Soul Sessions Therapy -Therese Dunne

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Soul Sessions Therapy -Therese Dunne

Psychotherapy /Counselling and EMDR Therapy

Soul Sessions Therapy -Therese Dunne Description

Psychotherapy /Counselling, EMDR Therapy, Reiki Energy Healing and Angel Card Readings Midlands and Galway



I hope the sun is shining where ever you are today. Make the most of it, get out for a walk or sit in the garden. It will lift your energy. Get your feet into sand or grass and reap the rewards.
T 💖
#counselling #therapy #awareness #change #loveyourself #energy #chester #psychotherapy #emdr #reachout


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For many men and women, navigating life as an Adult Child of an Alcoholic can be a difficult journey. Growing up in a house where Alcohol came first, the fights, the silences, the financial struggles, the lies, the denial, the shame, the negative self soothing, the bribes, the refereeing, minding or not minding other siblings, coping with feelings towards Mum and Dad, the late nights, the neighbours, the noise, the tiredness, walking on eggshells, the hope squash...ed, the empty promises, the street angel-house devil, the tears, the uncertainty, the anger, the disappointment, the good times that never lasted, the misplaced loyalty, the inability to relax, not feeling safe and secure, the anxiety, the depression, the sadness.
Many if not all of the above resonate for most Adult Child of an Alcoholic and because it was so normal, some of us dont even acknowledge our childhood plays a part in our Adult life. In how we communicate, relate and love ourselves and others.
I work with many Adult Children of Alcoholism, Addiction and Abuse. I work with the innerchild to help that child heal from the environment and relationships they were born and rared in. Life keeps producing people and situations akin to our pasts to encourage us to heal.
If you feel like your childhood has had a negative impact on your Life today, you can absolutely heal and move on to thrive.
For more info, message me here or call 07379278792. I see clients face to face and online worldwide.
#acoa #innerchild #narcissist #trauma #addiction #healing #psychotherapy #emdrtherapy #therapy #counselling #alcoholic #love #vulnerability #strength
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People who never step out of their comfort zone are ALWAYS the first to point the finger, criticise and judge. They secretly dream of doing things but dont ever dare to let it pass their lips not to mention put a plan in action.
As humans, we are here to grow, to evolve and to learn. We fear vulnerability so much that it cripples many of us yet there is power in vulnerability as everytime we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open to criticism and rejection, we grow in ways... that we have only dreamt of.
I wonder where you would be and what you would be doing if you decided today that vulnerability could be your greatest strength. What things have you dreamt of? Too often we settle for what we think we "should" do. Too often we live our lives for other people. To meet family expectations or that of society.
Let this be your message today, the people who judge, point the finger and criticise can not have front seats in your life. They are in as Brene Brown says... the cheap seats. You can not allow them to be in the expensive seats. Reserve them for the people who love you, the people who have your back, the people who cheer you on and pick you up when you are down. Reserve these seats for the loved ones who do not require anything from you only your company. They are the people who matter. 💖
#vulnerability #comfortzone #courage #love #dreambelieveachieve #goals #emotions #therapy #counselling #trauma #letgo #psychotherapy #emdr #reiki #innerchild
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#counselling #therapy #doyourbest #healing #loveyourself #energy #awareness #change #youmatter


If we realised, really really realised the power of the mind and the power of manifesting we would spend our day thinking about things we love about our life, ourselves and the World. We would focus on things that make us happy and excited.
We would not let thoughts like I am not good enough, not attractive enough, not strong enough linger for two seconds in our energy.
Just like we can train our bodies to be fit and strong, we can absolutely train our minds to be positive,... strong and healthy. It starts with deciding that we want to.
I see clients everyday who are sick of thinking the same small, self sabotaging mean thoughts. I watch their life absolutely blossom as they commit to manifesting what they need and want.
You can do this too. Message me for appointment details or call me on 07379278792. I see Clients face to face or online worldwide.
#mindset #manifestation #manifesting #therapy #counselling #success #relationships #lawofattraction
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Engaging in therapy with a good experienced Counsellor is an investment in you and in your life. This kind of healing work is priceless. Everything in your life and every bit of success that you wish for is determined by the relationship you have with yourself. The way people treat you, the respect you have in your job, your bank balance, the quality of your relationships, the peace in your home, the joy in your heart. None of these things are about other people, they are about you and how much you value, respect and love yourself, flaws and all!
#counselling #therapy #awareness #change #loveyourself #energy #awareness #change #youmatter Psychotherapy #innerchild #love


