The Journey - Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett

About The Journey - Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett

Life has given us all a powerful invitation to turn within and spend time self-nurturing and healing. The Journey will support you in this with daily meditations, introspections, teachings and much more. Please share with everyone you love!

The Journey - Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett Description

To date, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have experienced this simple, yet powerful step-by-step method of overcoming a wide variety of challenges, from physical ailments to emotional issues or shut down, in relationship problems and with career or performance issues.

The Journey was founded by internationally acclaimed speaker, bestselling author and mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays. In 1992 Brandon was diagnosed with a basketball-sized tumor.

Having a background and strong belief in natural treatment and holistic healing, Brandon put into practice everything she had learned about nutrition, herbology, kineasiology, meditation and guided introspection with a carefully planned natural healing regimen. Amazing herself and her doctors, Brandon intuitively listened to her body wisdom and completely healed in only 6¬Ĺ weeks. No drugs, no surgery, no pain!

The Journey is the result of Brandon’s continuous work on herself, and using her own personal experiences and observations new work is continuously being developed, and the original work refined into elegant processes which positively impact all areas of our lives.

Inspired by the studies of famed endocrinologist Deepak Chopra and renowned cellular biologist Dr Candace Pert, The Journey developed its own unique approach to awakening and cellular healing, and has become a potent blend of cutting-edge tools and access to the true realization that human potential knows no bounds.



