
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Telemat

Efficient, professional bilingual IT Support & Solutions. Cefnogaeth a Datrysiadau TG effeithlon, proffesiynol a dwyieithog.

Telemat Description

Telemat is an established IT company specialising in IT Support & Solutions for businesses throughout Wales. We have worked with many organisations ranging from small to large businesses, charities and the public sector. We deliver a complete suite of IT technical support at affordable rates to suit your business needs and budget.

Mae Telemat yn gwmni TG sefydledig sy'n arbenigo mewn Cymorth TG a atebion TG i fusnesau ledled Cymru. Rydym wedi gweithio gyda llawer o sefydliadau yn amrywio o fusnesau bach a mawr, elusennau a'r sector cyhoeddus. Rydym yn darparu cyfres gyflawn o TG cefnogaeth dechnegol ar gyfraddau fforddiadwy ar gyfer eich anghenion busnes a chyllideb.



Are you a sole trader or micro business? Do you have to be the expert in all aspects of your business? With us, you can have your own IT Department without us even being in the same room. Our unlimited remote and telephone support package is ideal for businesses that need a fast response to their IT support issues. Packages starting from £25. Call the team for an informal chat on 01239 712345 or e-mail --


**£25** Ydych chi'n berchennog ar fusnes bach? Oes rhaid i chi fod yn arbenigwr ar bopeth? Gyda ni, gallwch gael eich Adran TG eich hun heb i ni fod yn yr un ystafell hyd yn oed. Mae ein pecyn cymorth-o-bell yn ddelfrydol i fusnesau sydd angen ymateb cyflym i'w materion cymorth TG. Ma' 'da ni lond 'stafell o dechnegwyr sy'n siarad Cymraeg yn barod i'ch helpu. Ffoniwch ni ar 01239 712345 neu e-bostiwch am sgwrs anffurfiol


S'dim byd waeth nag eistedd o flaen sgrin gwag a heb syniad beth sy'n bod! Ry' ni'n datrys y rhan fwyaf o broblemau TG ein cwsmeriaid dros y ffôn a gyda phecynnau misol yn dechrau o £25 wneith e ddim torri'r banc ond fe wneith e gywiro'ch cyfrifiadur. Ffoniwch Aled i gael sgwrs am yr opsiwn orau i'ch busnes chi. 01239 712345


Peidiwch â cholli cwsg dros TG. Mae ein cefnogaeth ddwyieithog yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer busnesau sydd angen datrys probelmau TG fel ma’ nhw’n codi. Yn well byth, mae ein pecynnau misol yn dechrau ar gyn lleied â £25. Dau opsiwn cost effeithiol o gadw'ch systemau TG yn gyfredol ac yn rhedeg fel watsh! Ffoniwch Aled ar 01239 712345 neu ebostiwch


*****Archwiliad diogelwch yn rhad ac am ddim***** Ydych chi wedi cymryd camau digonol i ddiogelu eich systemau cyfrfiadurol? Nododd 31% o fusnesau meicro a bach ymosodiadau seibr yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf. Gallwn ni ddarparu cyngor a chefnogaeth i fusnesau i amddiffyn eu systemau rhag ymosodiadau. Ffoniwch Aled heddi' ar 01239 712345 i gael gwybodaeth am yr opsiynau sydd ar gael i fusnesau.


Every business needs IT support at sometime even if it's just to be reminded to switch your computer off and on again! Sound familiar? So, whether you need unlimited fast response support, or just pay-as-you-go support for any unexpected problems that may arise our bilingual technicians will be on hand to help. No jargon IT support to suit your needs and your budget. Speak to Aled to find out more - or call 01239 712345


Ydych chi wedi cymryd camau digonol i ddiogelu eich systemau cyfrfiadurol? Nododd 31% o fusnesau meicro a bach ymosodiadau seibr yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf. Gallwn ni ddarparu cyngor a chefnogaeth i fusnesau i amddiffyn eu data a'u systemau rhag ymosodiadau. Ffoniwch Aled heddi' ar 01239 712345 i ofyn am archwiliad diogelwch rhad ac am ddim.


Ydych chi’n crafu’ch pen ynglŷn â chymorth TG? Oes ganddoch chi ddigon o brofiad i gadw'ch systemau TG yn rhedeg fel watsh. Gallwn ni helpu! O ddewis yr offer cywir i gadw'ch system yn ddiogel rhag ymosodiadau-seiber, bydd ein tîm ar gael i chi am gyn lleied â £25 y mis. ‘Falle byddai opsiwn Talu-wrth-fynd yn fwy addas i chi. Ffoniwch nawr ar 01239 712345 neu e-bostiwch i drafod beth sydd orau i'ch busnes. NI'n barod i fynd!


Humming and hawing about whether you need IT support? Do you have enough experience to keep your IT systems running smoothly? We do! From choosing the right equipment to keeping your system safe from cyber-attacks, you can have our team available to you from as little as £25per month. Perhaps our Pay-as-you-go option would suit you best. Call now on 01239 712345 or e-mail to discuss what’s best for your business. We're ready and waiting!


Gwasanaeth TG yn y Gymraeg.


S'dim byd waeth nag eistedd o flaen sgrin gwag a heb syniad beth sy'n bod! Ry' ni'n datrys y rhan fwyaf o broblemau TG ein cwsmeriaid dros y ffôn a gyda phecynnau misol yn dechrau o £25 wneith e ddim torri'r banc ond fe wneith e gywiro'ch cyfrifiadur. Ffoniwch Aled i gael sgwrs am yr opsiwn orau i'ch busnes chi. 01239 712345


There's nothing worse that sitting in front of a computer with a blank screen and not knowing what to do about it! At Telemat we resolve most of our customers' IT issues over the phone and with monthly packages starting at just £25 it won't break the bank, but it will fix your computer. Call Aled to discuss the best package for your business. 01239 712345


Is your computer system ready for the skip? We can keep you up-to-date with the latest technology and get you ready for the end of the extended support for Windows 7 happening in January 2020. Call Aled for more information on 01239 712345


Un o'n technegwyr ar ei ffordd i Gaerfyrddin yn heulwen braf mis bach!
One of our technicians on his way to Carmarthen in this beautiful February sunshine!


Peidiwch â cholli cwsg dros TG. Mae ein cefnogaeth ddwyieithog yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer busnesau sydd angen datrys probelmau TG fel ma’ nhw’n codi. Yn well byth, mae ein pecynnau misol yn dechrau ar gyn lleied â £25. Dau opsiwn cost effeithiol o gadw'ch systemau TG yn gyfredol ac yn rhedeg fel watsh! Ffoniwch Aled ar 01239 712345 neu ebostiwch


Don't lost sleep over IT. Our pay- as- you- go bilingual support is ideal for businesses needing to sort out IT issues as and when they crop up. Even better, our monthly packages for on-going support start from as little as £25. Whichever you choose, both are cost effective ways of keeping your IT systems up-to-date and up-and-running! Call Aled on 01239 712345

More about Telemat

Telemat is located at Antur Teifi Business Park, SA38 9DB Newcastle Emlyn
01239 712345
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -