Stronger. Fitter. Faster

About Stronger. Fitter. Faster

Classes coached by CrossFit trainer and PT Kathryn Darvill in Simply Gym, Llansamlet.
Sessions £5 each (payable in cash before the class)

Stronger. Fitter. Faster Description

Our classes focus on mobility, weightlifting and finish with a fun team WOD (workouts the day).
Classes are open to all, no matter your experience.

So come along and get stronger, fitter, faster!



Happy Sunday everyone!
I hope you're all chilling in a coffee shop somewhere fuelling up for a great week of training ahead. I definitely am- if you haven't tried it get the Booster juice at Coffee 1 (just doesn't photograph so well!)
Classes this week will be:
... Monday (tomorrow) 6:30-7:30pm Saturday: 10:30-11:30am
Comment below guys.
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Hey guys,
As Wales are playing tomorrow night I wanted to check who can come to the class Saturday morning at 10:30-11:30 and who needs to stay in bed and cure the hangover :) Comment below if you can come


What a class tonight. Against all the odds; Soph being stuck in work, Julia having a nail crisis and that damn fuzzy music, the girls smashed out a great session.
Floor press (4x5) Lowri & Laura 30kg Stacey & Kath 40kg
... WOD: 3 rounds 10 burpee box overs Skipping Squat jumps on agility ladder Time 15:11 mins
Finisher: 50 Deadbugs 50 sit ups if you're name is Lowri
There were some serious skipping skills in the mix tonight and some great whips to prove it!! Hardcore guys :)
Session as normal Saturday 10:30-11:30. Comment below if you'd like to come.
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A little rain didn't stop Rach and Julia coming in and smashing todays WOD! Heavy deadlifts to start (5x5) with Julia breezing through 40kgs and Rach making 50kg look easy.
Followed by some skill then last weeks 15min AMRAP: 15 Cleans 20 Db snaches... 30 air squats
Finishing off with a couple of stretches and more importantly a natter about our fav junk food. It took a hell of alot of self control to not go out for an Italian and a cocktail tonight guys!!
Good work
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So this week there's just a Saturday class 10:30-11:30am. Comment below if you want to come along :)


Great Saturday Session yesterday with Sophie and Laura :)
Skill work: Full clean and Push jerk
Then onto a double WOD starting with:... 2 clean & push jerks every 30secs for 5 mins
Straight into a 15 min AMRAP: 10 hang cleans 20 dumbbell snatches 30 air squats
Kudos to Soph for smashing out the entire workout with 30kg cleans and 12kg snatches! And to Laura for some brilliantly smooth barbell cycling and for not thinking too much ;)
**Out of interest who can make a session this Wednesday 6-7?**
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There will only be a Saturday 10:30-11:30 class this week. My nights are so busy this week that I can't fit another one in, really sorry guys. But my hours on the synergy are dropping the week after next so there'll definitely be a weekday night class :)
If you want to book onto the Saturday class then comment below as usual :)


What an awesome Saturday session and so great to see so many people kicking ass!
Strength: Work up to a heavy deadlift (5x5)
... Straight into a 10 min AMRAP of: Push press 50 x Kettlebell swings
*Push press carried out passing bar between partners. If bar touches the floor then team complete 5 synchronised burpees...Needless to say no one dropped a barbell.
Finisher: 5 rounds 10 x sit ups 10 x air squats
Great session guys!
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Hey Guys,
Hope you've had an awesome week and are ready for a well deserved weekend. I know I am! Tomorrow's 10:15-11:15 session is full and those coming are: Stacey Walters... Sophie B Laura Penry Julia V Annemarie Rach Draisey
I'll be posting dates tomorrow night for next week so if you fancy trying out the classes then watch this space :)
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Amazing session last night and a great way to welcome Sarah Ley to SFF. After some Clean & Press action we hit a 20 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:
10 cleans 20 burpees... 30 push ups 40 deadlifts 50 dips 60 kettlebell swings 70 squats
with everyone completing at least one round and moving onto the next :)
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Hey everyone! Hope you've all had a great weekend and are rested up ready to start another week of training. Sessions this week:
Monday (tomorrow) 19:00-20:00 Stacey Morgan... Lowri Jones Sarah Ley Sophie Broady
Saturday 10:20-11:30 Sophie Broady Stacey Morgan
If anyone wants to book on then comment below. Classes are open to everyone and are £5 each (payable before the session)
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This is what I love to see, smiling faces even after a grueling workout! Well done to Annemarie, Lowri and Lucy smashing the 21-15-9 of clean & jerks, push ups and kettle bell swings in Saturday's session. Girl power!!


TGI Friday everyone! Start your weekend off the right way with some heavy lifting and a team workout so you can feel good about partying (or in my case eating) your Saturday night away. There are still some spaces for this Saturdays 10:30-11:30 class if anyone wants in then just comment below:
Booked on are:... Learna Jade Frost Sophie Broady Lowri Jones Annemarie Mcaughtrie
See you there guys!!
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More about Stronger. Fitter. Faster

Stronger. Fitter. Faster is located at Simply Gym, Swansea, United Kingdom
07828 553 766