Special Collections And Archives, Cardiff University

Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Special Collections And Archives, Cardiff University

Welcome to Special Collections and Archives: your free gateway to the treasures and unique research collections of Cardiff University.

Special Collections And Archives, Cardiff University Description

Welcome to Special Collections and Archives: your free gateway to the treasures and unique research collections of Cardiff University.

We are here to build, safeguard, and make publically accessible a vast national and international resource of historical, arts, humanities, and scientific knowledge. Our aim is to inspire your creativity, enrich your research and support your learning.



Silk books, Speed maps and ancient volumes - we had a great time with Glamorgan Family History Society today.
Interested in arranging a visit for your group or society? There's more information on our website: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/special-collect ions


Llyfrau sidan, mapiau Speed a chyfrolau hynafol - wedi mwynhau pnawn 'ma gyda Chymdeithas Hanes Teulu Morgannwg.
Hoffech chi drefnu taith ar gyfer eich cymdeithas chi? Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar ein gwefan: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cy/special-coll ections


Christmas treat for the final Cardiff University School of English, Communication and Philosophy Illustrated Book class with Prof. Julia Thomas: having a go at #linocut, and #printing on a 1956 #adana 😍


Good morning! Another busy day in the archive. Lisa joins us from Amgueddfa Cymru to size up two volumes, to display in an upcoming exhibition of Leonardo DaVinci's drawings. The exhibition, which also features work from the Royal Collection, will open in Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd - National Museum Cardiff next year: https://buff.ly/2A6gy1o #ExploreArchives


Bore da! Mae'n ddiwrnod prysur arall yn yr archif. Mae Lisa yn ymuno Γ’ ni bore ma o Amgueddfa Cymru, i fesur dwy gyfrol fydd yn rhan o arddangosfa o ddarluniau Leonardo DaVinci. Bydd yr arddangosfa yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd - National Museum Cardiff flwyddyn nesa: https://buff.ly/2qZZ4jb #ArchwilioArchifau


Thank you to the Western Mail for featuring our amazing collections in their piece on #ExploreArchives week!
We'll be revealing more about them on Wynne Evans' show in the morning - don't forget to tune in to hear all about our exorcism manual, tiny books, and our collection of cats' whiskers πŸ”πŸ±πŸ‘»


Diolch i'r Western Mail am gynnwys ein casgliadau rhyfeddol yn eu herthygl am #ArchwilioArchifau!
Fe fyddwn ni'n sgwrsio mwy amdanyn nhw ar raglen Wynne Evans yn y bore - cofiwch wrando ar Radio Wales i glywed yr hanes πŸ”πŸ±πŸ‘»


Love music? Fancy working with archives?
If you're a musician or producer, and want to know more about Cardiff's music libraries and archives, call by on Wednesday. The door will be open between 3 and 5 🎷🎷
#ExploreArchives #CityofSong


Caru cerddoriaeth? Ffansi chwilota mewn archifau?
Os ydych chi'n gerddor neu gynhyrchydd sy' ffansi dysgu rhagor am archifau a llyfrgelloedd cerdd Caerdydd, galwch draw ar Ddydd Mercher. Bydd y drws ar agor rhwng 3 a 5 🎷🎷


Happy #ExploreArchives Week!
We’ll be sharing our work, our favourite objects and some of our treasures with you this week. If you love archives, then don’t forget to spread the word – like, share, and celebrate with us πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Wythnos #ArchwilioArchifau hapus!
Mi fyddwn ni’n rhannu golwg ar ein gwaith, ein hoff wrthrychau, ac ambell i drysor gyda chi dros yr wythnos hon. Os ydych chi’n caru archifau, dyma’r wythnos i floeddio am y peth! Hoffwch, rhannwch a dathlwch gyda ni πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Mae wythnos Archwilio Archifau wedi cyrraedd!
Am sbec ar gasgliadau, cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan, a golwg ar waith archifau Cymru: cadwch lygad ar y tag #ArchwilioArchifau dros yr wythnos hon.
Gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau yn eich ardal chi: https://archifau.cymru/digwyddiadau/


Fascinating centenary talk tonight from Dr Rhian Davies on Welsh composer Morfydd Owen's life and work. Featuring many highlights from our archive! #MorfyddOwen100


Archive work isn't all white gloves y'know...
A colourful visit to Marigold Costumes as we prepare for tonight's event. A couple of tickets left for 'An Evening With Morfydd Owen'
https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/…/…/an-even ing-with-morfydd-owen-i


Dyw gwaith archif ddim yn fenyg gwyn i gyd!
Ymweliad lliwgar Γ’ Marigold Costumes wrth i ni baratoi ar gyfer ein digwyddiad heno.
Cwpwl o docynnau ar Γ΄l i 'Noson Gyda Morfydd Owen'
... https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/…/…/an-even ing-with-morfydd-owen-i
See More


An Evening with Morfydd Owen Monday 12 November, 18.00-20.00
Morfydd Owen was an exceptionally talented performer and composer - known for her flamboyant style as well as her prodigious talent.
... Join us as we celebrate her life, one hundred years after her untimely death: https://t.co/sYi3x6Y2Py #Morfydd100
See More


Noson gyda Morfydd Owen Dydd Llun 12 Tachwedd, 18.00-20.00
Roedd Morfydd Owen yn berfformwraig a chyfansoddwraig eithriadol - yn adnabyddus am ei steil lliwgar a'i thalentau cerddorol.
... Ymunwch Γ’ ni i ddathlu ei bywyd, gan mlynedd wedi ei marwolaeth sydyn, yn 27 oed.
https://t.co/KNJbhDa25W #Morfydd100
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More about Special Collections And Archives, Cardiff University

Special Collections And Archives, Cardiff University is located at Arts and Social Studies Library, CF10 3EU Cardiff
029 2087 4911
Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -