The Open University In Wales / Y Brifysgol Agored Yng Nghymru

About The Open University In Wales / Y Brifysgol Agored Yng Nghymru

The OU teaches adults through its unique method of distance learning, called ‘supported open learning’. OU leads the way on widening access to higher ed

The Open University In Wales / Y Brifysgol Agored Yng Nghymru Description

The Open University was founded to open up higher education to all, regardless of their circumstances or where they live.

We have students of all ages and backgrounds: school leavers who choose to begin their careers while they study for a degree, people wanting to develop or update their skills or change career entirely, students who study alongside work or caring responsibilities and retired people wanting to explore new interests.

Through academic research, educational innovation and collaborative partnership we seek to be a world leader in the design, content and delivery of supported open learning.

Sefydlwyd y Brifysgol Agored i ddarparu addysg uwch i bawb, waeth beth yw eu hamgylchiadau neu ble maent yn byw.

Mae gennym fyfyrwyr o bob oedran a chefndiroedd; rhai sydd wedi gadael yr ysgol sy’n dewis dechrau ei gyrfaoedd wrth astudio am radd, pobl sydd eisiau datblygu neu wella eu sgiliau neu newid eu gyrfa’n gyfan gwbl. Myfyrwyr a astudia ochr yn ochr â gwaith neu gyfrifoldebau gofalu a phobl sydd wedi ymddeol a ddymuna chwilio am ddiddordebau newydd.

Drwy ymchwil academaidd, arloesi addysgol a phartneriaeth gydweithredol, ceisiwn fod yn arweinydd byd yn y gwaith o ddylunio, cynnwys a darparu dysgu agored.



There’s another great role at our Cardiff office. Take a look!
Cyfle bendigedig arall i weithio yn ein swyddfa yng Nghaerdydd. Cymerwch sbec!


It’s October – graduation month for us! Our graduates from across Wales and beyond will be coming together to celebrate their achievements at Cardiff graduation day. Share your story and congratulations with us using #MYOU.
Mae mis Hydref wedi cyrraedd – mis graddio i ni! Bydd ein graddedigion o bob rhan o Gymru a thu hwnt yn dod at ei gilydd i ddathlu eu cyflawniadau yn niwrnod graddio Caerdydd. Rhannwch eich stori a’ch llongyfarchiadau gyda ni gan ddefnyddio #MYOU.


Venue Management Assistant Cardiff Cynorthwyydd Rheoli Lleoliadau Caerdydd…/va…/venue-man agement-assistant-15188


There are now FIVE jobs live on our website including this one:
Mae PUM swydd nawr yn fyw ar ein gwefan , gan gynnwys hon:


Chwarae Teg are looking to appoint an OU student for a 10 day paid placement. You'll need to have strong research and copy writing skills, and be good with social media.
You'll doing research on women that Chwarae Teg would like to showcase, and help create a bank of biographies of different women from Welsh history.
To apply, research an amazing welsh woman from history who interests you. Then write a one-side-of-A4 description of how you would present their case study on media as part of the series of posts. Send it with your CV to by 5pm on 16 October 2018.

Mae Chwarae Teg yn chwilio am fyfyriwr o’r Brifysgol Agored ar gyfer profiad gwaith taladwy dros 10 diwrnod. Bydd gennych sgiliau ymchwil ac ysgrifennu copi cryf, ac yn dda gyda chyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Byddwch yn gwneud ymchwil ar fenywod hoffai Chwarae Teg eu harddangos, ac helpu creu cronfa o fywgraffiadau o ferched gwahanol o hanes Cymru.
I wneud cais, ymchwiliwch i ferch wych o hanes Cymru sydd o ddiddordeb i chi. Yna, paratowch ddisgrifiad un-dudalen A4 o sut fyddech yn ei chyflwyno hi ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol fel rhan o gyfres o bostiadau. Danfonwch gyda chopi o’ch CV at erbyn 5pm ar 16 Hydref 2018.

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Two more exciting jobs are now live on our website
... Mae dwy swydd gyffroes arall nawr yn fyw ar ein gwefan
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We've just posted another job opportunity on our 'Work with us' page. Take a look!
Rydym newydd bostio cyfle arall ar ein tudalen 'Gweithio gyda ni'. Cymerwch sbec!