#counselling #therapy #doyourbest #healing #loveyourself #energy #chester #innerchild #psychotherapy #emdr #reachout #today




I meet Clients every week who due to a pattern of relationship breakdowns or a history of painful romances believe that there is something wrong with them. They believe this and so the thoughts they think are kind of like this.... I'm not good enough, I am not loveable... I dont know how to date or be in a healthy relationship, relationships are painful, sooner or later I will mess it up, the honeymoon period only lasts so long, I am not attractive enough and so on and so on....... Complete self attack. Ofcourse if that is your thought pattern on relationships you are going to be terrified and ultimately it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. What if I told you that all the partners that didn't work out were not the one for you? If they were, you would have figured it out together. The problem is, until we accept and love ourselves exactly as we are, we are going to keep meeting partners who hurt us and prove us right with all those negative thoughts going on automatic. If you want a healthy relationship, you need to decide that LOVE starts with you and commitment starts with YOU. Committing that you are going to heal and learn to love yourself unapologetically and 100% unconditionally. Why? Because you deserve it. 💖
#relationships #dating #heartbreak #heartache #love #romance #healing #counselling #therapy #awareness #change #loveyourself #energy #chester #psychotherapy #emdr #reiki #innerchild
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Goodmorning to all you lovely people, wishing you a great weekend. T 💖


There are people in this world who are just out for themselves. They suit themselves. They will use your kindness to make themselves feel good. When someone or something better comes along, they will move on. Out of sight, out of mind. Back to being strangers.
It's not your job to figure them out, to make them see sense or to hurt over this loss for a long period of time.
It's your job to learn from this scenario. To love with an open heart yet have clear healthy boundaries i...n relationships. It's your job to take note and take action when a red flag appears because there are always red flags in this type of union just sometimes we turn a blind eye. It's your job to get to a place in yourself that partnerships and friends are balanced, 50/50 with mutual respect and love and anything other than that is a relationship that is not for you.
I meet so many clients who are fearful of making new friends and or getting back into the dating scene because they have met so many people who took advantage of them. People who for their own reasons are users. When we work through it in the Counselling Room we learn how to heal from past relationships and move forward with a healthy mindset, clear boundaries and a strong sense of hope and excitement for the future.
#chester #counselling #therapy #awareness #change #energy #emdr #reachout #psychotherapy #reiki
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In my work I meet Adult Children of all ages. I see the child come in in alot of pain not knowing how life got so out of control. I also get to see the Adult leave with a totally new sense of self and a heart full for their child that now has a voice and a place to call home. It can be a tough process but a beautiful one that is worth every bit of pain, healing and reflection. We often get times of laughter, times of fun and beautiful light bulb moments. When Clients are open... to meeting and loving their Inner Child, transformation and immense healing can take place. As a Counsellor it just leaves me in absolute Awe of each and everyone of my Clients, I feel very blessed to witness this type of healing 💖
#innerchild #woundedchild #adultchildren #therapy #counselling #trauma #abuse #narcisstic #acoa #addiction #personcentred #empathy #love #compassion #psychotherapy
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So so simple yet so many people just dont get it. You are not here to improve anyone else's life, to change your loved ones or teach them the right way. You are here to lead by example, to thrive in your own life. Focus on you. Focus on being the best version of you. Once you are content, those around you benefit.
#loveyourself #energy #awareness #change #youmatter #therapy #counselling #emdr #reiki #love


More about Soul Sessions Therapy -Therese Dunne

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -