Simrace1 Swansea

Monday: -
Tuesday: 13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 13:00 - 21:00
Friday: 13:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 16:00

About Simrace1 Swansea

SimRace1 - Swansea's one and only Racing Simulation Centre.
Single /Multiplayer /Leaderboards - 4K 50" Screens or Virtual Reality!
Race on at SimRace1. . .

Simrace1 Swansea Description

SimRace1 - Swansea's one and only Racing Simulation Centre!
Race Hot Laps, Race Local Multiplayer plus have a crack at our Top Gear Style Leaderboards. Four 50" Screen Racing Simulators and 3 VR Headsets. Burn rubber at SimRace1. . .



Good Afternoon Everybody!
Most people who come to SimRace1 race with the VR Headsets. We've replaced our old VR Headsets with new higher resolution VR Headsets - the Oculus Rift S.
We've done a "side by side" comparison of the "old vs new" and trust us, the increased resolution/visuals of the new VR Headsets are significantly better then the older VR Headsets.
... To ensure that users experience maximum benefit from the new VR Headsets, from this point on, each and every user of them will have a one off IPD test. We've already completed this test on a number of people.
What's an IPD? An IPD is your "inter-pupillary distance" between your eye pupils. Most people have around the same distance between their pupils, but not all.
The test takes about 30 seconds and involves a quick snap of your face - we'll then measure your IPD distance from it, whilst you're watching, to gain a "rough ball park" number. The measurement will then be put into the VR Headset and then voila - no messing about lining up sliders which may not actually be lined up properly at all.
Here's a video of the process... :) ig
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Hola Amigos!
Just when you think you're all done for the day, and you get ready to shut shop and lock up, everything suddenly changes and SimRace1 has got a full house - yippee!!
What a great way to finish off a week!
... And the money, well, it's all going to help towards the extras we need for the 6th rig which will be up and running in a few weeks. We cannot WAIT! :)
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Good Morning!
The Sun is out, the birds are tweeting, and for Mr Martin D, today, is a very good day - as he is now Numero Uno on both the Le Mans and Cadwell Park Leaderboards.
He was already Numero Uno on the latter, but after posting a blisteringly fast time of "3.21.495" on the Le Mans board, he for now, rules the SimRace1 Leaderboards!


