Ryan Evans #Rept

About Ryan Evans #Rept

✔12 week challenge
✔Tailored nutrition
✔ Tailored training
✔All around your lifestyle
✔Online coaching
Www. ryanevanspersonaltrainer. co. uk

Ryan Evans #Rept Description

insta @ryanevanspt

email - ryanevanstraining@gmail.com for more info



Taking this moment to appreciate my client @ambroselo94 who has achieved incredible results with me in just TWELVE weeks 💪🏼 . . The truth is, a guy like this makes my job so easy. He does every single thing I ask, asks all the right questions and makes the most out of having me as a coach by making sure he LEARNS why he's doing what he's doing 🙌🏼 .... . Watching his strength grow has been a pleasure, but watching his confidence grow is nothing short of the exact reason why it is that I do this job (and why I love it) 🙏🏼 . . This was achieved by setting him a weekly calorie goal across a week (split however best suited him and his lifestyle) with a protein goal to hit each day (simple) 👌🏼 . . Training wise, we've used a progressive overload approach and he has just run with it and exceeded all expectations 🏆 . . The truth is, this guy has learnt so much he probably doesn't even need me anymore but I'm pleased and proud to say he's chosen to continue with me anyway ✌🏼 . . 12 weeks down, another 12 ahead of us to smash (so fucking excited!) 🤙🏼
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There really is no need to overcomplicate the steps you need to follow to get in shape. Take it one day at a time and go to bed each night knowing you can tick off each of the following 5 things . . 1⃣Nutrition - most important of all. Did you stick within a set, suitable calorie range that will mean you're in a sensible deficit? (If you want to retain plenty of muscle then it's a good idea to make sure you're getting adequate protein too) .... . 2⃣Training - did you train hard and intensely? This will be crucial to creating the calorie deficit you need to lose body fat . . 3⃣NEAT activity - have you been active? Again, this helps to create that all important calorie deficit. Never underestimate how many more calories you burn on an active day compared to a sedentary one . . 4⃣Hydration - did you drink plenty of water? If you don't, your body will retain water and you'll look like you're holding more body fat than you actually are . . 5⃣Supplements - the least important on this list but still worth a mention. Important for health and ensuring you're getting all of the nutrients your body needs (this is more important when limiting calories as that may mean you unintentionally limit nutrients) . . If you can honestly say you've kept all of the above tight that day then you can rest safe in the knowledge that you did everything you could to work towards your fat loss goals ✌ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prices & info available at - Www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk ......................................... ............. Enquiries ryanevanstraining@gmail.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #sustainability #health #TacticalNutrition #REPT #TNT #bodyconfidence #fitnessaddict #transformationcoach #lifestylecoach #bodybuilding #coaching #flexibledieting #pt #personaltrainer #lifting #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #determination #transformation #cardiffpts #onlinecoach #cardiff
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We’re all only human and part of being human means we all fuck things up sometimes... and diets are no exception! 🙈 . . If you’ve accidentally made a mess of your diet, gone off track and have entered a binge then fear not! Here’s my best advice on how to manage it: .... DO NOT: . 🚫Go mad and do some over the top guilty training - don’t cause an injury for the sake of it, and don’t use exercise as a way to purge after a binge (this creates and perpetuates a negative cycle of behaviour) 😅 . 🚫Try and starve yourself to compensate (again, perpetuating a binge-purge cycle of behaviour is a very dangerous game - don’t do it!) 🤚🏼 . 🚫Just think fuck it, I’ll start again Monday and proceed to binge for the rest of the week (needless to say, 7 days of binging can be 7 times as bad as just one day) - don’t make backwards progress! 🐽 . . But make sure that you DO: . ✅Get back on plan asap -the sooner you’re back on it, the less damage has been done🥗 . ✅Resume normal training - a healthy attitude to training is crucial, it’s not a gruelling punishment for bad behaviour! 🏋🏼‍♂️ . ✅ Try and learn what your trigger was - you might be able to prevent another binge from happening if you realise that when it comes to Pringles for example, as the old saying goes, once you pop you really can’t stop! . . It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes but we shouldn’t punish ourselves for these. Sometimes, life is too short not to smash a whole chocolate cake and besides, your weight loss goals should only ever be in place to please yourself. You’re not letting anybody down so don’t beat yourself up 😘
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Now it's no secret that people who get a personal trainer are more likely to stick at it long term but here's why the research suggests it's so effective🤓 . . ⚫ Accountability - having someone to meet at the gym or be at the end of the phone makes you more likely to turn up or speak to them when you're struggling. Having someone who cares about your progress makes you more likely to stick at it 😊 .... . ⚫ Knowledge - the more we know in the gym, the more confident we feel in there, the more interested we are in it, the more likely it is to becomes a hobby ✌🏼 . . ⚫ Results - having a PT makes you more likely to see results, seeing results makes the gym feel more rewarding and more worthwhile - having a targeted training plan is great, the fact that stats show we work out up to 6 times harder with a PT is even better 💪🏼 . . ⚫ Motivation - if you're lacking motivation, your PT will stand there and personally make an effort to motivate you - to get that one more rep out, to see you next session and to stick with that healthy eating 🙌 . . If you want any Info on coaching with one of the coaches at #Rept contact . . Info@reptcoaching.co.uk
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Super proud of good pal and super magician @chaywisdom he has absolute smashed it . . We worked together a long old time ago and became good friends. He has had help from some great coaches around cardiff. But the mental state to get from a to b regardless is outstanding. Couldn't be happier for you mate.


