Sacred You Holistic Therapies

About Sacred You Holistic Therapies

Teaching Holistic Therapies with accredited courses and running workshops .
Holistic Treatments .

Sacred You Holistic Therapies Description

What Aromatherapy is

Aromatherapy is a branch of herbal medicine that uses the medicinal properties of the essential oils of plants and herbs. The use of plant essential oils dates back to the ancient times in Egypt, Italy, India, and China. French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse coined the term aromatherapy in 1937, when he witnessed first-hand the healing power of lavender oil on healing skin burns.
Today, aromatherapy is widely practiced in North America and Europe. It is often integrated into holistic treatments, and is used in spa treatments and products such as candles, massage oil, and other relaxation products.
The essential oils used in aromatherapy are plant volatile oils from the flowers, leaves, stems, buds, branches, or roots that have been extracted using steam distillation, water and stem distillation or cold-pressing.

Aromatherapy and what to expect prior to treatment

firstly the client is introduced to the therapy room and is made to feel comfortable .

free consultation is the carried out of all medical history to determine which essential oils to use on your client in treating what has been mentioned . This can take up to 30 minutes or longer depending on the medical history . The massage will then take place which will last a total of a 1 hour session , after finishing the client is then left to come around in there own time as they may feel very relaxed . Then after care will be given along with a glass of water .

Essential oils can affect almost every organ system in the body. Each essential oil has a unique pharmacological effect, such as anti-bacterial,
antiviral, diuretic, vasodilator, tranquilizing, and adrenal stimulating.
When an essential oil is inhaled, the molecules enter the nasal cavity and stimulate the limbic system in the brain. The libic system is a region that influences emotions and memories and is directly linked to the adrenals, pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, the parts of the body that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, stress, memory, hormone balance, and breathing. This makes the effects of essential oils immediate in bringing about emotional and physiological balance.

What Aromatherapy can be used for

Aromatherapy can be used for a variety of health conditions, such as allergies, stress, bruises, burns, diarrhea, earache, prementrual syndrome (PMS), energy, insect bites, relaxation, poor digestion, headache, menopause, insomnia, nausea, bronchitis, colds, flu, sinusitis, sprains, wounds, shingles (herpes zoster), muscle and joint pain, arthritis, nervousenss, restlessness, and scars.

Swedish Massage treatment

firstly the client is introduced to the therapy room and is made to feel comfortable .

free consultation is then carried out of all medical history to determine if there are any contra indications or contra actions prior to the massage taking place and also to determine if there are areas around the scapula , shoulders and neck that need extra work in realising tension and knots that have built up over time . The term Swedish massage refers to a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones. The main purpose of a Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood to release toxins from the body . After the massage has taken place the client is then left to come around in their own time as the client may feel very relaxed . Then after care advice is given prior to treatment and a glass of water .

Swedish massage currently represents the western "standard" for massage therapy. Also commonly known as "therapeutic massage", Swedish Massage represents a general massage system that focuses on increasing circulation and promoting relaxation. The so-called "Swedish era" in the field of manual therapy started with the Swedish professor Pehr Ling who founded 1813 the "Institute for Healing Gymnastics and Massage" in Stockholm.

He improved and developed specific hand movements and certain procedures which are today part of manual therapies. Also significantly involved for further development of massage and including it for medical treatment was the Dutch physician Johann Georg Mezger (1838-1909).

Benefits of Swedish massage

The main purpose of Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the body - it shortens recovery time from muscular strain by flushing the tissue of lactic acid , uric acid and other metabolic wastes . It increases circulation with out increasing heart load . It stretches the ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and pliable . Swedish massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves themselves at the same time . It reduces , stress both emotionally and physical, and it suggested in a regular program for stress management . It also has many specific medical uses .


What to expect prior treatment
firstly the client is introduced to the therapy room and is made to feel comfortable .

free consultation is then carried out of all medical history to determine which areas on the feet that need extra work on . This can take up to 30 minutes or longer depending on the medical history . The client is then made comfortable and the Reflexology begins . It is possible for the practitioners and clients to feel energy move. A reflexologist can sometimes feel the energy move from a point of pressure on the feet, hands or ears throughout the body. For example, when working on the spleen and gall bladder points, the practitioner can access the points at the same time, and actually feel a flow of energy. Frequently, due to the power of these two points, the client can also feel the flow. After the 1 hour session has come to a end the client is then explained to what areas on the foot related to the organs have shown up . this is listed in the consultation and then explained to the client and what areas on the foot have been worked over more , then after care is given along with a glass of water and the client is left to come around in their own time .

One theory is that reflexology works with the central nervous system. This theory builds on research done in the 1890s by Sir Henry Head and
Sir Charles Sherrington, who began to show through their research that a neurological relationship exists between the skin and the internal organs, and that the whole nervous system adjusts to a stimulus.
According to the theory, the reflexologist's application of pressure to the feet, hands, or ears sends a calming message from the peripheral nerves in these extremities to the central nervous system, which in turn signals the body to adjust the tension level. This enhances overall relaxation, brings internal organs and their systems into a state of optimum functioning, and increases blood supply (which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to cells and enhances waste removal). It positively affects the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, immune, and neuropeptide systems in the body.

What Reflexology can treat



•Back pain

•Chronic illnesses - diabetes, MS

•Chronic pain*


•Digestive disorders


•Hormonal imbalances


•Pregnancy related condition

•Preparation for and priming of labour



•Sleep disorders

•Sports injuries


•Stress related conditions

Indian Head Massage
What to expect prior to treatment

firstly the client is introduced to the therapy room and is made to feel comfortable .

free consultation is then carried out of all medical history to determine if there are any contra actions or contra indications prior to the massage being carried out . It is important to realise that there is an integral relationship between the head, neck shoulders and upper arms and by incorporating these parts the treatment becomes more of a stress management treatment rather than a treatment to stimulate the head and improve the hair growth and condition.

The client is then made to feel comfortable in a chair and explained to before the massage begins that healing of the crown , forehead and throat chakras will be worked on during the end of the Indian Head Massage . The client is then left to come around in their own time , after care advice will be given and a glass of water .

History of Indian Head Massage

The art of Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient system of medicine known as Ayurveda, which has been practised as a family tradition within India
for thousands of years.

The early Ayurveda texts, dating back nearly 4, 000 years, feature massage and the principles of holistic treatment, in that health results from harmony within one's self. The Ayer-Veda, a sacred book among Hindus, written about 1800 BC, included massage amongst its Ayurveda principles. The Hindus used techniques preserved in the Sanskrit texts, 2, 500 years ago, which detail the underlying principles of Ayurveda in maintaining balance in the body. Despite being in existence on the Indian sub-continent for thousands of years, Indian Head Massage has only recently started to gain popularity in the west. Techniques practised today have evolved from traditional rituals of Indian family hair massage and grooming to include other parts of the body vulnerable to stress, such as the shoulders, upper arms neck and face.

Physical benefits of Indian Head Massage

Improves Blood Flow to the head , brain , neck and upper back .
Relives Muscular tension and ligament tension
Improves muscular tone
Promotes the growth of health hair

Mental benefits

Creates a feeling of well being and peace throughout the whole body
Stimulates the memory and powers of concentration and alertness
Alleviates feeling of anxiety . stress and depression
Rebalances energy flow through the body's meridian and chakra system . Stagnant energy is realised .
Encourages deep sleep .

More about Sacred You Holistic Therapies

Sacred You Holistic Therapies is located at The Old School , Brecon Becans , Trap, Llandeilo