Hokey dokey!
It's update time of the Le Mans Leaderboard.
The Cadwell Leaderboard is a 'chock a block' with times and the Le Mans Leaderboard is...…… , well, not quite yet.
... But those times and names that ARE up on the board are racing legends we tell ya - LEGENDS!!!
Le Mans: 1. Of late, who else but Mr Sean P would be Numero Uno on this board. Yup, improving on his already fast time, Mr Sean P is the first SimRace1 Leaderboarder to hit a sub "3.23" time thanks to his uber fast time of "3.22.813"!
2. Get this, SimRace1 staff member Mr Rhys M is in 2nd position??? Did anyone else see this coming?? The guy is usually around 10th. Can someone please return the real Mr Rhys M, can't have him being like 4000% faster than Dan the receptionist me!! Plus, his mom is worried about him...
3. When was the last time SimRace1 wrote that Mr Martin D is in 3rd position!? Well, serial SimRace1 winner Mr Martin D is indeed in 3rd position and that's all down to the "Rhys M effect".
4. Positioned in 4th place is Mr Paul T whose posted a new time of "3.29.873", which edges him further away from Mr Mikey T but not quite close enough to challenge the Top 3 - yet...
5. Mr Mikey T has been on a rampaging Leaderboard mission since he bought one of our wheels from us (just a reminder the wheel is sold as seen *time to leg it* ☺️) - but for now he'll have to settle for 5th position behind his mortal enemy MR PAUL T! :D j/k - nah we're not...😁
6. In 6th position is motorsport and car enthusiast Mr Paul H whose been at the side of SimRace1 since day one. Some Leaderboards he's been so so close to challenging the Top 3, and then others not so so close, but we reckon he has more time in him yet so WATCH this space.
7. Bonny Scottish motorsport student Mr Greig W has now gone back to his beloved Scotland for the summer, but before he returns in the autumn he paid us a visit and posted a good 7th position time!
8. And Mr Greig W's best student pal Mr Laith A did the same and is in 8th position - to listen to his accent you'd swear he's Australian but apparently he's born, bred and lives in Essex; time to make an appointment at "EarSavers…"
9. In 9th position is Mr Issa R who we suspect is another student whose legging back home for the summer (gawd damn it, the students are dropping like flies!!) but not before he posted a good time on the Le Mans board.
10. Grabbing and still holding on to a Top 10 position for 2 weeks in a row is the ever improving Mr Peter J; like a fine wine he gets better and better with age!
11. Tailgating Mr Peter J from 11th position is Mr Jamie W, whose a fan of pro' drifting and rallying rather than track racing - but that didn't stop him sticking his name up on the board.
12/13. Father and Son combo' team Mr Steve I and Master Luke I grab 12th and 13th positions on the board, and in doing so become SimRace1 Leaderboard legends! :)
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Hi Everyone!
SimRace1 has now ordered and bought another computer and racing rig - just need to buy another monitor, VR headset and steering wheel, subwoofer, bass shaker etc... and a few other bits and bobs and then we're good to go. It ain't cheap...
Yep, the 6th rig will make for better group racing - of course, having even more rigs is even better, but if you know SimRace1, you'll know (or suspect by looking at us ☺️) we're a half skint, self funded start up (no bank will... touch us with a barge pole :D) so for now 6 racing rigs it is...
Yup, with the 6th Racing Rig it means we can run bigger groups races, and will also be able to run an Endurance Race with 6 pairs of racers = driver swapping Le Mans style.
Nothing is set up yet (everything in the post) but it will be in a few weeks time which brings us to our next point - it's Fast and Furious time; endurance style or a knock out race!? Either way we can't wait so it's a "Yabba dabba doo" from us!
Like we mentioned before - if we opt for an Endurance Race we'll also open up the event to anyone who has a PC at home and wants to join in.
In the meantime we've got to earn before we buy the rest of the gear, but we reckon we'll be "game on" in about 4-6 weeks time - we'll let you know more soon...
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Hola Amigos!
We're halfway through the Cadwell Leaderboard. It's that time again when SimRace1 starts announcing if there's been significant changes to the very top of it.
"Bobby G the Chosen One" was no doubt feeling chipper about his time when it grabbed him Numero Uno on the Cadwell Leaderboard this week. He posted a real good time!... But alas, for Mr Bobby G, good things don't last forever when you have "The Terminator" in the vicinity.
He said "I'll be back" and back in he came... "Martin D the Terminator" has "terminated" Mr Bobby G's Numero Uno position, by posting a blisteringly fast time of "1.34.719" which makes Mr Martin D the new Numero Uno on the Cadwell board!
And in other Cadwell news: Father and Son motoring fanatics Mr Jamie Walters and Master Ieuan W have grabbed 10th and 17th positions respectively. Plus, Mr Jamie M goes straight in at 13th position. It's all change in the 2nd half of the board! :)
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Good Afternoon Again!
The 110th Le Mans post..
SimRace1 has just been looking at the rules of the Le Mans Leaderboard - SimRace1 is aware that some people practice at home before coming in to post a lap.
... SimRace1 always implements the "one wheel on the white line rule". Le Mans is a bit different in places so we're going to let the game as per usual apply its own rules - we're only going to apply the SimRace1 "one wheel on the white line rule" on the corners that have a "SOLID" white line only. Not all corners on the Le Mans track have solid white lines.
So far everyone has stuck to the rules anyway, but we hope this clears any doubts up for you, and more so *been a lot of head scratching* for us. :)
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Good Afternoon Everybody!
SimRace1 is showing the Le Mans 24hr live in-store all day on our unused racing rigs - and we'll re-commence when we re-open tomorrow at 11pm to see the race through to the very end at 2pm tomorrow.
