Sam Stocks

About Sam Stocks

Sam Stocks Coaching Specialises In Long Term Transformation Solutions For Women Who Have Struggled With Their Health, Weight And Mindset, Turning It Around Using Tailor-Made Tools And Solutions, Women Can Put To Work From Day ONE.

Sam Stocks Description

Sam Stocks Coaches YOU to become YOUR best self. Helping you overcome the excuses, stories, habits and behaviours that hold you back. The Result = A HappyU



Digestive Mayhem
Food Poisoning? Is that the first thing that comes to mind when you have tummy troubles?
It’s very common.
... It’s not NORMAL
It’s VERY common.
And it seems that something is doing the rounds at the moment
So it could be a stomach bug.
How can you be more resilient to this and other common problems/bugs/stresses?
Well, STRESS, is a big factor
As I mentioned yesterday.
You see.
Stress for many people can cause wear and tear on the digestive tract
Causing you to react more sensitively to foods, bugs and other things we consume as part of daily living
What else causes digestive decline...
Alcohol consumption
Food intolerances
Gut imbalance
Over working
Over exercising
Low calorie diets
And more.
If you want to feel your best, and enjoy YOUR life at YOUR BEST.
Then knowing more about these things, and what’s preventing you from living fully is going to be very interesting, as well as being insightful
Having answers to questions that may have been on your mind for a long time can be a massive relief
A deep understanding to WHY
Why you may have struggled
Why, despite doing what you feel is right, most of the time, you still don’t achieve good results...
Well, now you can.
Knowing what to eat, how to recover and more, in a number of situations can help your body feel fantastic
Most people feel like zombies...
Barely able to function without knocking back double espressos
You get what I mean
If you’re ready to learn more about your body
And put that knowledge into practice
Give me a shout
Drop me a message
Or simply reply
Because let’s understand one thing
Time is going by all the time
Why wait any longer
When just around the corner
You can be living a better life.
And if nothing feels too bad right now
Still remember this...
What if you could improve by 1000%
How would that impact you and those you care about?
All the best
Sam ‘rumble’ Stocks
PS. What do you need help with today?
See more


Time for yourself
Who knew?
...That time for yourself is one of the key factors to feeling at your best
... How?
Nowadays so many people have tons of stress to deal with
Being overweight
Having poor sleep
All take their toll on your body
And your mind
This snow balls further when you have a busy family life
Massive work commitments and so on
In just 4 minutes a day you can access a calmer you
Most people struggle to follow a consistent exercise routine down to...STRESS
Most people can’t maintain quality nutrition because of...STRESS
Most people cause drama in relationships because of STRESS
Most people stop doing what’s good for them down guessed it...STRESS
What if you had access to behaviours that allow you to rid all the bad STRESS from your life
And the stress you do need, you can access tools that make sure it remains good for you.
That backed up by accountability that keeps you mindful of why you started in the first place and what you ARE doing well.
Is a winning formula and far less stressful than most plans people are attempting to follow.
This is your choice.
Keep dealing with mountains of stress and struggling
Or get some quality help that can change your life
That help is on the other side of you sending me a message.
All the best
PS. Who will you celebrate your success with? More on that tomorrow
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Proud to be BEATEN
There I was. Whitley Bay. In front of Spanish City at the start line
Every Saturday ready for the Park Run
... Only yesterday, a very talented young client of mine was on the start line with me
Now I did not see him at first
But noticed him running at a good pace about 30m in front of me from the get go
I caught him up
A bit more out of breath than normal now, but hey
I was quickly on his tail
I ran past and quickly said
“It’s competition time now”
And ran a little in front
Then we stuck together
At a great pace.
His pace, matching mine
Then we pushed up a hill
Hills seem to kill me
I slow down when I get to the top
Probably, catching my breath
This is when the little dude runs past me
I never caught up
He was ahead
And instead of feeling defeated
His hard work in and out of the gym is really paying off
He smashed his personal best
And that’s going to give him huge confidence
There were a few lessons in there for me too.
What I notice often is people always have something to say when people show off with what they are good at
And I don’t really mean “showing off”
They are simply demonstrating skills that they’ve worked hard at
For me you can learn a ton from this
Instead of feeling like you could never do something like you see in front of you
Instead of feeling disheartened because currently you’re not capable
How about you ask a question?
“How did you do it?”
“What did you do to get there?”
For me...if I really want to beat my best running times...
I MUST get out and work on my running fitness.
It’s as simple as that.
Simply showing up every Saturday on the start line isn’t enough
No matter how many other things I do to build on my fitness

