Sacred Diamond

About Sacred Diamond


Sacred Diamond Description

REIKI - (pronounced Ray Key) is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique. It uses spiritual energy to treat a person, in a holistic way. As it is guided by a Higher Intelligence, its effects are not limited to the physical body. It works at balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of a person’s mind, body, emotions and spirit. The energy is channelled through me as I become a conduit to Source, into the recipient, who then uses it for their own highest good. During the session, the recipient is fully clothed and can be lying down or sitting, whichever is more comfortable, usually appropriate Reiki music will be playing to allow total relaxation. I will then move over the body intuitively, allowing the Reiki to flow.

REIKI MASTER /TEACHER - As a Reiki Master, I will teach you about Reiki, its history, benefits and most importantly, the 'Five Reiki Precepts'. I will then connect with Source and give you the appropriate Attunement, connecting you to the Reiki energy.

THE DIAMOND LIGHT ALIGNMENT - is used to stabilise the energy field. It supports the structural changes going on in our energy bodies, as we become more crystalline. The Diamond, or Sacred Octahedron is an energetic structure that helps to bridge the material and non-material worlds. It vitalises your ability to receive the many frequencies of light (information) from the Universal electromagnetic spectrum. The Diamond is a vehicle to align your DNA with the cosmic blueprints for life and as so is your conduit to Source and an embodiment of the heart of All That Is.
The Diamond Light Grid is of a specific geometry, that both surrounds and penetrates the physical body. It carries a higher frequency of light, which once aligned to its original structure, allows a greater degree of resonance with your Souls purpose and original state of perfection.
The Diamond Light Grid is the vehicle for the DIAMOND LIGHT CODES. These are 'symbols' representing Geometric structures of Light. 'Living Light'. They awaken dormant aspects within your DNA, helping to align you with the frequencies of energy streaming on to our planet. They hold and transmit vibrational frequencies that help bring change to your world. . . . 'As within, So without. '

SACRED ACTIVATIONS - can change your life really quickly. They are one of the most powerful healing tools, activating your Sacred Geometry and pulling you out of * Collective Consciousness (including disease, struggle to survive, fear and powerlessness) *Genetic Consciousness *Religious Consciousness and *Group Consciousness all holding hundreds of thousands of belief systems which hold you back from who you really are. Sacred Activations releases those belief systems so you can be in your power here on Earth. Each Sacred Activation can clear 100's to 1000's of limiting belief systems, oaths, vows, contracts, that may be held in the depths of our subconscious, on all levels of our existence and can disconnect you from the Universal collective consciousness of Fear.

(All modalities are safe to use during pregnancy, or whilst on medication)

More about Sacred Diamond

Sacred Diamond is located at Keens Road, LL17 0PR Llanelwy