#Repost @malianakins (@get_repost) ・・・ I’ve walked out from this challenge not only with a new body but as a completely new person. I’m actually happy now.
Honestly it’s so much more than just looking different. I can walk out the door confident in the person I am, I feel proud of being me rather than wishing I was someone else... . . I can go to last minute plans and not have to stress about what to wear and what I look like whilst I’m there. I can just relax, be myself and focus on spending time with the people around me . . And most importantly go to plans like nights out, dinners etc without it affecting my goals and effecting my progress . . I’m focused on loving myself and not looking for others approval. And it’s the most freeing feeling in the world . . Ryan has changed my life more this year than I could’ve ever imagined. Thank you so much. I’m a lot different now to that lost broken girl on the phone, I’ve grown up and I feel stronger than ever. I welcome new challenges rather than being fearful because if I can do this and stick to it than I can do anything. Honestly best thing I’ve ever done!! Thanks ry!!xx @ryanevanspt
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Self identity is such a huge part of why we do what we do. It affects the way we act, the choices we make, the people we hang out with, the words we use, the way we present ourselves, how we feel about ourselves and so much more... 😖 . . Self perceptions affect us so much that the impact they have on our life can be equal to, and sometimes even greater than, the reality 🤨 .... . (E.g. The amount of time we THINK we have available has a greater influence on whether or not we go to the gym than the ACTUAL amount of free time we have in our day)⏰ . . What this also means is that the limitations we impose on ourselves, prevent us from doing things that we might be able to do (really fucking well perhaps) 🤔 . . If we think we’re shit at something then we often won’t put ourselves in the pipeline to do it 💩 . . Imagine a person who thinks they aren’t funny and so won’t make a joke... but seriously how the fuck is anybody ever going to find you funny if you’re always too much of a pussy to crack a joke?😂🤷🏼‍♂️ . . This is sad though because what it means is that our own (often incorrect) perceptions make us miss out on opportunities. Obviously, opportunities that are presented to us have to be taken in order for us to benefit from them 👏🏼 . . Studies researching the psychology of luck even found that people who perceived themselves to be lucky were only so lucky because they TOOK MORE OPPORTUNITIES 🍀 . . They were more likely to enter competitions and run for authoritative positions. They were even more likely to notice an advert giving away FREE money than their “unlucky” counterparts, all because they were looking for and ready for opportunities 🤑 . . It’s true what they say, we make our own luck - if you think you can’t, then try because you might! And if you can’t yet, then keep trying because you never know when you will be able to 😉 . . They say opportunity doesn’t knock twice, but it knocks all the fucking time! You just have to listen out for it and answer the fucking door 🏠 . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prices & info available at - Www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk
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Giving clients the confidence to do the little things they tell me at the beginning of a challenge is one of the most rewarding parts of my job!! . . Craig just wanted to feel comfortable wearing a vest in the gym! Now look at him 👌 . . Next thing you know he'll be training topless hahaha (please dont do that) 😂... . . What are your little goals? What would you like the confidence to do? . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prices available at - Www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk (link in bio) ......................................... ............. Enquiries Info@reptcoaching.co.uk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #sustainability #health #TacticalNutrition #REPT #TNT #bodyconfidence #fitnessaddict #transformationcoach #lifestylecoach #bodybuilding #coaching #flexibledieting #pt #personaltrainer #lifting #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #determination #transformation #registereddietician #onlinecoach #onlinept
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Super proud of good pal and super magician @chaywisdom he has absolute smashed it . . We worked together a long old time ago and became good friends. He has had help from some great coaches around cardiff. But the mental state to get from a to b regardless is outstanding. Couldn't be happier for you mate.