If it’s not specific enough
I won’t improve fast enough.
If you want to see fast progress in your life
It starts with your mindset and how you approach things
How you learn lessons
How you build habits and so on
It just so happens I have a way to guide you to your own unique success road map
The exact steps to take to achieve your goals
So that you can make progress like my teenage super star running client.
Again. Super proud.
I can say that about many clients.
They do the work.
Are you ready to start doing the same?
All the best
Sam “proud” Stocks
PS. If you are ready to do the work and achieve something special, get in touch.
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To Be HAPPY is a choice
Gaining insight…
It’s a powerful process and one I go through on a daily basis
...Continue reading


Even on the weekend start your day with some quality NUTRITION


I'm free to be what I want
"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."… Muhammad Ali
A powerful statement. From a powerful man. He achieved great things in his life
... The biggest factor
He knew who he was
And he lived by what he believed.
Even if it meant, being stripped of his boxing titles for refusing to be drafted to the Vietnam War…
He built up a powerful movement. Especially around civil rights.
And it was all through his beliefs systems.
Do you know who YOU truly are, at your core?
What are your beliefs?
What are you committed to?
What are your values?
When you live by them, you live a good life.
Most people live in conflict with them.
Being manipulated by other people, media and so on.
Forcing you to live a certain way.
Sometimes hiding your true self
Mohammed Ali wasn’t like that. He showed his true self
And had a massive confidence in himself
YOU can have that CONFIDENCE too.
It can all start with working on your body
Using tools and tactics unique to you, based on how you learn, how you build habits and how you can build accountability for yourself…
There are almost 21 different options on how you can learn to live at your best, 20 will be the wrong way for you, ONE will be right.
If you have failed in the past, maybe you were using the WRONG WAY.
Let me help you find the right way.
That way: you can build true belief.
Could you believe and live by this quote yourself?
Here it is again>>>
"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."… Muhammad Ali
Self-awareness, looking deep at yourself and what you want can be hard.
Breaking this down and unlocking who you are is massively rewarding
Come along to a TRIAL session to see what it’s all about and find out how you can start to move mountains.
All the best
Sam ‘Big Fan’ Stocks
PS. What is your MOUNTAIN to climb?
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Are you willing to look stupid?
...Continue reading


NEW Confidence with GRANDKIDS
I love seeing progress with my Clients
It’s great when I hear the bigger impact their new behaviours and routines are having on their lives
... Take Julie.
She started in August.
Her main aim was weight loss, like most women.
She’s achieved way more than that...
More energy
More tone
Far better movement (more on this soon)
And quality of life has gone way up.
Last week she said something that has really stuck with me.
She said her confidence with her grandkids has massively increased, especially when walking with them up and down stairs.
The reason why this is a huge thing.
Julie has Cerebral Palsy
Symptoms can be problems with movement, coordination and development.
When Julie started her mobility and movement were poor.
And that’s understandable.
The difference now is huge.
Just this morning she mentioned how she could barely bend forwards and reach her knees when she started
Now she’s almost touching her ankles.
Her hips are far looser.
And the biggest thing...
Her balance is far better
Which altogether improves her quality of movement in everyday life.
Having the ability to move and play with the grandkids is very rewarding...
Especially if that’s not been possible without discomfort in the past.
For you.
Regardless of your goals
What you see today in yourself and anything you’re unhappy with
Doesn’t have to be your future if when you see your setbacks
You can also consider possibilities
There are tons
And I can open many doors for you
If you would like to change your life by starting with your body
And with what you eat and drink
Then get in touch
There’s a better way.
Let me show you.
Get in touch ASAP
All the best
Sam ‘mover and shaker’ Stocks
Ps. What will happen for you when you let go of your doubt and see possibility?
See more


Flow, energy and massive commitment to what you want Or you will QUIT.
A 5-month experiment
It’s been interesting
...Continue reading


“Much easier than slimming world”
Inspiration can come in many forms
I’ve been reminded by numerous female clients this week the power of what your clothes tell you
... The client I mentioned in my last message
They sent me a picture of themselves looking at their best
Super proud
Super happy
They could fit in a size 10 dress
They looked amazing
And not only that
Their mindset has changed from one in the past of struggle
To one of possibilities
She described the likes of slimming world and other mainstream diets as painful/horrible and short lived
This however (what I coach them on) is easier, effective and they have come up with lots of tasty recipes they enjoy!
And that’s the key...
Enjoying the process.
It’s not always easy
Sometimes you’ll have days where you can’t be bothered
But you know when you’ve done what’s necessary
You feel great.
AnOther client
They’ve made tons of progress
They’ve done the work
And feel “happy” when they were trying on holiday clothes.
Let’s not underestimate how crucial that word is when we talk about our self esteem and confidence, feeling “happy” about how we look in our clothes
It mirrors into everything else you do
So remember that.
If you want to feel at your best
Working on the whole you is important.
Reflecting on and being aware of you, your actions and more is a big part of my coaching process
In all areas of life.
You should want to develop
Not just how you eat and move.
That’s how you create lasting change
Let’s cut to the chase
If you want change in your life, to feel happy in and out of your clothes
You can find out more by simply sending me a message.
It’s simple.
Like the coaching process.
It’s not easy to send a message.
You’ll have doubts.
But like the process
Once you get started
You’ve built momentum
And with momentum
You can become unstoppable 👌🏻
All the best
Ps. Who would you be without your excuses?
See more


