Tast Natur

About Tast Natur

Blas a grëwyd yng Nghymru a'u hysbrydoli gan natur.
Flavours created in Wales and inspired by nature.
Visit www. tastnatur.com for seasonal syrups to add a taste of nature to food & drink. Dilute, Mix or Drizzle!

Tast Natur Description

Developing A Taste for Nature
I was fortunate enough to grow up surrounded
by countryside, and enjoyed foraging and
helping out in the garden - but especially
eating the results! More and more people are
appreciating the taste of nature, as local and
natural as possible. Many plants are also used
for health benefits in addition to flavour.
Over the years I experimented more and
more, and even when I live in towns I enjoy
everyday plants, which are often taken for
granted, or dismissed as weeds. Friends and
family have benefited from my concoctions
(or sometimes not when they don’t quite
work). Through Tast Natur I hope to be able
to share my passion for the Taste of Nature.

Datblygu Blas am Natur
Roeddwn yn ddigon ffodus i gael fy magu
yn y wlad, yn mwynhau casglu cynnyrch o’r
caeau neu’r ardd - ond y peth gorau oedd
bwyta melysion natur! Heddiw mae mwy yn
mofyn cynnyrch lleol a naturiol. Wrth gwrs
mae’r mwyafrif o blanhigion yn flasus ac yn
dda i’r iechyd hefyd!
Dros y blynyddoedd rwyf wedi creu amrywiaeth
o gynnyrch, hyd yn oed ar ol symud
i drefi. Mae modd darganfod planhigion
yn unrhywle, ac yn aml y rhai sydd o flaen
llygaid pob dydd sydd orau. Mae ffrindiau
a theulu wedi mwynhau nifer o fy nghreadigaethau
(neu mae nhw’n dweud eu bod
nhw! ). Drwy Tast Natur rwy’n gobeithio rhannu
fy niddordeb ymhellach.