There really is no need to overcomplicate the steps you need to follow to get in shape. Take it one day at a time and go to bed each night knowing you can tick off each of the following 5 things . . 1⃣Nutrition - most important of all. Did you stick within a set, suitable calorie range that will mean you're in a sensible deficit? (If you want to retain plenty of muscle then it's a good idea to make sure you're getting adequate protein too) .... . 2⃣Training - did you train hard and intensely? This will be crucial to creating the calorie deficit you need to lose body fat . . 3⃣NEAT activity - have you been active? Again, this helps to create that all important calorie deficit. Never underestimate how many more calories you burn on an active day compared to a sedentary one . . 4⃣Hydration - did you drink plenty of water? If you don't, your body will retain water and you'll look like you're holding more body fat than you actually are . . 5⃣Supplements - the least important on this list but still worth a mention. Important for health and ensuring you're getting all of the nutrients your body needs (this is more important when limiting calories as that may mean you unintentionally limit nutrients) . . If you can honestly say you've kept all of the above tight that day then you can rest safe in the knowledge that you did everything you could to work towards your fat loss goals ✌ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prices & info available at - Www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk ......................................... ............. Enquiries ryanevanstraining@gmail.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #sustainability #health #TacticalNutrition #REPT #TNT #bodyconfidence #fitnessaddict #transformationcoach #lifestylecoach #bodybuilding #coaching #flexibledieting #pt #personaltrainer #lifting #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #determination #transformation #cardiffpts #onlinecoach #cardiff
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****A SPACE HAS BECOME AVAILABLE TO JOIN TEAM #REPT**** . . We are currently looking for somebody who is local to Cardiff and is willing and ready to join team #REPT and transform their body and their life .... . The challenger would take on either a 8 or 12 week in-person body transformation challenge . . The challenge includes: . . - a FULLY BESPOKE AND TAILORED training plan . - a FULLY BESPOKE AND TAILORED nutrition plan . - up to two personal training sessions a week . - access to our closed Facebook community where you will find motivational videos, tips on training, tips for nutrition, tips for motivation, recipe ideas, exercise psychology support and endless support from your fellow challengers and trainers at Team #REPT . . So if you want to: . - lose weight ✔ - build muscle ✔ - get fitter ✔ - get stronger ✔ - get healthier✔ -build confidence✔ . . Then join us today at . . www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk . . ***SUITABLE FOR EVERYBODY FROM BEGINNERS TO ATHLETES*** . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prices & info available at - Www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk ......................................... ............. Enquiries info@reptcoaching.co.uk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #sustainability #health #TacticalNutrition #REPT #TNT #bodyconfidence #cardifffitness #transformationcoach #lifestylecoach #bodybuilding #coach #flexibledieting #pt #personaltrainer #lifting #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #determination #transformation #cardiffpts #onlinecoach #cardiff
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It’s not uncommon for people to feel that online coaching wouldn’t provide the level of support that they feel they’d need 😭 . . However, there are lots of success stories and although not every coach is amazing, the quality of online coaching in general is improving all the time 📈 .... . Here’s some reasons why the demand for online coaching is growing and what some of the benefits of online coaching are: . . 1️⃣It costs less . 2️⃣You don’t have to run on someone else’s schedule (perfect for people with unpredictable hours) . 3️⃣You can train when and where you want (great for people who travel a lot) . 4️⃣It encourages you to be independent and to own your own fitness journey . 5️⃣Whilst still providing accountability . 6️⃣Provides the opportunity for learning . 7️⃣You receive quick responses to questions (isn’t technology amazing 😉) . . Online coaching should be perfect for anyone because any personalised online programme should be just that.. personal! 👏🏼 . . It should consider your fitness, available equipment, time constraints, lifestyle, previous experience, preferences and more! 🙌🏼 . . Like anything worth having, results will always be best for those who are able to motivate themselves - the same is true for in-person clients I can assure you 😂🤷🏼‍♂️ . . For spaces email Info@reptcoaching.co.uk . . #REPT #sustainability #happy #confident #transformation
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One day at a time. Nothing lasts forever. Bad times and good ✌


HAVE A READ BELOW . . IF YOU: .... . . Are struggling to achieve your goal physique because there's just too much conflicting information flying around 😖 . . Need help weeding out the myths within the fitness industry 🦄 . . Want to know what calories you need to reach your goal 🥅 . . Want to find out how to calculate your protein requirements ⚖ . . Need someone to teach you how to practically follow a flexible nutrition plan, not miss social occasions and have a beer with your friends and not go off track 🍭🍦🍟 . . Want to find out exactly how to manage real life alongside still working towards your body goals 🤔 . . Learn the right training style that suits your bodyshape and structure . . Get fitter and stronger without all the fads and gimmicks out there currently . . Then sign up for one of my challenges today. Challenges include more than just training and plans but also include enough EDUCATION to give you the skills you need to take your fitness journey as far as you can 💪🏼 . . Drive should be the only thing that separates those who achieve. Don't let lack of knowledge stand in your way ✌ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prices & info available at - Www.ryanevanspersonaltrainer.co.uk ......................................... ............. Enquiries Info@reptcoaching.co.uk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #sustainability #health #TacticalNutrition #REPT #TNT #bodyconfidence #fitnessaddict #transformationcoach #lifestylecoach #bodybuilding #coaching #flexibledieting #pt #personaltrainer #lifting #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #determination #transformation #registereddietician #onlinecoach #onlinept
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More about Ryan Evans #Rept