Last place
The other day I was reminded of a valuable lesson
I was hearing a story of a woman talking about her progress with exercise
... She’d been progressing over the last twelve months
Slowly adapting her diet and exercise
She was consistent
And the results gradually showed
She hit a point where she then really focused on her diet
The pounds were dropping off week after week
Things were exciting
This lead to CONFIDENCE
Lots of it
She loves her training
And has a passion for running
Which has improved as her body shape and strength has improved
She plucked up the courage to take a huge step
In a direction of growth and expansion
She joined a running club
And they really do go for it
Attitude counts here
Your attitude counts!
How you see things plays a huge part in your results
This lady
She shows true strength
She’s sometimes last on these runs…
She’s at the back
And that’s ok.
Because there are thousands of ladies with the same goals and desires
Sitting at home thinking about taking action
And doing nothing
This lady is out there making tons of progress
She’s on a journey
And this will continue, where she goes from last
>>>To the middle of the pack
And with the right training
>>>She may begin to lead
It’s all about your perspective
It’s definitely about your mindset
And when you’re willing to do the work
Your opportunities are endless
Talking of opportunities
That lady is actually a client of mine.
I’ll tell you more tomorrow
She’s an inspiration.
Many of my clients are.
They put in the work
And they achieve fantastic results.
And the opportunity you have in front of you tonight...
You can become a client.
You can come along and see what my training and coaching is all about.
You won’t be disappointed.
All the best
Ps. Where would you like to start?
See more


Good Afternoon,
I'm keeping it simple.
Here is a lesson for you.
... Apply it where you wish.
Ponder this:
" Don't stop for perfection. Keep going for consistency "
Think about this when you are aiming for something important to you.
If you want help reaching another level.
Send me a message to see the various ways I can help you make that happen.
All the best
PS. Lessons come at you every day to enhance your life. All you need to do is look. Enjoy the rest of your day :-)
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The Massive Deception
This frustrates the HELL out of me.
Seeing false transformation pictures of people’s progress.
... It really winds me up.
This is my way of letting that frustration out And in turn providing YOU with some vital lessons.
To help you make effective decisions.
Things are not always, as they seem.
This crosses over into every area of your life.
There are some genuine transformations out there. Don’t get me wrong.
You can see the effort and hard work that has gone into those who are in the picture.
What I don’t like though is when people falsify their look to make their transformation appear better than it actually is.
The position of the body
The angle of the body
Position from the camera
Different clothing, loose fitting in the beginning, tight in the after…
The same is when people show a pre-exercise picture of themselves for the before and then get a HUGE pump on and take an after pic… ONCE AGAIN… you will look different!
The problem is.
People who are desperate to see change get an unrealistic idea of what to expect.
Then when they don’t see the same results, can feel depressed and feel like a failure.
What you also tell the person in the picture is “you are not good enough as you are”
^^^ if you were truly impressed with the results you wouldn’t need to cheat and deceive the viewer.
Often life-changing transformations take much more than a few months…
Yet many people aren’t willing to put in the hard work and dedication required.
So they pretend.
Pretend that things are better.
Can you see how that carries over to everything else in life?
Masking shit just to save face and pretending things are ok.
Look at the facts.
Not your stories
Look at the facts
Not your excuses
Look at the facts… And gain a perspective on what is REAL.
REAL… you can change.
Make-believe and fantasy, you cannot change in the real world.
So accept where you are at.
And if you want to see change.
Do it properly
With proper advice
Avoid the quick fixes
They fail long-term
And save yourself time and energy by knowing what to look out for.
That is it.
…and breathe.
All the best
Sam PS. Do you want the truth or a false reality? You decide. If you would like a transformation that IS REAL and takes commitment and hard work…where you achieve life-changing RESULTS, that is 100% worth the effort, please get in touch.
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Overcoming you
When it comes down to it
The biggest obstacle is YOU
... ***In everything you do***
Why is it that more and more people are seeing the negative effects of overindulgence, lack of exercise and poor lifestyle choices?
When there is a wealth of information, about how and why you can achieve anything you want…with the exact steps to take.
And this area is unclear for most
What the heck is all this “mindset” stuff about?
Some people view it as “hippy ish” stuff that seems flaky and pointless
For others, it’s something of interest to explore
Mindset is about how you think, feel and act in various situations and the approach you take to everything in life. It’s how you deal in the past, present and future.
Creating space and improving your capacity to take on more is a huge part of this.
There are fixed mindsets and growth mindsets.
And for those who are stuck on the hamster wheel of endless diets and exercise approaches
Failing to achieve their goals
You are likely to have a fixed mindset
Because your level of thinking barely changes, so you are stuck with the same insight and awareness that got you into your predicament
However, if you are’ll explore other options, you’ll learn lessons and apply those...
Therefore>>> you grow
In my coaching, I develop you down this path of growth
By changing your behaviours as well as your mind.
And it works.
Not for everybody
As some people are unwilling to look at themselves properly...
This would be the fixed mindset person
Who despite wanting to change...deep down they won’t change who they are.
Never realising that changing who they are is necessary to become the person they want to be.
^^^ take a minute and think about that.
If you are ready for a change. And are willing to grow. Then get in touch… let's explore what CAN work for you.
All the best Sam ‘On the rise’ Stocks PS. What has to happen for you to implement the very things that will get you what you WANT?
See more