HAPPY ST VALENTINE'S DAY, BELOVEDS! . Remember, when you put yourself first, you can create conscious relationships with others. . Once you‚Äôve created a conscious belief system and given yourself full permission to take care of your needs on all levels, you can consider healthy and rewarding relationships with others.... . You don‚Äôt have to have it all together before you learn how to heal and grow with another person. To create a conscious relationship, each person must make decisions in support of their own happiness and fulfillment ‚Äď and want the same for the other. . May your relationships flourish! . #TheJourneyMethod #BrandonBays #KevinBillett #freedom #emotionalhealing #loveyourself #wellnessretreats #healthyrelationships #healthylifestyle #transformation
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With so much "dead wood" floating around in our minds, when was the last time YOU questioned the truth of your apparent reality? . Or have you been imprisoned by your own beliefs that keep you from experiencing freedom, grace and truth in the present moment? . Looking forward to hearing from you in the comments.... . #TheJourneyMethod #BrandonBays #KevinBillett #freedom #emotionalhealing #loveyourself #wellnessretreats #healthyrelationships #healthylifestyle #transformation
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Thank you tons, Navolina, for sharing your experience with all of us! . "Attending a Journey Intensive just for women is a blessing. It is truly special because of the safety, and embrace of an all-feminine energy. Due to my cultural background and upbringing, sharing my personal issues in front of men in public was a huge problem for me. The Journey Intensive exclusively for women resolves this. . Collective Feminine power helps us create an embrace of love, intimacy, and ...self-expression. . I recommend it to all women who want to live life from a place of freedom by acknowledging and connecting to their feminine self. During my first workshop, I experienced stillness, which helped me to acknowledge my body and really connect with it for the first time. . I started loving and accepting myself fully for being a woman, which subsequently helped me clear my blocks, limiting beliefs and behavioural patterns that were controlling my life and came to a place of wholeness and healing." . The next Journey Intensive for Women is in Australia, Ballina on Feb 14th-16th. Don't miss out! . #TheJourneyMethod #BrandonBays #KevinBillett #freedom #emotionalhealing #loveyourself #wellnessretreats #healthyrelationships #healthylifestyle #transformation
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Brandon has been invited to offer Journey to Inner Freedom at GWINGANNA, Australia's most prestigious Wellness Retreat Centre in the Gold Coast Area.
A special time to explore organic living, spa treatments, personally tailored exercises, relaxation time, delicious organic cuisine and wellness treatments for physical and emotional wellbeing.
Check it out! Journey to Inner Freedom alongside many other classes of your personal choosing, as well as spa treatments are on offer... during this 5 day retreat from 16 - 21 February. -inner-freedom/
And we love it there!
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ūüĎČ Enrolment for this year's Out Of The Blue Online ends on Jan 16th:
And we wanted to make sure you hear a few things straight from heart. So, Bet, one of the hosts in this program answers questions we've received below. Among others:
ūüéąI've fought with depression for a long time and nothing seems to work. Do you have any feedback from previous participants that the program has worked for them releasing stress, anxiety or depression?
... ūüéąIs this program for me if I'm "only" feeling stressed? Not depressed, but stressed because of work and life's circumstances?
ūüéą I'm currently on antidepressants, that's how deep I am. Could this program help me? I read some stories of people who weren't using antidepressants after a while - could it be possible for me as I'm having terrible side-effects?
ūüéą Is this a closed program or will anybody outside know that I'm participating? I'd like complete privacy about me being part of this program.
If anything else pops up for you, please let us know in the comments or writing to
‚̧ԳŹOut of the Blue Online is intense and it will challenge you. But we know with every fibre of our beings that this program will make your life so much easier than if you tried to figure it out on your own.
Here's the enrolment link that hosts all the information:
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Recently, ūĚźíūĚźöūĚźßūĚźĚūĚźęūĚźö ūĚź©ūĚźöūĚźęūĚź≠ūĚźĘūĚźúūĚźĘūĚź©ūĚźöūĚź≠ū ĚźěūĚźĚ ūĚźĘūĚźß ūĚź®ūĚźģūĚźę ūĚźéūĚźģūĚź≠ ūĚźéūĚźü ūĚźďūĚź°ūĚźě ūĚźĀūĚź•ūĚźģūĚźě ūĚźéūĚźßūĚź•ūĚźĘūĚźßūĚźě ūĚź©ūĚźęūĚź®ūĚź†ūĚźęūĚźöūĚź¶ and is sharing her experience openly in this video. ūĚźėūĚź®ūĚźģ ūĚźúūĚźöūĚźß ūĚź£ūĚź®ūĚźĘūĚźß ūĚź≠ūĚź°ūĚźě ūĚźßūĚźěūĚźĪūĚź≠ ūĚźęūĚź®ūĚźģūĚźßūĚźĚ ūĚźģūĚźßūĚź≠ūĚźĘūĚź• ūĚźČūĚźöūĚźß ūĚüŹūĚüĒūĚź≠ūĚź°:
During this live video Sandra shares how her life turned, as she says, "From a controlled, shut down and I need to get everything right" box into freedom and happiness she enjoys to this day ‚̧ԳŹ
‚ėĚÔłŹ Note, until she did Journey-work Sandra didn't even know she had ūĚźö ūĚźúūĚź°ūĚź®ūĚźĘūĚźúūĚźě when it came... to healing from stress, anxiety and depression...
Out Of The Blue Online is ūĚź®ūĚźßūĚź•ūĚź≤ ūĚź°ūĚź®ūĚź¨ūĚź≠ūĚźěūĚźĚ ūĚźéūĚźćūĚźāūĚźĄ ūĚźö ūĚź≤ūĚźěūĚźöūĚźę. Kevin Billett, his co-host Bet Diening-Weatherston and 40+ Accredited Journey Trainers give their absolute best to support you in healing your life and connecting with your happiest self so be sure to join us now.
ūĚźąūĚźß ūĚź≠ūĚź°ūĚźĘūĚź¨ ūĚüŹūĚüē ūĚź¶ūĚźĘūĚźßūĚźģūĚź≠ūĚźěūĚź¨ ūĚźĮūĚźĘūĚźĚūĚźěūĚź® ūĚźįūĚźĘūĚź≠ūĚź° ūĚźĀūĚźěūĚź≠ ūĚźöūĚźßūĚźĚ ūĚźíūĚźöūĚźßūĚźĚūĚźęūĚźö, ūĚź≤ūĚź®ūĚźģ'ūĚź•ūĚź• ūĚź°ūĚźěūĚźöūĚźę: ūüĒł What was Journey capable of doing that Sandra didn't think was possible before? ūüĒł How does a real journey from antidepressants into a life of freedom and joy looks and feels like? ūüĒł What fears can have anybody sit on the fence when it comes to joining an online program like Out Of The Blue Online? ūüĒł How Out Of The Blue supports you if you feel vulnerable and alone? ūüĒł How working closely with people from around the world can change your perspective?
As Sandra says: ūĚźėūĚźéūĚźĒ ūĚźáūĚźÄūĚźēūĚźĄ ūĚźÄ ūĚźāūĚźáūĚźéūĚźąūĚźāūĚźĄ.
‚Ěó ūĚźĄūĚźßūĚźęūĚź®ūĚź•ūĚź¶ūĚźěūĚźßūĚź≠ in the program that helped Sandra and has helped thousands around the world, ūĚźúūĚź•ūĚź®ūĚź¨ūĚźěūĚź¨ ūĚź®ūĚźß ūĚźČūĚźöūĚźß ūĚüŹūĚüĒūĚź≠ūĚź°:
Having any questions? We're always here for you at
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Really loved having this online conversation with Kevin where we explored how to to open into the new year from a stress free place.
First ever global gathering shared with Kevin Billet, my beloved.
If you want some tips about how to live free from depression and anxiety, have a good listen.


