The Miners'

About The Miners'

A delightful theatrical asset featuring original and restored Art Modern-style decorative plaster work. The Miners’ is a hidden gem.

The Miners' Description

Originally a single-balconied hall with a gently curving ceiling, a nearly flat floor has now been inserted, extending from front balcony level to the original proscenium line, reducing the height of the proscenium. A delightful theatrical asset, it is the most intimate of our venues, featuring original and restored Art Modern-style decorative plaster work. The Miners’ is a hidden gem. Here you’ll find a lively programme of events that range from cosy and close-up shows with luminaries from stage, screen and literary worlds in An Audience With, plus brilliant children's theatre, engaging dramas, fun-filled pantomime and much more. The Miners’ is also renowned for its excellent acoustics and this had been evident since the Miners’ Theatre Trust refurbished a beautiful Bechstein piano.

Yn wreiddiol neuadd un-balconied gyda nenfwd crwm oedd y Miners. Yn awr llawr gwastad sy’n ymestyn o lefel balconi flaen i'r llinell prosceniwm gwreiddiol sydd wedi gostwng uchder y prosceniwm. Mae'n ased theatrig hyfryd, y mwyaf personol o'n theatrau, yn cynnwys Celfyddyd Fodern-arddull gwaith plaster addurniadol gwreiddiol. Mae’r Miners 'yn drysor cudd. Yma fe welwch rhaglen fywiog o berfformiadau sy'n amrywio o sioeau yn ogystal a theatr i blant gwych, gan ymgysylltu dramâu, pantomeim llawn hwyl a llawer mwy. Mae’r Miners 'hefyd yn enwog am ei acwstig ardderchog ac mae hyn wedi bod yn amlwg ers yr oedd y Ymddiriedolaeth y Miners’ wedi hadnewyddu piano Bechstein hardd.



A new year and lots of new events coming to Ammanford in 2019. Check out this lovely lot!
Blwyddyn newydd a llawer o ddigwyddiadau newydd yn dod i Rydaman yn 2019. Edrychwch ar rhain!!


Become An Ambassador for Theatrau Sir Gâr / Bod yn Llysgennad ar gyfer Theatrau Sir Gâr
Do you LOVE theatre? Do you want to play your part in helping theatre grow in Carmarthenshire? If the answer is YES then we want to meet you. In January 2019 we will be launching our new Ambassadors Scheme and we’re looking for volunteers to help communities across Carmarthenshire to get excited and engaged in theatre.
What do you get in return?... As well as invaluable experience in marketing and audience development you will also get to see a lot of theatre as one of our TSG Ambassadors. This will include theatre trips away as well as performances across our three venues in Llanelli, Carmarthen and Ammanford.
Interested? If you’re interested in helping our theatres thrive then we will be holding open days from 4:00pm to 7:30pm in each of these venues on Tuesday 29th January at The Miners’ Ammanford, Wednesday 30th January at The Lyric Carmarthen and Thursday 31st January at Ffwrnes Llanelli. Simply come along on the day to say hello and we’ll take it from there. There will be tea and biscuits!
A ydych chi'n DWLU ar y Theatr? A ydych chi eisiau cymryd rhan mewn helpu'r theatr i ddatblygu yn Sir Gaerfyrddin? Os felly, rydym ni eisiau cwrdd â chi. Ym mis Ionawr 2019, byddwn ni'n lansio ein Cynllun Llysgenhadon newydd ac rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i helpu cymunedau ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin i fwynhau ac i ymwneud â'r theatr.
Beth fyddwch chi'n ei gael yn gyfnewid? Yn ogystal â phrofiad gwerthfawr mewn marchnata a datblygu cynulleidfa, cewch hefyd weld llawer o berfformiadau theatr fel un o'n Llysgenhadon Theatrau Sir Gâr. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys teithiau theatr i ffwrdd yn ogystal â pherfformiadau ar draws ein tri lleoliad yn Llanelli, Caerfyrddin a Rhydaman.
Diddordeb? Os oes diddordeb gennych mewn helpu ein theatrau i ffynnu, byddwn ni'n cynnal diwrnodau agored fel a ganlyn: Dydd Mawrth, 29 Ionawr yn Theatr y Glowyr, Rhydaman; Dydd Mercher, 30 Ionawr yn Theatr y Lyric, Caerfyrddin a Dydd Iau, 31 Ionawr yn Theatr y Ffwrnes, Llanelli o 4:00yp i 7:30yp. Dewch draw ar y diwrnod i ddweud helo ac i gael rhagor o wybodaeth. Bydd te a bisgedi ar gael!
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Black Friday Giveaway -
Click here for our Black Friday buy 1 get 1 free giveaway for this week only!
Cliciwch yma ar gyfer ein cynnig Gwener Gwallgof am yr wythnos hon yn unig! o…/black-friday-giveaway




Tomorrow Calling Today
Miners' Ammanford 23 Tachwedd/November 20:00
Please note - Tickets are £5.50 in advance, but £7.50 on the door.
...…/tomor row-calling-today-mi…
Tomorrow Calling TODAY Sŵyn Rag Foundation
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Whats on November/Beth sy'n ymlaen Tachwedd - /whats-on-november


Mischief and Mystery in Moomin Valley -
Join us for an unforgettable journey to Moominvalley where everyone is welcome.
Expect snow, surprises and plenty of Moomin mischief.
...…/mischief-and-mys tery-in-moomin-valley
Ymunwch â ni ar daith fythgofiadwy i Moominvalley lle mae croeso i bawb.
Gallwch ddisgwyl eira, syrpreis neu ddau a digon o ddireidi Moomin.
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Red Dwarf star Robert Llewellyn brings his one man show to Ammanford at the end of November. Batteries not included! Tickets:
Mae seren Red Dwarf Robert Llewellyn yn dod â'i sioe un dyn i Rydaman ar ddiwedd mis Tachwedd. Batris heb eu cynnwys! Tocynnau:

More about The Miners'

The Miners' is located at Wind Street, SA18 3DN Ammanford, Carmarthenshire
0345 2263510