Great to see our female clients smashing through a Sunday Morning session...getting a great workout in at 8am. To feel fantastic for the rest of the day.
A great combination of body weight exercises, slam ball moves and Olympic ring work 💪🏻
Well Done everyone. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Did you do this Yesterday?
That extra hour you had
Did you put it to good use?
... Every Sunday I allow myself to have a successful week by planning what MUST happen for me:
>Date night >Workouts >Time with kids >Work commitments >Appointments >Meals >Time with friends Etc
All planned out into my calendar so I know exactly when and where I need to be
That way I have no excuses
I am clear with everything for the week
And things are most likely to go to plan
I also leave an open hour every day...
Because sometimes other things come up that can be out of our control
And what I’ve learnt over the last few years is this extra hour gives me a lot of mental space for unexpected eventualities
And keeps me moving towards my goals
So each week you have the opportunity to do the same
To plan in to your week everything that must happen
The other option
You don’t have to do any of that
Save that hour every Sunday for something else
What I can guarantee you though is
If you use the 1 hour time slot to plan your week out
You’ll save 10 hours every week that you most likely waist being “busy”
And what I mean by that is scrolling through Facebook and other social media
Scrolling through other media apps to get your fix...
And you do this through boredom, sedation or purely to “do something”...
Other than activities that help you grow
If you would like an opportunity to optimise more than your body, health and mind...
In a coaching program that uses a whole life approach to get you what you want
You should get in touch today.
And find out other tactics that work in getting you what you want
If you want the best for yourself and those around you
It’s worth getting in touch
All the best
Ps. Do you find, you don’t always do what you want to do? Well, today’s tip may just help you get there. It’s simple. Plan your week.
See more


An Imodium fuelled day
That stomach churning feeling where all of a sudden...
Somethings wrong
... Somethings
Sometimes it seems I can eat everyday foods and be fine
And then other times
It’s rushing through my body way too quickly
And when you need to be productive all day
It’s kind of a pain in the arse
Especially when sh!t hits the fan
Thankfully, the Imodium I had left, from travelling abroad, came in handy…
It was touch and go
At least I was covered and fairly sure I wouldn’t run into any problems that day
I had a busy night of coaching and the last thing I want to be doing is a squat...
And something happens...
That wouldn’t be good.
This is why I’m telling you this...
Sh!t happens
You will have obstacles that mess up your plans
And if you have a schedule and have planned things necessary to achieve your goals
You must do everything you can to make it happen
I could have cancelled evening sessions
I could have delayed working through the day
I could have had the excuse that my tummy was in knots and I wanted to rest
I didn’t
I cracked on despite the slight set back of digestive discomfort
There will always be an excuse on the other side of the actions you MUST take
And you’ll find that if your mindset isn’t strong
You’ll Succumb to the excuses...
When you’re tired
When you’re stressed
When you just don’t feel like it
When other things come up, despite your iron-clad schedule.
If your mindset isn’t strong
You won’t follow through.
This is why in our transformations I will challenge you past your NORMAL.
You see if you’re not willing to change your behaviours and the way you currently think and act
You’ll never transform
Because transformation requires you go to another level...
Another level in your thinking
Another level in your actions
Another level in your approach to life
And if you decide to take action and train with me, learn with me, and transform with me
You will certainly transform.
And if you don’t want to, that’s cool too, you’ll be cast aside quickly, so I can help those who actually want it.
All the best
Ps. Tomorrow. You can set yourself up for a great week. Or you can do nothing. Find out how. Then.
See more


