngerdd Sadwrn
Mae Dylan Champagne yn fyfyriwr MMus a bydd ei darn ‘Benthic’ yn cael ei berfformio fel rhan o Dair Cyngerdd Sadwrn, ochr yn ochr â Archipelago gan Jon Sims a Pride gan Freddie Hill. Mae Benthic yn defnyddio ensemble anghonfensiynol (dau bedwarawd llinynnol wedi’u gosod fel adlewyrchiad o'i gilydd, gyda dau fasŵn a dau fas dwbl) fel trosiad cerddorol o’r meddwl.
Gwelwch uchod beth oedd gan Dylan ei ddweud am ei gyfranogiad yn yr ŵyl eleni.
Daliwch Tair Cyngerdd Sadwrn Awyrgylch 19 ar 4 Mai am 7:30pm
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Wednesday 1 May 7.30pm
Sibelius Karelia Suite, Op.11 Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin: The Letter Scene Sibelius Lemminkäinen Suite, Op.22: The Swan of Tuonela... Sibelius Symphony No.7, Op.105
Kalle Kuusava conductor Camilla Roberts soprano
WNO Orchestra present three evocative masterpieces by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius in this summer evening concert with fellow Finn, conductor Kalle Kuusava.
Tickets:…/wno_orchestra _northern_lights.aspx __
Mercher 1 Mai 7.30pm
Sibelius: Karelia Suite, Op.11 Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin: The Letter Scene Egwyl Sibelius: Lemminkäinen Suite, Op.22: The Swan of Tuonela Sibelius: Symffoni Rhif 7, Op.105
Kalle Kuusava arweinydd Camilla Roberts soprano
Mae Cerddorfa WNO yn cyflwyno tri champwaith atgofus gan y cyfansoddwr o'r Ffindir Jean Sibelius yn y cyngerdd haf hwn gyda'r cydwladwr Kalle Kuusava yn arwain.
Tocynnau:…/wno_orchestra _northern_lights.aspx
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Atmospheres 19 Everything Else In Their World Is Solid (Philippa Anning)
Philippa Anning is a fourth year RWCMD composition student and for Atmospheres 19 she’s created ‘Everything Else In Their World Is Solid’, an audio-visual installation that explores the malleability of the forming mind.
... Here’s what Philippa had to say about her work for the festival this year: “For my final project at the College as a student, it seemed only fitting to focus my creation on biographical material; exploring VHS footage from my childhood. Not only has it been so special to look back on home videos from almost 20 years ago, but it has been a powerful learning experience, discovering what has shaped me into the young composer I am now as I embark on a professional career.
I think we often forget how we work as composers and it has been a great to immerse myself into a project which peels away the tools that I so often hide behind. 100% of the sound and film explored within the installation has been created from such a vulnerable, whole-hearted place.”
Catch Everything Else In Their World is Solid in our S4C Studio on Saturday 4 May from 11am. • Awyrgylch 19 Everything Else In Their World Is Solid (Philippa Anning)
Mae Philippa Anning yn fyfyrwraig cyfansoddi CBCDC yn ei blwyddyn olaf ac ar gyfer Awyrgylch 19 mae hi wedi creu Everything Else In Their World Is Solid, gosodiad clyweledol sy’n archwilio hydrinedd y meddwl sy’n ffurfio. Gwelwch uchod beth oedd gan Philippa i ddweud am ei gwaith i’r ŵyl eleni.
Daliwch Everything Else In Their World Is Solid yn ein Stiwdio S4C o 11am.
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Our Summer 19 season is on sale now! We’ve got a great range of music and drama events including our Amserjazztime festival, our Atmospheres 2019 festival, our summer musical The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Gilbert and Sullivan’’s The Gondoliers at Sherman Theatre and much more! 🎭 🎵 • Mae ein tymor Haf 19 ar werth nawr! Mae gennym amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau haf yma, gan gynnwys ein gŵyl Amserjazztime ein gŵyl Awyrgylch 2019, sioe gerdd yr Haf The Hunchback of Notre Dame, opera Gilbert a Sullivan The Gondoliers yn Sherman Theatre a llawer mwy! 🎭🎵


Atmospheres is back. A three-day festival of new and original music showcasing an eclectic mix of world premieres produced by composers from the Royal Welsh College as well as performances by special guests. 3 -5 May.
Visit our website for the full festival line-up: res_2019.aspx
... Mae Awyrgylch yn ôl. Gŵyl tri diwrnod o gerddoriaeth newydd a gwreiddiol yn arddangos cymysgedd amrywiol o berfformiadau cyntaf wedi ei gyfansoddi gan gyfansoddwyr Coleg Brenhinol Cymru a pherfformiadau gan westeion arbennig. 3 -5 Mai.
Ewch i ein gwefan am y rhestr lawn o ddigwyddiadau'r ŵyl: res_2019.aspx
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The Other Room in partnership with the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama and Theatr Clwyd | mewn cydweithrediad â Choleg Brenhinol Cymru a Theatr Clwyd

More about Royal Welsh College Of Music & Drama

Royal Welsh College Of Music & Drama is located at Castle Grounds, Cathays Park, CF10 3ER Cardiff
029 2034 2854