Steffan "Fourace" Francis

About Steffan "Fourace" Francis

I am a Magician, Mentalist and Hypnotist, with several years experience, performing for thousands of paying customers nationwide! If you want your event to stand out, and get people talking about it for years to come, you're in the right place

Steffan "Fourace" Francis Description

I have always held a strong interest in many forms of escapism, whether it be from movie-going, gaming or anything to take me away from reality. I therefore always held an interest in magic, as I believe if done correctly, it can take an audience away from reality, and make them question what they are seeing. From a young age I've been fascinated by magic. I never thought of learning it myself though until I was shown a very basic four-card prediction by my grandfather. One of those tricks everyone knows. He kept doing it to me until I worked it out. The thrill I got from working out how a moment of magic was created was ecstatic. I just simply had to replicate it. So I did. I taught myself countless effects through studying videos of performances online, I learned some basic shuffling and principles of magic through browsing the web on magic forums and reading magic books.

I've always been quite socially-awkward. I have also had some problems in the past making friends. I used magic to connect with people. I found it easier to say "Pick a card" than "Hello". When I'm performing, I transform from the awkward boy I usually am to a confident and fearless performer. Don't ask me how.

After teaching myself basic moves and learning the bare bones of magic through books and online videos I began wanting to expand my knowledge of the art. I therefore trawled the internet for magic forums to look for fellow-magicians to aid me in my growth as an artist and a performer. Sure enough I found it and improved. After learning my own effects, I thought it was time to learn other peoples' effects so I went onto magic sites to broaden my knowledge. Very quickly as I gained more skill and knowledge, I grew in my confidence in front of audiences.

After doing closeup magic in school, I decided I wanted to expand further and learn some stage magic. After learning some basic stage illusions and converting some closeup effects and routines so they would be fit for the stage, I stumbled upon Mentalism and Mind-Reading. This is where I found my calling.

I love mentalism and mind-reading. I love it because unlike illusions and vanishing coins, which the audience knew was fake. Mind reading and mentalism was very realistic, and many people actually began to believe I could read their minds. I also love it because I've been interested in Psychology and thus have used Body language in my routines to detect when a spectator is lying etc.

In short, overtime I have expanded my knowledge of magic, and intend to expand further in the future. I believe my ability in magic is very good for my age, and will only get better. This is what I want to do in life. I'm passionate and engaging when I perform and like to mix-up my performances alot.

I tend to stick to performing to teens through to adults, as I believe children have enough magic in their lives as it is, since they never lost it, whereas adults and teens who are more aware of the world around them need a way out. Need respite. They need magic. I like to use Mentalism, Illusions, Sleight of hand and a variety of other magic in my routines, and whilst I will be quite serious when doing mind-reading and mentalism. I like to add some humor and other kinds of things when doing sleight of hand and visual effects.

One thing you can be sure of is, when you book me, you're booking a hungry magician and mentalist who has a variety of skills and attributes who will use enthusiastic performance to engage with an audience throughout and leave them with a memorable experience.

One magician once said, it is not fooling a spectator that makes a great magician, it is making the spectator believe. It is this statement I use to build my routines, and I hope to be performing at your event soon!

More about Steffan "Fourace" Francis

Steffan "Fourace" Francis is located at SA18 3 Swansea, United Kingdom