The reality is far better than your fantasy.
The big reveal.
Poor Luna. Bless her. She’s had it rough.
... Feeling like she’s not good enough
Feeling like she doesn’t fit in
Feeling like she’ll always have this bulging stomach hanging over her pants.
Feeling like she’s looking older and unhealthier than ever before
Anxious to go out
Anxious about trying new things
It’s a deep, chest compressing, unable to breathe feeling, where she just can’t commit.
She is unhappy deep down.
**But she puts on a front** <<< Sounds Familiar, Eh?
Many people have been there
Others have stopped before it got worse
What changed for these people?
They took an honest look at themselves and decided enough was enough
They were sick of feeling rubbish
They were sick of pretending it’s ok
They were sick of the lack of energy
They were sick of the lack of control
They were sick of the stress
And they decided NOW is their time.
They made a DECISION…
To stop in the direction they were heading
And they started a new path
One where they receive the real help they need
For some, it was allowing them to be accountable to someone to help with what they ate and how to exercise
For others, it was to show up and do their thing
For some, it was to sit down and have a real talk about the REAL things holding them back.
Being RAW about the facts of their life
Being REAL about how it Affects THEM on a DAILY basis.
And having proven behaviours to follow to lead to the change they desire
>>> They have a clear path to follow, to remain consistent
And achieve the results they desire
To not settle for excuses any more
To see solutions in front of every obstacle to overcome life’s Ebs and flows that can often stop people in their tracks
To have solutions where most people can’t see past their own issues
Most of the time the problem they think they have isn’t their issue
Uncovering this is my job
And that allows YOU to succeed
If you’re ready to excel with your own goals
You must get in touch.
Because what’s the point in wasting another day?
Get the help you need.
Because the REALITY is I see people all the time on the other side of the SAME problems you have.
I see their success and know how they achieved it, having guided them. I can help you down a similar path.
You don’t see this, because your THINKING doesn’t allow it. That’s why you are in your current situation.
I’m not.
I’m past it.
That’s how I can help you.
I’ve been there though.
I have walked, crawled and taken every stride forwards through that journey and come out…stronger, healthier and happier on the other side.
All the best
PS. A good one for you tomorrow. You’ll find out why I was a day late with this message. I had to take care of priorities. Whilst overcame my own obstacle. Until then. Have a great one.
See more


It Comes Down To This ONE Thing...
I'm holding off on the big reveal for one more day.
You see.
... You found out about Luna and her lack of progress...
Do you know the ONE thing that prevented her from making progress?
That's it.
It is why she makes the decisions she does, that has lead to her reality.
Find out what happens when she ACTUALLY faces her biggest issue.
Right now. Think about how YOU could be holding yourself back.
And consider what I reveal tomorrow as the fuel to the fire you need to get moving.
All the best
PS. Think about this...if you feel good about yourself... you don't fuel yourself with poor quality food, excessive alcohol and you avoid people/things that prevent you from being the best version of yourself.
Most people lie to themselves about their reality because they refuse to look at themselves honestly. They go through a constant cycle of this made up story to convince themselves that everything's ok, whilst they sedate themselves on crap, to feel better, by changing their emotions... through food, drugs, alcohol and more.
See more


Sam has been part of my journey to completing an Iron Man distance triathlon this year. Thank you Sam!


Sam can help you achieve anything you want to and more.. lost 16 pounds and five inches of my waist in 5 weeks. His nutrition plan is excellent I have never been hungry. Can't wait to see what I can achieve in 6 months. I am already fitter stronger more flexible and healthier. Thanks Sam


I've trained with Sam for just over a year now. I had problem with my weight and problems with my shoulder. Bored doing gym work, But after I started training with Sam I've lost over a stone in weight and my shoulder has not given me any major problems. I started to enjoy the gym again and working harder than I ever would have done without his support. Even my running times have improved. I've taken 3mins off my mile time.Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


I started training with sam in January this year I hadn't done any kind of exercise for about 15 years and also suffer from lower back pain due to an accident sam is a brilliant trainer and taught me I can still exercise and loose weight I lost 33 pounds in 2 months and never felt better I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago to a place I always go and everybody commented on my weight loss and how good I looked I would certainly recommend sam to anyone who is struggling with exercise and weight loss he is fab and helps you any way he can if someone had said to me this time last year I would be going to the gym and enjoying it I would have said no way not me thanks to sam I am going and I really enjoy it


I started training with Sam 6 weeks ago. I've had 4 spinal surgeries in the last 14 years and was left with drop foot after the last surgery. I was told by the consultants that I'd have a limp for life and that was it. I've been to the gym, boot camp etc, and because of my medical history, all were reluctant and not really able to cater for me. I saw Sams post on Facebook and thought lets see if he's brace enough to fake on someone like me. I was very cynical, as no one else has been able to do anything positive with me. 6 weeks later , nearly a stone lighter, I'm amazed at what I can actually do, and everything Sam has done, has been worked around my capabilities ( and pushed beyond!) onwards and upwards for me and I can't wait to see what I'll be like in 6 months!! If anyone else is in a situation like mine and is thinking that they're beyond help, get in touch with Sam. I feel the best I have in nearly 14 years of being in constant pain!


