Stop Slavery Today

About Stop Slavery Today

Raising awareness of Modern Day Slavery, we provide investigative advice and seek to improve the identification and protection of potential victims /survivors

Stop Slavery Today Description

Prior to my recent retirement from a management position within law enforcement in the UK I was the police representative on a group sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government to deliver policies, procedures and training etc in anti-Slavery and human trafficking matters. The group was /is in the vanguard of shaping services for and identifying potential victims throughout the UK and beyond.

I am currently based in Portugal but have already provided support to organisations within the UK including speaking at conferences and providing advice and training to groups looking to establish themselves in a similar vein to that in Wales which is widely regarded as 'best practice'.

With the Modern Slavery Bill about to become law in the UK and expected to include the provision of statutory rights for victims, there could not be a better time to put in place the necessary structures and procedures to combat these heinous crimes and to better identify and protect potential victims of trafficking and slavery.

I would be very interested in further exploring what I might be able to do to assist in and learn from your work and to share best practice anywhere in the world in dealing with this scourge on society.

I am an articulate, committed, enthusiastic and people-focused individual with proven expertise and ability in motivating individuals to achieve their goals.

My background includes leadership within law enforcement (police) with over 33 years of unblemished service and numerous commendations awarded. I have led investigations as Senior Investigating Officer in cases of homicide and other serious crime and performed an Intelligence Manager role in a number of high profile criminal investigations. I have also managed a number of high risk covert investigations including those with threat to life.

I have developed sound leadership skills – particularly with regard to the management of people, resources and finance and I pride myself on my professionalism and personal integrity; actively promoting equality in all working practices.



Law enforcement's focus on the people who run the modern slave trade should expand to include those who stoke demand and buy the cheap sex, stuff and services they offer, campaigners say. #StopSlaveryToday…


Apple Stores to employ human trafficking victims #StopSlaveryToday 6622


Young survivors do not need sympathy but support including housing, healthcare and education in order to stop them falling back into slavery. #StopSlaveryToday -8itvl/


Kenya continues to host illegal recruiters who maintain networks in Uganda and Ethiopia. They recruit Rwandan, Ethiopians, and Ugandan workers through fraudulent offers of employment in the Middle East and Asia. #StopSlaveryToday…/kenya-hub- of-human-trafficking…


Samsung should try imagining a world where big firms respect workers. This is what is looks like when companies are left to police their own supply chains; when mega-companies chase profit, with insufficient concern for a workforce that case has no means of comeback. #StopSlaveryToday…/samsung-s hould-try-imagining-…


The Home Office cut the weekly support for asylum seeking victims of trafficking from £65 per week by over 40% to £37.75 on 1 March 2018, without any consultation or assessment of the potential impact of such cuts on the victims. #StopSlaveryToday


Modern day slavery arrests after Levenshulme car wash raid. #StopSlaveryToday


Peru 'baby trafficking ring': Ex-police chief held. #StopSlaveryToday rica-46124647


Nottingham Crown Court heard at least 30 people were trafficked over five years, but the figure could be higher. #StopSlaveryToday…/uk-england -derbyshire-46044872…


Countries must ensure workers have labour rights and the power to collectively demand better pay and conditions, say experts. #StopSlaveryToday…


Excellent 'Train-the-Trainer' event at @WelshGovernment today with @ASC_Cymru @KimAnn1967 and delegates from other public sector organisations and NGOs. Looking to take back to @cardiffcouncil what I've learnt. #StopSlaveryToday #Procurement #Transparency #Supplychains #CodeofPractice


Our biggest fans on Twitter this week: @1jrv1, @JoyceWatsonam, @Mona83655491. Thank you for your support! #StopSlaveryToday


Huddersfield grooming gang: Final four members jailed for 36 years - Sky News. #StopSlaveryToday…/huddersfield-gro oming-gang-final-fou…


Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking IS organised crime and its growing at an alarming rate. #StopSlaveryToday eaths-terrorism/


Trokosi is a traditional system where virgin girls, some as young as six years old, are sent into Troxovi shrines (shrines for gods) as slaves to make amends for wrongs committed by a member of the virgin girl's family. #StopSlaveryToday†¦


"We should not be unmindful of the fact that laws alone, no matter how well crafted cannot solve this evil. For instance, Britain is a world leader in modern slavery legislation but yet London is an international hub for modern slavery." #StopSlaveryToday


Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are among the world’s biggest exporters of cotton. They however have relied on the #forcedlabour of hundreds of thousands of their citizens to pick this cotton. #StopSlaveryToday -cotton-crimes-sh…/

More about Stop Slavery Today