St Martin In Roath Church, Cardiff

About St Martin In Roath Church, Cardiff

Saint Martin in Roath is an Anglican Church. The church is on Albany Rd, in the Roath area. Here we celebrate and teach the Christian faith in the beauty and order of the Catholic tradition. All are welcome to join us. Check out the website.

St Martin In Roath Church, Cardiff Description

Saint Martin in Roath is an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Llandaff within the Church in Wales. Here we daily celebrate and teach the Christian faith in the beauty and order of the Catholic tradition. We have a fine and valued dynamic musical tradition which itself is a tool for mission and ministry.

St Martin's is a living community of people in the heart of Roath, Cardiff. Our people are drawn from many parts of the City and its surrounding areas as well as from further afield.



Do join us at St Martin in Roath for the celebration of the Parish Mass on Sunday 9th Feb 2020 - Septugesima. You can also hear short podcast of the Mass via the parish web site


The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple - Candlemass Sunday 2nd Feb 2020 @ St Martin in Roath


Thanks to Jane, Lowri and Lucy for the Christmas Cloister at St Martin in Roath. I know we are still in the Season of Advent but for the 1000's that pass by the church along Albany Road Advent may not feature in their lives, but all will know of Christmas in whatever way they percieve it. On Albany Road in Roath many shops of have lights, tinsel, snowmen and baubles but it seems only at St Martin will people see something of what Christmas is really all about - The Cloister is lit through the night and hopefully conveys to all who pass by something of the truth of Christmas. Next week on Tues and Wed over a 1000 folk will pass through here when we hold Carol Services for two local Schools - Rhydypenau and Cardiff High.


A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols telling the truth of Christmas. St Martin in Roath Liturgical Choir directed by Timothy Hill. Sunday 15th Decemeber 6 pm in the presence of the Lord Mayor of Cardiff - Councillor Daniel De'Arth.


Advent and Christmas at St Martin in Roath.


SAINT MARTIN IN ROATH - feast of title, patronal festival. Solemn Mass Sunday 10th November 2019


TUESDAY 15th Oct - The Mass and the Sacrament of the Sick @ St Martin in Roath - 6.30 pm Do share this and make invitations to others to join us.



St Martin in Roath - Pantocrator Sunday ~ Sunday 6th October Solem Mass @ 5.30 pm -


Cardiff Half Marathon - Come and help us next Sunday morning offer water, encouragement and hospitality to 1000's of marathon participants outside St Martin in Roath. The Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 5.30 pm


Sunday 29th Sept 2019 Michaelmass - the celebration of Angels and Archangels Solemn Mass 10:00


The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Sunday 15th Sept 2019. The Church of St Martin in Roath was originally going to be dedicated to the Holy Cross - hence the presence of the Holy Cross Chapel within it today.

More about St Martin In Roath Church, Cardiff

St Martin In Roath Church, Cardiff is located at Albany Rd, CF24 3RP Cardiff
029 2048 2295