I have known Sam for almost 5 years in a professional and personal capacity. I have to say he is the best personal trainer I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. The transformations and drastic changes in his clients are fantastic! Such a nice trainer and he gets you where you as a client need to be! Keep up the good work Sam xx


Have trained with Sam for 5 years so that says something! A great trainer who can really help you achieve results. Although I have always gone to the gym when I first started training with Sam I lost nearly 2 stone in 6 weeks. Now 5 years on and having just had my first baby by c section, the hospital doctor said I had the strongest stomach muscles she had ever seen! Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


Proud to be BEATEN
There I was. Whitley Bay. In front of Spanish City at the start line
Every Saturday ready for the Park Run
... Only yesterday, a very talented young client of mine was on the start line with me
Now I did not see him at first
But noticed him running at a good pace about 30m in front of me from the get go
I caught him up
A bit more out of breath than normal now, but hey
I was quickly on his tail
I ran past and quickly said
“It’s competition time now”
And ran a little in front
Then we stuck together
At a great pace.
His pace, matching mine
Then we pushed up a hill
Hills seem to kill me
I slow down when I get to the top
Probably, catching my breath
This is when the little dude runs past me
I never caught up
He was ahead
And instead of feeling defeated
His hard work in and out of the gym is really paying off
He smashed his personal best
And that’s going to give him huge confidence
There were a few lessons in there for me too.
What I notice often is people always have something to say when people show off with what they are good at
And I don’t really mean “showing off”
They are simply demonstrating skills that they’ve worked hard at
For me you can learn a ton from this
Instead of feeling like you could never do something like you see in front of you
Instead of feeling disheartened because currently you’re not capable
How about you ask a question?
“How did you do it?”
“What did you do to get there?”
For me...if I really want to beat my best running times...
I MUST get out and work on my running fitness.
It’s as simple as that.
Simply showing up every Saturday on the start line isn’t enough
No matter how many other things I do to build on my fitness

If it’s not specific enough
I won’t improve fast enough.
If you want to see fast progress in your life
It starts with your mindset and how you approach things
How you learn lessons
How you build habits and so on
It just so happens I have a way to guide you to your own unique success road map
The exact steps to take to achieve your goals
So that you can make progress like my teenage super star running client.
Again. Super proud.
I can say that about many clients.
They do the work.
Are you ready to start doing the same?
All the best
Sam “proud” Stocks
PS. If you are ready to do the work and achieve something special, get in touch.
See more


Sam has been part of my journey to completing an Iron Man distance triathlon this year. Thank you Sam!


Sam can help you achieve anything you want to and more.. lost 16 pounds and five inches of my waist in 5 weeks. His nutrition plan is excellent I have never been hungry. Can't wait to see what I can achieve in 6 months. I am already fitter stronger more flexible and healthier. Thanks Sam


I've trained with Sam for just over a year now. I had problem with my weight and problems with my shoulder. Bored doing gym work, But after I started training with Sam I've lost over a stone in weight and my shoulder has not given me any major problems. I started to enjoy the gym again and working harder than I ever would have done without his support. Even my running times have improved. I've taken 3mins off my mile time.Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


I started training with sam in January this year I hadn't done any kind of exercise for about 15 years and also suffer from lower back pain due to an accident sam is a brilliant trainer and taught me I can still exercise and loose weight I lost 33 pounds in 2 months and never felt better I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago to a place I always go and everybody commented on my weight loss and how good I looked I would certainly recommend sam to anyone who is struggling with exercise and weight loss he is fab and helps you any way he can if someone had said to me this time last year I would be going to the gym and enjoying it I would have said no way not me thanks to sam I am going and I really enjoy it


I started training with Sam 6 weeks ago. I've had 4 spinal surgeries in the last 14 years and was left with drop foot after the last surgery. I was told by the consultants that I'd have a limp for life and that was it. I've been to the gym, boot camp etc, and because of my medical history, all were reluctant and not really able to cater for me. I saw Sams post on Facebook and thought lets see if he's brace enough to fake on someone like me. I was very cynical, as no one else has been able to do anything positive with me. 6 weeks later , nearly a stone lighter, I'm amazed at what I can actually do, and everything Sam has done, has been worked around my capabilities ( and pushed beyond!) onwards and upwards for me and I can't wait to see what I'll be like in 6 months!! If anyone else is in a situation like mine and is thinking that they're beyond help, get in touch with Sam. I feel the best I have in nearly 14 years of being in constant pain!


