Teithia' Gwydyr Tours

About Teithia' Gwydyr Tours

Gwydyr Tours are a social enterprise promoting the little known, almost secret destinations of the Upper Conwy Valley, around Llanrwst North West Wales

Teithia' Gwydyr Tours Description

tel: + 44 (0)1492 642 110 / + 44 (0)7709 795 677
web: http://www. gwydyrtours. co. uk

Teithia’ Gwydyr Tours are:
a new social enterprise based in the rural heart of the Upper Conwy Valley. A little known destination, Llanrwst is flanked by hill farms and woodland areas, including the Gwydyr Forest, famous for it’s legendary history, beautiful lakes, and picturesque walks and trails.

Teithia’ Gwydyr has been set up to draw attention to not only the beautiful landscapes of the area, but it’s people, it’s heritage, and some of the unique enterprises and business’ that are making a name for themselves. We hope you are able to join us on these exciting adventures. http://www. gwydyrtours. co. uk

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Mae Teithia’ Gwydyr yn:
fenter cymdeithasol newydd yn Llanrwst, dyffryn Conwy, y dref farchnad wledig sy’n enwog fel canolfan diwylliant ac am ei hanes, ei thirlyn, a’i chymeriadau.

Fe sefydlwyd Teithia’ Gwydyr gyda’r bwriad o dynnu sylw nid yn unig at dirlun godidog yr ardal, ond hefyd at ei phobl a’i hanes ac at rai o’r mentrau a busnesau sy’n datblygu ac yn gwneud enw iddyn nhw eu hunain yma. Rydym ni’n gobeithio y cewch chi eich temtio i ddod gyda ni. http://www. gwydyrtours. co. uk

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What to expect:
The tours are a full day of travel with some physical activity (walking). We venture into some of the more remote locations of North Wales, as we endeavour to show you some of the lesser known gems of the Upper Conwy Valley.

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Beth i’w ddisgwyl:
Mae’r teithiau i gyd yn deithiau diwrnod cyfan ac yn cynnwys peth cerdded. Mi fyddwn ni’n mentro i lefydd mwy diarffordd nag arfer wrth geisio dangos i chi rai o drysorau llai adnabyddus dyffryn Conwy.

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What to bring:
Warm clothing, wet weather gear, & sturdy footwear. Lunch is not included but we will stop at various locations where quality food is available and who generally cater for a range of diets. You can bring a packed lunch if preferred.

Dewch â:
Dillad cynnes, dillad dal dŵr ac esgidiau cryfion. Dydi Teithia’ Gwydyr ddim yn darparu bwyd ond mi fyddwn ni’n cymryd hoe mewn gwahanol lefydd sy’n cynnig bwyd da ac yn darparu ar gyfer gwahanol anghenion deiet. Mae croeso i chi ddod â’ch pecyn bwyd eich hun os dyna ydi eich dymuniad.

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In partnership with:
Celticos.com - tour partners; Cilydd - independent cafes; Golygfa Gwydyr - parent organisation; Cyfenter - funders. We are very privileged to be working with these professional partners to help deliver these unique experiences.

Mewn partneriaeth â:
chwmni teithiau Celticos.com; caffis annibynnol Cilydd; ein rhiant grŵp Golygfa Gwydyr; arian Cyfenter. Mae’n fraint i ni gael gweithio gyda’r partneriaid proffesiynol hyn i ddarparu’r fath brofiadau unigryw.

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http://www. gwydyrtours. co. uk

More about Teithia' Gwydyr Tours

Teithia' Gwydyr Tours is located at LL26 0AG Llanrwst
+44 (0)1492 642 110