This is the first time these two masterful teachers are livestreaming their conversation about the key principles of freeing yourself from stress, anxiety and depression.
ūüíĚ In this revealing hour, you will join a deeply intimate conversation that reveals their practices and principles of healing their own lives from depression and anxiety, and also helping tens of thousands of others to do the same ūüíĚ


Wishing you a festive holiday season Beloveds,
As time has gone on, the blessedness of having family time with our loved ones has become both rare and precious indeed. It’s a wonderful time to remember what is truly meaningful in life: the love we share and the grace of having friends and family to live life with .
And ... a perfect time to finish with any issues we have with our loved ones - at a Journey campfire. It allows a restfulness to be here during, what can be an un...necessarily stressful time. Bringing an ease of being and the ability to open Into the joy that is always available and present.
Merry Christmas Beloveds, happy Chanukah and may your New Year be filled with the abundance of joy and fulfilment. Brandon and Kevin
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‚̧ԳŹ Sending you lots of love and blessings, dear one! ‚̧ԳŹ . Looking forward to connecting with you on Dec 29th at this year's last Global Gathering: ering-2019-decemb‚Ķ/


On December 29th, Free Online Livestream Event with Brandon Bays and Kevin Billett To Get Ready For 2020.
ūüĎČ Register here: ering-2019-decemb‚Ķ/ ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ
... This is the first time these two masterful teachers are livestreaming their conversation about the key principles of freeing yourself from stress, anxiety and depression.
ūüíĚ In this revealing hour, you will join a deeply intimate conversation that reveals their practices and principles of healing their own lives from depression and anxiety, and also helping tens of thousands of others to do the same ūüíĚ
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An emotion can pass through your body in a short period of time and, fully felt, will leave you feeling refreshed, cleared out, released. . #depression #notamentalillness #emotions #stress #anxiety #burnout #lightintheheartofdarkness #thejourneymethod #naturalhealing #kevinbillett #brandonbays


Register here: ering-2019-decemb…/
ūüĎČ With Internationally Acclaimed Teachers & Bestselling Authors BRANDON BAYS & KEVIN BILLETT ūüĎą
Join free 60-minute livestream from Australia on Sunday, December 29th.
... Take an hour during this magical holidays time for your own self care - to love and nurture your emotional and physical wellbeing.
Register here: ering-2019-decemb…/
Get clarity and inspiration about your intentions for the next year - 2020! ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ
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"I had suffered with winter depression for many years, it would start in December and last until April, and it was horrible. . But, since attending the Out Of The Blue seminar last year, a weight has been lifted from me, and now when I wake up in the morning, I am happy to be alive and look forward to whatever the day has in store. I have sailed through this winter. . Huge gratitude to Kevin for this work. Love and Blessings." - ... Geraldine Doohan . ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ Sending you lots of love, Geraldine! Thank you for sharing with us. ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ . #depression #emotions #stress #anxiety #burnout #lightintheheartofdarkness #thejourneymethod #naturalhealing #kevinbillett #brandonbays
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Recent brain research shows that at the point of making a decision, at the very instant we choose - be it a major life choice like choosing a partner or deciding where to live, or a minor choice like what clothes we buy or what meal we order in a restaurant - only the emotional part of the brain is used. . At the split second we decide, only the limbic part of the brain, the instinctual and emotional processing section, fires up. All of our choices are essentially emotional ...ones. . When our emotions are not available to us, either because of some brain trauma or, maybe, because we have shut them down or suppressed them, our decision-making abilities are severely compromised. Without feelings we are unable to decide and be confident or satisfied with our choices. . #depression #emotions #stress #anxiety #burnout #lightintheheartofdarkness #thejourneymethod #naturalhealing #kevinbillett #brandonbays
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If left unchecked, our habits of internal emotional closure are eventually capable of producing far more pain than they could ever protect us from. . Our habits of shutdown and suppression - designed initially to shield us from some hurt, some emotional intensity - become deeply imprinted in us, and then we rely on them ever more pervasively. .... When they don’t make us feel better we unconsciously ramp them up: we do the same thing but more so. We retreat farther inside, create thicker blankets of insulation, and shut down more of our emotional responses. . We trap ourselves in an emotional straightjacket of our own making. Then the protection becomes the pain, the antidote becomes the poison, and the condition of depression begins and eventually takes hold... . Be aware of your emotions. Feel them. . #depression #emotions #stress #anxiety #burnout #lightintheheartofdarkness #thejourneymethod #naturalhealing #kevinbillett #brandonbays
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More about The Journey - Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett

The Journey - Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett is located at PO Box 2, CF71 7PF Cowbridge
+44 (0)1656 890400