I have known Sam for almost 5 years in a professional and personal capacity. I have to say he is the best personal trainer I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. The transformations and drastic changes in his clients are fantastic! Such a nice trainer and he gets you where you as a client need to be! Keep up the good work Sam xx


Have trained with Sam for 5 years so that says something! A great trainer who can really help you achieve results. Although I have always gone to the gym when I first started training with Sam I lost nearly 2 stone in 6 weeks. Now 5 years on and having just had my first baby by c section, the hospital doctor said I had the strongest stomach muscles she had ever seen! Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


Proud to be BEATEN
There I was. Whitley Bay. In front of Spanish City at the start line
Every Saturday ready for the Park Run
... Only yesterday, a very talented young client of mine was on the start line with me
Now I did not see him at first
But noticed him running at a good pace about 30m in front of me from the get go
I caught him up
A bit more out of breath than normal now, but hey
I was quickly on his tail
I ran past and quickly said
“It’s competition time now”
And ran a little in front
Then we stuck together
At a great pace.
His pace, matching mine
Then we pushed up a hill
Hills seem to kill me
I slow down when I get to the top
Probably, catching my breath
This is when the little dude runs past me
I never caught up
He was ahead
And instead of feeling defeated
His hard work in and out of the gym is really paying off
He smashed his personal best
And that’s going to give him huge confidence
There were a few lessons in there for me too.
What I notice often is people always have something to say when people show off with what they are good at
And I don’t really mean “showing off”
They are simply demonstrating skills that they’ve worked hard at
For me you can learn a ton from this
Instead of feeling like you could never do something like you see in front of you
Instead of feeling disheartened because currently you’re not capable
How about you ask a question?
“How did you do it?”
“What did you do to get there?”
For me...if I really want to beat my best running times...
I MUST get out and work on my running fitness.
It’s as simple as that.
Simply showing up every Saturday on the start line isn’t enough
No matter how many other things I do to build on my fitness

If it’s not specific enough
I won’t improve fast enough.
If you want to see fast progress in your life
It starts with your mindset and how you approach things
How you learn lessons
How you build habits and so on
It just so happens I have a way to guide you to your own unique success road map
The exact steps to take to achieve your goals
So that you can make progress like my teenage super star running client.
Again. Super proud.
I can say that about many clients.
They do the work.
Are you ready to start doing the same?
All the best
Sam “proud” Stocks
PS. If you are ready to do the work and achieve something special, get in touch.
See more


Sam has been part of my journey to completing an Iron Man distance triathlon this year. Thank you Sam!


Sam can help you achieve anything you want to and more.. lost 16 pounds and five inches of my waist in 5 weeks. His nutrition plan is excellent I have never been hungry. Can't wait to see what I can achieve in 6 months. I am already fitter stronger more flexible and healthier. Thanks Sam


I've trained with Sam for just over a year now. I had problem with my weight and problems with my shoulder. Bored doing gym work, But after I started training with Sam I've lost over a stone in weight and my shoulder has not given me any major problems. I started to enjoy the gym again and working harder than I ever would have done without his support. Even my running times have improved. I've taken 3mins off my mile time.Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


I started training with sam in January this year I hadn't done any kind of exercise for about 15 years and also suffer from lower back pain due to an accident sam is a brilliant trainer and taught me I can still exercise and loose weight I lost 33 pounds in 2 months and never felt better I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago to a place I always go and everybody commented on my weight loss and how good I looked I would certainly recommend sam to anyone who is struggling with exercise and weight loss he is fab and helps you any way he can if someone had said to me this time last year I would be going to the gym and enjoying it I would have said no way not me thanks to sam I am going and I really enjoy it


I started training with Sam 6 weeks ago. I've had 4 spinal surgeries in the last 14 years and was left with drop foot after the last surgery. I was told by the consultants that I'd have a limp for life and that was it. I've been to the gym, boot camp etc, and because of my medical history, all were reluctant and not really able to cater for me. I saw Sams post on Facebook and thought lets see if he's brace enough to fake on someone like me. I was very cynical, as no one else has been able to do anything positive with me. 6 weeks later , nearly a stone lighter, I'm amazed at what I can actually do, and everything Sam has done, has been worked around my capabilities ( and pushed beyond!) onwards and upwards for me and I can't wait to see what I'll be like in 6 months!! If anyone else is in a situation like mine and is thinking that they're beyond help, get in touch with Sam. I feel the best I have in nearly 14 years of being in constant pain!