We also happen to have (it was a dastardly plan to get you through the door) the Le Mans Leaderboard running also - but if you just want to wander in to watch the Le Mans for a while then feel free to do so with no strings attached whatsoever. We'll even... give you a free seat to sit on! SimRace1, a micro business that gives back to the community.. *yeah right :D*
Le Man 24hrs: Starts today 2pm GMT - we'll be running the build up from 1pm.
Le Mans the greatest Endurance Race of them; will Fernando Alonso and team Toyota Gazoo Racing repeat their 2018 winning result by winning the 2019 showdown?
We shall see... :)
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We're back...
We're half way through the second week of the Cadwell Park Leaderboard - whose been smashing the board up with smashing times?
Cadwell Park:... We have a new Numero Uno time today, set by a person who goes by the name "The Chosen One", yup, Mr Bobby G has booted Mr Sean P out of the way and grabbed himself Top Spot thanks to his blisteringly fast time of "1.35.085"!. Less than 3/10ths of a second behind is the now demoted and dethroned Mr Sean P, who will be looking to climb on back to the top - for now his very fast time of "1.35.381" places him 2nd. Mr Declan J has set a great time of "1.35.769" which places him 3rd but we reckon he still has some more time in him so watch this space... Mr Paul T is always there or thereabout and has posted a fine 4th position time of "1.36.842" but don't be surprised if he improves on that. Multiple SimRace1 Champ' Mug winner Mr Alex D has set a very good time of "1.37.314" which grabs him 4th position. Mr Chris D was "at it" last weekend and has set a very fast 5th position time of "1.37.997" - we think he has a bit more time in him... Next up is Mr Ceri M who proves on this evidence that he's still got it - his fast time of "1.39.140" grabs him 6th position. In his own words he's not a fan of Cadwell Park, but that hasn't stopped him posting a very good time of "1.39.440" which places him in 7th. SimRace1 regular Mr Richard R has been coming to SimRace1 for a while now and decided to have a stab at the Leaderboards for once - should've had a stab earlier as he posted a very good time of "1.41.220" which places him in 8th! Following up very closely in 9th position is Mr Shaun H whose posted a very good time of "1.41.391". And parachuting into SimRace1 for the first time is Mr Issa R whose good time of "1.42.172" grabs him the last of the Top 10 positions.
11th: Mr Haroon - "1.42.192" 12th: Mr Rhys M - "1.43.716" 13th: Mr Kyle R - "1.46.251" 14th: Mr Peter J - "1.48.261" 15th: Mr Ozzy Z - "1.48.593" 16th: 17th: 18th: 19th: 20th:
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Good Afternoon Everybody!
SimRace1 regular Mr Alex D has given SimRace1 an idea. He's part of a racing league and mentioned to SimRace1 if we would be interested in organising a team from SimRace1 to enter a racing competition run by his racing league SideMax Motorworks. The competition is Le Mans 2.4 as in 2.4 hrs and will run mid' July.... We're approaching some of the SimRace1 regulars this week to see if they're interested in the above...
However, this has got SimRace1 thinking, and as mentioned has given us an idea.
SimRace1 is considering running it's own big mish mash Le Mans 2.4 racing event.
We're considering using our 6 racing rigs to host 6 pairs of racers (driver swapping/mandatory pitstops) in-store, who will join a race against other online racers who either follow SimRace1 on facebook (who get priority) or who live locally. A team from Mr Alex D's SideMax Motorworks may also join.
Entrants will need a PC and a copy of the game PC2 to enter, and the winner will win a "SimRace1 Champ' Mug".
We're trying to gauge whether there is any interest for something like this - if this is something you're interested in let us know in the comments below. :)
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Adios Amigo..
It was like a father to us - it loved us, it took care of us, it made us laugh and we've gone and stabbed it in the back. Yes, SimRace1 has mercilessly sold its only Motion Platform to a nice gentleman named Mr Freidrick Schnell in Germany.
... It's hit the road to partly fund the 6th Racing Rig (not cheap) which we're going to buy and then assemble in the next few weeks - ready for Autumn. Tbh - it wasn't used that much so it had the boot.
Onwards and upwards - more racing rigs = bigger races. With the 6th rig we're going to really try and promote driver swapping Endurance Racing for groups. The (using our fingers method) maths: 12 people separated into 6 pairs = 6 cars in a race. Or 18 racers, 6 teams of 3 = 6 cars in a race. The 6th rig should also make the Fast and Furious events we run more compelling with more cars on the track... :)
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Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!
Start your Engines - the Le Mans Leaderboard is now live!
24hrs of flat out driving, the greatest endurance race of them all, over 60 cars, raced by some of the best endurance racers in the world - this Saturday is the 87th Le Mans 24hrs.
... And YOU our friends can join them in spirit when you set a time on the SimRace1 Le Mans Leaderboard!!!
We were toying with making the Le Mans Leaderboard an overall time over 2 laps - combine both of your lap times and voila that's your Leaderboard time. Instead, it's going to be 1 super lap from a standing start using the Toyota TS040 Hybrid.
We're also going to sign up for a free 7 days Eurosport trial on our free Amazon Prime Video trial and stream the race event live during opening hours at SimRace1. SimRace1 - a business that doesn't spare any costs to keep their users happy! 😁
With only one name on the board so far (SimRace1 Rhys M) it's your chance right now to grab Numero Uno!! ☺️
*May do a Le Mans - Fast and Furious event in the future*
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Mr Sean P's winning Monza Leaderboard Lap.
Time "1.39.481". Very nice lap indeed... :)


