Stretchy Thinking

About Stretchy Thinking

Stretchy Thinking is a thought process you can use to consider how to take control of barriers you face and fnd solutions to achieve more.



What can you do to help others be more successful?


Part of achieving more and being successful is about knowing when you can't do something and you need to just give yourself a break.


One for my dyslexic pals. Dyslexia for those who are not as aware is more than just not being able to spell so well. Those of us with dyslexia think differently, this is now what I use in my work and I’m very lucky my clients see that as valuable. But for years I felt a failure, was told I was stupid and would never be anything #Dyslexia #stretchythinking


This will become standard issue for everyone attending one of my innovation workshops


A large part of my work on Stretchy Thinking is mindset around barriers and obstacles we face. In my workshop we talk about barriers you have control over and barriers you have no control over.
This is of a similar style and helps remind you what you can and can’t change.


I've started the interviews for my research on how individuals overcome barriers. It's very humbling to hear peoples stories on the barriers they have faced, how they have overcome them and for many have to manage them daily. Yet still people achieve amazing things. WOW, just wow.


What helps you see things from a differnt perspective? Yoga, going for a walk or a run maybe?


If you want to know what Stretchy Thinking is take a look at my short explainer video


I saw this the other day and it reminded me how important resilience is to stretchy thinking.
You see in order to do something differently or try something new, you have to accept it may not work out how you visualised it. You may need to try again, I mean practice can help. Or you may need to alter your plans to achieve your aim and try again before you either succeed or accept a new aim.
Life is about trying, sometimes failing and sometimes succeed and sometimes finding a new route. If your busy faking it I question if you will have the opportunity to grow and develop and be stretchy in your thinking #stretchy thinking #achievingmore


I have been struggling recently with work, being in the office and working on new ideas. I thought about it and why it was that I wasn’t getting into the work grove and I realised it was because I really miss my outside time. I love spending time outside everyday. But with the days still short and cold first thing and late afternoon (we live up high and by the coast it’s cold).
So I have been using my #stretchythinking and have a new work pattern. Office and desk work mornin...g until 12 then outside in the garden for 2 hours and then lunch and back in the office for another few hours.
Yes I’m working less hours but they are more productive hours. Plus I’m getting fresh air and jobs done in the garden. Today I cleared under the trees and found these lovely bulbs coming up and I planted my wild garlic up the bank. plus other bits and bobs. It’s surprising how energised I feel after to do some more work.
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#creativity and #innovation are underestimated skills we need to progress both in life and business #stretchythinking


part of the reason I think differently is definitely my dyslexia,but not everyone understands that dyslexia is more than reading and writing. This is a useful post to help with some of the differences of dyslexic people


This is so true, much of my work on overcoming barriers also includes considering if your trying to overcome barriers for the right or wrong reasons


I'm so excited to reveal my new video explaining "Stretchy Thinking" ahead of the forthcoming launch of my new web site. I know right its all go at Stretchy HQ. The link to the video is in the first comment below. Enjoy.

More about Stretchy Thinking

Stretchy Thinking is located at Cardiff