I have known Sam for almost 5 years in a professional and personal capacity. I have to say he is the best personal trainer I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. The transformations and drastic changes in his clients are fantastic! Such a nice trainer and he gets you where you as a client need to be! Keep up the good work Sam xx


Have trained with Sam for 5 years so that says something! A great trainer who can really help you achieve results. Although I have always gone to the gym when I first started training with Sam I lost nearly 2 stone in 6 weeks. Now 5 years on and having just had my first baby by c section, the hospital doctor said I had the strongest stomach muscles she had ever seen! Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


Proud to be BEATEN
There I was. Whitley Bay. In front of Spanish City at the start line
Every Saturday ready for the Park Run
... Only yesterday, a very talented young client of mine was on the start line with me
Now I did not see him at first
But noticed him running at a good pace about 30m in front of me from the get go
I caught him up
A bit more out of breath than normal now, but hey
I was quickly on his tail
I ran past and quickly said
“It’s competition time now”
And ran a little in front
Then we stuck together
At a great pace.
His pace, matching mine
Then we pushed up a hill
Hills seem to kill me
I slow down when I get to the top
Probably, catching my breath
This is when the little dude runs past me
I never caught up
He was ahead
And instead of feeling defeated
His hard work in and out of the gym is really paying off
He smashed his personal best
And that’s going to give him huge confidence
There were a few lessons in there for me too.
What I notice often is people always have something to say when people show off with what they are good at
And I don’t really mean “showing off”
They are simply demonstrating skills that they’ve worked hard at
For me you can learn a ton from this
Instead of feeling like you could never do something like you see in front of you
Instead of feeling disheartened because currently you’re not capable
How about you ask a question?
“How did you do it?”
“What did you do to get there?”
For me...if I really want to beat my best running times...
I MUST get out and work on my running fitness.
It’s as simple as that.
Simply showing up every Saturday on the start line isn’t enough
No matter how many other things I do to build on my fitness

If it’s not specific enough
I won’t improve fast enough.
If you want to see fast progress in your life
It starts with your mindset and how you approach things
How you learn lessons
How you build habits and so on
It just so happens I have a way to guide you to your own unique success road map
The exact steps to take to achieve your goals
So that you can make progress like my teenage super star running client.
Again. Super proud.
I can say that about many clients.
They do the work.
Are you ready to start doing the same?
All the best
Sam “proud” Stocks
PS. If you are ready to do the work and achieve something special, get in touch.
See more


Sam has been part of my journey to completing an Iron Man distance triathlon this year. Thank you Sam!


Sam can help you achieve anything you want to and more.. lost 16 pounds and five inches of my waist in 5 weeks. His nutrition plan is excellent I have never been hungry. Can't wait to see what I can achieve in 6 months. I am already fitter stronger more flexible and healthier. Thanks Sam


I've trained with Sam for just over a year now. I had problem with my weight and problems with my shoulder. Bored doing gym work, But after I started training with Sam I've lost over a stone in weight and my shoulder has not given me any major problems. I started to enjoy the gym again and working harder than I ever would have done without his support. Even my running times have improved. I've taken 3mins off my mile time.Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.


I started training with sam in January this year I hadn't done any kind of exercise for about 15 years and also suffer from lower back pain due to an accident sam is a brilliant trainer and taught me I can still exercise and loose weight I lost 33 pounds in 2 months and never felt better I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago to a place I always go and everybody commented on my weight loss and how good I looked I would certainly recommend sam to anyone who is struggling with exercise and weight loss he is fab and helps you any way he can if someone had said to me this time last year I would be going to the gym and enjoying it I would have said no way not me thanks to sam I am going and I really enjoy it


I started training with Sam 6 weeks ago. I've had 4 spinal surgeries in the last 14 years and was left with drop foot after the last surgery. I was told by the consultants that I'd have a limp for life and that was it. I've been to the gym, boot camp etc, and because of my medical history, all were reluctant and not really able to cater for me. I saw Sams post on Facebook and thought lets see if he's brace enough to fake on someone like me. I was very cynical, as no one else has been able to do anything positive with me. 6 weeks later , nearly a stone lighter, I'm amazed at what I can actually do, and everything Sam has done, has been worked around my capabilities ( and pushed beyond!) onwards and upwards for me and I can't wait to see what I'll be like in 6 months!! If anyone else is in a situation like mine and is thinking that they're beyond help, get in touch with Sam. I feel the best I have in nearly 14 years of being in constant pain!


I have known Sam for almost 5 years in a professional and personal capacity. I have to say he is the best personal trainer I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. The transformations and drastic changes in his clients are fantastic! Such a nice trainer and he gets you where you as a client need to be! Keep up the good work Sam xx


Have trained with Sam for 5 years so that says something! A great trainer who can really help you achieve results. Although I have always gone to the gym when I first started training with Sam I lost nearly 2 stone in 6 weeks. Now 5 years on and having just had my first baby by c section, the hospital doctor said I had the strongest stomach muscles she had ever seen! Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sam to anyone looking to increase their gym or sports performance.

More about Sam Stocks

Sam Stocks is located at Sam Stocks Transformation Coaching, Body 360, 29 Orion Business Park, Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate, NE29 7SN Newcastle, United Kingdom