Skybound Occupational Therapy

About Skybound Occupational Therapy

Skybound Occupational Therapy provides assessment, therapy, consults, training, school services and reports to children, adolescents and adults.

Skybound Occupational Therapy Description

Skybound Occupational Therapy is part of the Skybound Therapies multidisciplinary team of professionals all focused on helping children, adolescents and adults reach their potential. Skybound incorporates Behaviour Analysis, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.

We believe in providing quality interventions that make a real difference to lives. We focus on increasing functional skills and decreasing inappropriate or challenging behaviours.



This could be a useful resource:…/…/coro na-virus-social-story/…


“Dual & Multiple Exceptionality”
Or DME is the term used to describe children who are very able or have a talent in some areas, but also have one or more special educational need (such as ASD, DCD/dyslexia or sensory difficulties)
These children are not always easy to identify, as their strengths and areas of challenge can mask each other, which can lead to significant barriers to learning potential.
... I’ve spent the last two days learning about DME with training delivered by The OT Company and Potential Plus UK
It’s been great to learn the ways in which OTs can help these kids to reach their potential.
If this sounds like your child, or you’d like to know more, drop us a message to find out how Skybound can help.
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Great day of training on precision teaching motor skills!


Today I have been at the Occupational Therapy Adaptation Conference in Llanelli. So useful and important to keep up to date with what equipment is out there, as technology is constantly developing. Love that the latest Gerberit wash and dry toilet can be controlled from your smartphone via Bluetooth! Technology is fab.


Our OT has completed up to module 3 in the Certification in Ayres Sensory Integration.
Module 1 provided a foundation of the underlying neuroscience of ASI, Module 2 introduced direct and indirect assessment and Module 3 consolidated knowledge by providing hands on practical review and application of assessments.
It has been great to expand my knowledge about Sensory Integration and the huge impact the senses can have on function, learning and everyday life!


Over the last few weeks I have been travelling across the UK assessing children in schools and providing detailed reports as evidence for EHCP and statement tribunals.
These assessments look at the occupational needs of the child in relation to accessing education, and provide recommendations on how to support them.
This could be things such as physical and sensory adaptations, specialist handwriting support or access to alternative methods of recording information, the lev...el of 1-1 support needed, access to ongoing OT input or whether any other professional input is recommended.
Any one of these things can make such a huge difference to a child’s experience of school, and it’s great to be part of the process to try and help them receive the support they need!
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Some great ideas ready for Christmas! Just goes to show why play is so important, working on all those skills without even knowing it 😄 -child-developme…/…


This week is #OTWeek2019, where OTs around the country showcase the value of Occupational Therapy.
Our OT is ready for another varied week here at Skybound...some of this weeks activities include: assessing for a suitable Wheelchair accessible vehicle, school visits to work on fine motor skills and handwriting development, attending multi-disciplinary team meetings and nursery visits to advise on supporting a child's sensory needs (to name just a few!) Part of the reason I love this profession is that Occupational Therapists can provide support in so many different areas :) #SmallChangeBigImpact

User activities/ How about these for some half term Halloween crafting, whilst working on those fine motor skills! 🎃💀👻


Love this! Would add another column with practical strategies to help get back to feeling like ‘Superman’


"79% of SEND pupils do not have an EHCP, but are eligible for support"
This figure is shocking, here's hoping the review leads to positive change in these figures.
Education Health and Care Plans, (or statements in Wales) are so important to ensure children receive the right support to access education. Although children may still receive additional support, without an EHCP it is not legally enforceable, which can lead to provisions being removed or changed.
... Skybound regularly provide assessments and reports to form part of evidence for EHCP's to ensure the children we work with receive the support they need. 0713
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Have you noticed your child struggling with things like handwriting, or concentration in class? Do they always seem to be bumping into things and tripping over, or seem to take longer than their friends to learn motor skills such as riding a bike?
This week as part of my Sensory Integration training I have been conducting the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT). The SIPT is considered the gold standard of sensory assessments. It consists of 17 components which look i...n depth at areas including praxis, balance, co-ordination and perception.
Often parents notice when something doesn’t seem quite right, but other assessments may not offer the depth needed to pick up these differences, meaning these are often the kids who slip through the net without the support they need. The SIPT can be particularly useful when looking at Statements and Education, Health and Care plans to provide evidence to ensure your child gets the support they need in the right areas.
Skybound are looking into offering SIPT assessments, please let us know if this is something you would you be interested in?
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Come say hello!

More about Skybound Occupational Therapy

Skybound Occupational Therapy is located at Campbell Farm, SA62 4BD Haverfordwest