We're back...
Here we are to announce the winner of the Monza Leaderboard.
But first, we'd like to thank everyone for putting a time up on the board - in our view it takes courage to put your name up, so all times are great times. :)
... Back to business...
The winner has been doing a smash and grab of the SimRace1 Champ' Mugs of late - he's become a serial mugger sensation! Winning the Monza Leaderboard with his awesome time of "1.39.481" Mr Sean P has held onto to Numero Uno and grabbed himself a 5th SimRace1 Champ' Mug!
Congratulations Mr Sean P. 🏆
Mr Sean P now joins an exclusive group of 3 people who've ever won more than 4 SimRace1 Champ Mugs.
If we were Mr Sean P, we'd demand his local council in the Town of Newton to build a statue of him in recognition of his achievements. If they're like...
"Hey son, you can go and whistle" just reply "GOD DAMN IT - you know I'm a multiple SimRace1 Champ' Winner!??" us, the statue will be up by the next morning... ☺️
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Good Afternoon Folks!
The Monza Leaderboard finishes at 4pm today.
Mr Yushi (18th), Mr Richard R (16th) and Mr Ryan C (15th) have set times on the board at the expense of Mr Rayhan who now exits the Top 20 Leaderboard. (we'll say it for you - "damn it!!!" ☺️)
... As we previously mentioned, there will be no poll for the new track to replace Monza next Tuesday. This is due to the "Le Mans" track already being pre-selected which coincides with the real Le Mans race. (Starts Sat' 15th June - finishes Sun' 16th June)
Being Le Mans, the Leaderboard Crew will be hot lapping around it in a LMP vehicle = a Toyota TS040 Hybrid!
We'll be back after 4pm to announce whether Mr Sean P has held on to Numero Uno which will win him the Monza board and a SimRace1 Champ' Mug. :)
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Good Evening Everyone!
The Monza Leaderboard finishes this Sunday 4pm.
Some fine racing warriors have been duking it out all month in their pursuit of finding another few tenths here or there.
... Of particular note this month on the Monza Leaderboard...
Mr Paul H grabbing 4th position - we think this is his highest position yet and we have a sneaky feeling he's not done yet - the guy is on fire at the moment. Mr Mikey T literally giving it his all throughout the month, and when he gave an air punch on the realization he had moved up to 5th position whilst finally overtaking his mortal enemy "Paul T the Great"! We didn't realise it at the time, but Mr Chris D setting a damn good 6th position time very early on which ended up standing the test of time - and Mr Dale H making a re-appearance on the Leaderboards and setting a surprisingly very good 8th position time. As per usual SimRace1 royalty and living leaderboard legend Mr Martin D, and the young racing prodigy who goes by the name of Mr Sean P, continued their shadow boxing into another Leaderboard month with Mr Sean P still holding onto Numero Uno. And witnessing Mr Peter J turning into a SimRace1 Racing Legend - with his time grabbing him his highest ever position!
Gawd - sound's like a BBC New Year's Eve round up of the last year's highlights! ☺️
Let's not forget the battling will power of Mr Adam F who has kept within touch of the top 2 - and his best bud' Mr Gareth D whose time kept him in the Top 10 for another Leaderboard month. And then there's the "return" of another legendary Leaderboard Legend Mr Alex D - gawd, SimRace1 loves Mr Alex D not just because he pays us for his booking slot but he also advertises SimRace1 for us for free. Mr Paul T - yes, we've mentioned him but do we mention him enough? No, we don't - for someone who usually finishes in the Top 4 every time it's looking like a 7th position for him this time, but by God he'll be back like a Rampaging Bull when it comes to the Cadwell Leaderboard - this we have no doubt! Buds Wayne and Kyle keeping at it, getting better and better, week by week - grabbing 11th and 14th respectively. And then there's the re-appearance of SimRace1 old timer Mr Ceri M; not an old timer about to kick the bucket, as in, been around SimRace1 for an age. And we finish on Haroon and Rayham who both usually visit SimRace1 as part of a larger clan to have a friendly race - but they never ever leave SimRace1 without putting some good times up.
A good Leaderboard month - but it's not quite over yet... :)
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Good Afternoon Folks!
SimRace1 has now clocked in for the new week, made a coffee, checked the Leaderboard Poll - we can confirm Cadwell Park is the winning track for Leaderboard No.1!
As a reminder - the car the Leaderboard Crew will be hot lapping in is the "1971 Ford Escort RS1600 Racing".
... Also - if you're racing on the screens we're trying to get everyone to race in cockpit view rather than bonnet /bumper view. Why? It's the norm' viewpoint for sim' racing, plus so far everyone seems to be racing as fast if not faster in cockpit view - in addition to having more control of the car. Plus, it matches the Virtual Reality cockpit viewpoint so everything is more like for like across the board at SimRace1.
Back to business...
Ladies and Gentlemen, please start your engines - the Cadwell Park Leaderboard is now a go go go...!! :) Iw
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Mr Sean P's Winning Bathurst Leaderboard Lap.
We video in 3rd person view but the lap was won in first person "Cockpit" view.
We've briefly changed to "Cockpit" view half way through, which shows the speed and arm agility Mr Sean P must have needed to control the wheel and keep the car on track. If that was me (Dan@SimRace1) I would have ended up hospitalized with 2 broken wrists, 2 broken elbows and a broken neck for good measure.
... Great lap! :)
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More about Simrace1 Swansea

Simrace1 Swansea is located at 30 - 31 High Street, SA1 1LG Swansea, United Kingdom
07368 309848
Monday: -
Tuesday: 13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 13:00 - 21:00
Friday: 13:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 16:00