Sea Watch

About Sea Watch

Working with the public, the Sea Watch Foundation is a national marine environmental research charity, dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins & porpoises in British & Irish waters.

Sea Watch Description

Sea Watch, through its continuous programme of research and monitoring, provides invaluable information on changes to the status and distribution of cetacean populations and the condition of their habitats. This is used to raise awareness of any issues and prompt environmental change to help conserve & protect these mysterious creatures.
Sea Watch works tirelessly with environmental and government bodies to provide information, data and evidence leading to the better protection and conservation of cetacean populations in British and Irish waters.



Keeping in touch with cetaceans around the world - it's concerning to hear about threats to the grey whales along the East coast of the United States.
"[in] October, they begin their 6,000-mile annual journey south toward sheltered warm water lagoons in Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula and the Gulf of California, where the females give birth. During the three to four months they are travelling or in the waters off Mexico, they eat almost nothing, living off the fat they’ve ...stored up."
Grey whales are turning up beached on Californian beaches, after a period of fasting. You can read more here...…/whats-killing -grey-wh…/3669039002/
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Will now by hosted by the Black Lion Hotel in their gazebo (with heaters!) on FRIDAY 24th MAY.
... The shaving will take place at 7 PM, but we encourage you to arrive early.
"Sea Watch's very own Chantelle Greene will be shaving her head to raise money for the charity! Chan is concluding her research internship with the SWF in New Quay at the end of this month.
The event hopes to raise money to contribute towards Sea Watch's research and future public awareness schemes. Your donation will help cover the costs of running our Education Centre and provide us with the ability to host more external outreach events, such as visiting schools and organising beach cleans."
You can read more about this event and others here...… /upcoming-sea-watch…/
To donate directly to Chan's cause, you can follow her GoFundMe page... he-bottlenose…
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First day of Orca Watch was a very good day - Minkes, harbour porpoises and grey seals were recorded, Orcas were sighted off Orkney and Risso's off the stacks. Lovely sunny days filled by warmth, openness and passion!


It's the 13th annual Endangered Species Day!
Run by the Endangered Species Coalition:
"Endangered Species Day is an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about the importance of protecting endangered species and everyday actions they can take to help protect them.
... The Endangered Species Coalition’s mission is to stop the human-caused extinction of our nation’s at-risk species, to protect and restore their habitats, and to guide these fragile populations along the road to recovery."
What are YOU doing to celebrate? angered-species-d…/
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The Sea Watch team will be at the Community Market today!
The Market is held 10 AM - 12.30 PM at the Memorial Hall (New Quay), with tea, and coffee available. Sea Watch will have a stand, talking all things cetaceans and showcasing some of our new merchandise. You can support other local businesses displaying their fresh vegetables, plants, homemade crafts, cosmetics, and baked goods!
Sea Watch will be attending this event, which is hosted every for the rest of Summer. We h...ope to see you there.
Follow Facebook page / or al_hall.htm to keep up to date on the latest activities in New Quay.
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Our Sighting Officer, Chiara Bertulli, has just arrived in Caithness and she is ready to join volunteers and wildlife enthusiasts tomorrow for the first day of Orca Watch 2019!
For updates follow the Sea Watch Foundation's "news and articles" section and their Instagram and Twitter accounts!


