Saint Theodore'S Church, Ynysddu

About Saint Theodore'S Church, Ynysddu

All are welcome! Please come and join us to share worship, friendship and laughter.

Saint Theodore'S Church, Ynysddu Description

All are welcome! Please come and join us to share worship, friendship and laughter.

For all enquires, please contact:

The Reverend Mark Owen

The Vicarage
Commercial Street
NP12 3TX

01443 836805

Please see our notes for service times.



A very happy Easter to you all! Whilst the church is closed, the flowers around it are blooming regardless. The trees on the mountain are turning green again. Signs of new life are appearing all around. During these difficult times it can help to take note, appreciate and wonder at such small beauties. May you all find something that brings you a little hope, light and joy this Easter.


Dear all. All church services are canceled until further notice. We pray this will not last any longer than needed. We hold everyone in prayer at this difficult time. Fr. Mark.


Come and join us for our Christmas carol service on Thursday the 5th at 6pm. Ynysddu and Cwmfelinfach school choirs will be singing. There'll also be a puppet show for the youngsters. Afterwards grab a mince pie and cup of tea in the hall. 🍰☕


Come and join us for the Remembrance service at 10am on Sunday the 10th of November. Please arrive early though.


He is risen! Happy Easter everyone!


Our Midnight Mass service starts at 11:30pm on Christmas Eve. We hope you can join us!


Come and join us for Christmas carols at St Theodore's tomorrow (Monday) at 6pm. Children from Ynysddu and Cwmfelinfach schools will be singing. It should be a lovely evening.


Ann has sent us another great photo of the village. What a green and beautiful place we live in.


We've been sent this great photo by Ann Jones (nee Davies) in Australia. It was taken on the morning of her wedding in 1965. Ann and her husband moved to Australia in 1970. It looks so different without all the trees! Thanks Ann!


Thank you very much indeed to everyone that has donated to the church since the burglary! Your gifts are really appreciated. We've had the door fixed and it's been done very well. Thank you again!


Thank you very much for all the nice comments and offers of help. It's really encouraging to have your support.


Some sad news. Our church has been broken into. Sometime over the last day or two someone broke through the door, severely damaging it in the process. Luckily, they didn't cause any damage on the inside but made off with two of our collections jars containing donations that had been made to help pay for our heating. There's evidence that they tried to find other things to take. We're only a small church, supported by the community for the benefit of the community so it's very sad when things like this happen. Don't worry though, the door will be patched up and we'll be back to normal in no time.


Our #Easter garden today.
The empty tomb: rch=John%2020:1-18


A very happy Easter to you all!


"God not only welcomes all, he holds everyone who reaches out to him".

More about Saint Theodore'S Church, Ynysddu