Teacher Society Tsdsu Carmarthen

About Teacher Society Tsdsu Carmarthen

This page is for anyone interested in joining Wales' first ever SU Teacher Society!
Mae’r dudalen hon ar gyfer unrhywun sydd am ymuno â Chymdeithas Athrawon cyntaf UM Cymru!

Teacher Society Tsdsu Carmarthen Description

Cymdeithas Athrawon PCYDDS yw'r un cyntaf o'i fath yng Nghymru. Ni hefyd yw'r gymdeithas gyntaf yng Nghymru i weithio mewn partneriaeth gyda'r elusen 'Teach First'.

Fel Cymdeithas rydyn yn gobeithio dod ac athrawon Cymru yng nghyd trwy:
- cynnig system cefnogaeth ar gyfer hyfforddai a athrawon cymwysedig
- cynnig cyfleoedd ar gyfer datblygiad proffesiynol
- gwahodd siaradwyr gwadd
- mynychu seminarau addysgol
- cynnig cyfleoedd i gyfathrebu gyda gweithwyr eraill
- cynnal digwyddiadau codi arian ar gyfer elusennau megis Teach First.

Mae aelodaeth yn £2 yr un- os oes diddordeb gennych i ymuno, siaradwch gyda Thrysorydd y Gymdeithas.

The TSDSU Teacher Society is the first of its kind in Wales, and is also the first SU society in Wales to work in partnership with the charity organisation Teach First.

As a Society, we hope to bring teachers in Wales together. We plan to do this by:
- offering a support system for both qualified and trainee teachers
- offer opportunities for professional development
- invite guest speakers
- visit educational seminars
- offer opportunities to network and socialize with other practitioners
- hold fundraising events for charities such as Teach First.

Membership fee is £2. 00 per person - please see the Society Treasurer if interested in joining.
If interested in partaking any responsibilities within the society, or have any suggestions for developing the Society, please see the Society Chair.

More about Teacher Society Tsdsu Carmarthen

Teacher Society Tsdsu Carmarthen is located at SA31 3EP Carmarthen