A new paper published last month, looks into Dolphins' Immunology:
"Immunology of marine mammals is a relatively understudied field and its monitoring plays an important role in the individual and group management of these animals, along with an increasing value as an environmental health indicator" by Centelleghe et al. (2019). You can read in full here:…/ fimmu.2019.00888/full
... You read Sea Watch publications, you can access papers via our website: lications/
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This week we are hosting ORCA WATCH 2019!
Our Sightings Officer Dr. Chiara G. Bertulli has headed up North to Caithness to brave the cold and help the team spot some orcas.
The Sea Watch Foundation Regional Coordinators in Scotland, Orkney, and Shetland, are working in collaboration with Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) until the 26 May 2019. This 10 day-long event will see hundreds of whale enthusiasts scanning the sea to catch a glimpse of orcas and any other cetacean s...pecies in the area.
This event also aims to raise awareness about conservation issues, and continued research required to protect the distribution and abundance of this iconic whale species around the UK.
More details will be posted on the Orca Watch Facebook page ( h/).
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Last week we shared a campaign organised by Surfers Against Sewage. The results of their clean-up around the UK showed some scary statistics...
It was concluded that just TEN brands made up the bulk of the rubbish collected. This included Pepsi, McDonalds, Cadbury's, Nestlé, and at the forefront, Coca Cola produced the largest proportion.
Will these big names acknowledge their environmental impact on UK beaches?
...…/Just-ten- brands-account-half-…
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You can access recent publications by the Sea Watch team via our website. The SWF has made these papers free and easily accessible so findings and knowledge can be shared with the public!
Our latest paper looks at the influence of topography and tide on the habitat use of Harbour Porpoise. This was written by former volunteer Lauren Fidler, who also visited New Quay to present at our AGM last week.
You can read the full paper, and others here:
... lications/
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"Scientists have studied potential cancer suppression mechanisms in cetaceans, the mammalian group that includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. Biologists picked apart the genome of the humpback whale, as well as the genomes of nine other cetaceans, in order to determine how their cancer defences are so effective."…/20 19/…/190510091342.htm


Based on the Gower peninsular, South Wales, Lauren is a marine conservationist with a degree in Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology from Plymouth University; she’s also a PADI dive master. Lauren has over 10 years experience working in one of the marine sciences growth areas – the impact of plastic pollution and beach litter on our oceans and coasts. She currently leads a citizen science marine project involving thousands of people, inspiring them to understand one of the biggest environmental threats facing the planet today – plastic.


Every year, thousands of cetaceans are caught as by catch in the fishing industry.
Set nets used in New Zealand are now driving one of the rarest dolphins nearer to extinction...
"Last February, a fisherman aboard a trawler pulled up his nets, bursting with the usual catch - mullet, flatfish, trevally, tarakihi or moki - and discovered the carcasses of five nationally endangered Hector's dolphins. It was the second time he'd caught Hector's dolphin in his fishing gear."
...…/last-gasp-of- a-dying-dolphin-are-…
You can read more about threats and UK cetaceans on our website: eats/
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Yesterday, our dedicated Sea Watch team had an early rise as they headed out on their first boat survey of the season!
Research interns braved the elements as they did an eight hour shift searching for cetaceans. Unfortunately, there were little dolphins to be found, but luckily their absence still provides valuable data for the Cardigan Bay Project.
This was also an opportunity for some marine litter picking - sadly. Along the way, several balloons were pulled out of the, including giant helium balloons that had lost their colour, thus showing they had been floating for some time. Let this serve as a reminder of how plastic can impact in our environment, and the importance of disposing waste properly. Great job team.
Photo credit: Leah Freshwater
You can read more about our boat surveys via our blog... py-with-my-little…/
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It's not too late to join our National Whale and Dolphin Watch 2019!
This year, the NWDW will be held 27 July - 4 August. You can join in on a watch or organise your own. The aim of this event is to give a general “snapshot” of what is in UK coastal waters over a short period of time. As well as gaining valuable research data, we hope this will draw attention to the conservation of our marine environment.
Photo credit: Research Intern Isabel Griffiths.
... You can read more about the upcoming event via our website... w/
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As Father's Day is fast approaching, why don't you to Adopt A Dolphin to celebrate? You can purchase this gift from just £3.50 a month, and you and your family can follow the journey of one of our local residents.
Every penny we receive through our Adopt a Dolphin scheme goes solely towards the research and protection of the bottlenose dolphins of Cardigan Bay.
Our data are also used by the government authorities to help manage this unique habitat to ensure it remains a saf...e place for this very special group of dolphins for many years to come. As an adoptee, you are making a choice to become a guardian for the UK bottlenose dolphin.
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There are only 31 tickets left for the evening of orca talks at the Pulteneytown People's Centre in Wick for Orca Watch!
This ticketed event will cost £5 for adults and £2.50 for kids younger than 16 years of age. Donations are also welcome!
Tickets ARE CURRENTLY ON SALE and to order them the contact number is 01955 608530.
... The Pulteneytown People’s Centre ticket office is open Monday to Friday between 12 pm – 5 pm, and Saturday between 12 pm – 3:30 pm.
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More about Sea Watch

Sea Watch is located at Paragon House, Wellington Place, SA45 9NR New Quay
+44 (0) 1545 561227