The closing date for the Inspire Tutor Awards nominations is 22 October. The organisers want to hear about outstanding tutors and mentors in Wales, who have helped adult learners achieve their goals and dreams.
22 Hydref yw’r dyddiad cau ar gyfer enwebiadau i'r Gwobrau Ysbrydoli Tiwtoriaid. Mae'r trefnwyr eisau clywed am diwtoriaid a mentoriaid rhagorol ledled Cymru, sydd wedi helpu oedolion sy’n ddysgwyr i gyrraedd eu nodau a breuddwydion
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Think science can’t be studied outside the lab?
Find out for yourself at our OU Science Showcase.
Come along to our inspiring demonstrations and find out more about science at the OU
... - Try our Ocean’s Explore activity to learn more about our recent OU / BBC production of Blue Planet 2 - Get up close to the heart, lungs and liver and learn more about our recent OU / BBC production of The Human Body - Our online laboratory – a digital microscope outside the lab.…/whats…/10335/s wansea-science-festival
Ydych chi’n meddwl mai yn y labordy yn unig y gellir astudio gwyddoniaeth?
Beth am ddod i weld drosoch eich hun yn arddangosfa wyddoniaeth y Brifysgol Agored?
Dewch draw i weld ein harddangosiadau ysbrydoledig ac i ddysgu mwy am astudio gwyddoniaeth yn y Brifysgol Agored.
- Rhowch gynnig ar ein gweithgaredd Archwilio’r Môr i ddysgu mwy am gynhyrchiad diweddar y Brifysgol Agored/BBC o Blue Planet 2. - Dewch i gael golwg fanwl ar y galon, yr ysgyfaint a’r iau ac i ddysgu mwy am gynhyrchiad diweddar y Brifysgol Agored/BBC The Human Body. - Ein labordy ar-lein - microsgop digidol y tu allan i’r labordy…/d…/10335/Gy l-Wyddoniaeth-Abertawe/
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Your time is now.
Find out what you could achieve with The OU.
Come to our Open Day and find out why studying with The OU could be the best decision you ever make.
... If you're a newcomer to the world of higher education it can be daunting. There is a lot to consider. You've got to choose the right course, figure out the finances and work out how to fit studying around your other commitments. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, but it could also be one that changes your life or career for the better.
• Not sure which course is right for you? Talk to us about your study goals and we'll help you choose the best path.
• Thinking about the costs? Studying with the OU is more affordable than you might think. Ask us about fees and funding options.
• Need some reassurance? The OU is the largest provider of part-time undergraduate study in Wales. Find out how you can join our huge community of like-minded students.
The event has been designed specifically for new enquirers just like you. No need to make an appointment. Just pop along for a free cuppa and an informal chat with one of our team. You'll get practical advice about how it all works, the support we offer and what you could achieve with The OU.
If you can't make this event or are an existing OU student, call our friendly advisors for further help and advice on 029 2047 1170.
Nawr yw eich amser chi.
Dysgwch beth allwch chi ei gyflawni gyda'r OU.
Dewch i wythnos Agored yr OU a dysgwch sut y gall astudio gyda ni fod y penderfyniad gorau i chi ei wneud erioed.
Os ydych yn newydd i'r byd addysg uwch, gall fod yn brofiad dychrynllyd. Mae llawer o bethau i'w hystyried. Rhaid i chi ddewis y cwrs cywir, gwneud pen a chynffon o'ch cyllid a chanfod ffordd o astudio o gwmpas eich ymrwymiadau eraill. Nid yw'n benderfyniad i'w wneud yn frysiog, ond gall fod yn benderfyniad sy'n newid eich bywyd neu yrfa er gwell.
• Ddim yn siŵr pa gwrs yw'r un iawn i chi? Siaradwch â ni am eich nodau astudio ac fe helpwn ni chi i ddewis y llwybr gorau.
• Meddwl am y costau? Mae astudio gyda'r OU yn fwy fforddiadwy nag y meddyliwch. Gofynnwch i ni am ffioedd ac opsiynau cyllid.
• Eisiau tawelwch meddwl? Yr OU yw'r darparwr astudiaethau israddedig rhan-amser mwyaf yng Nghymru. Dysgwch sut y gallwch chi ymuno â'n cymuned enfawr o fyfyrwyr o'r un meddwl â chi.
Mae'r digwyddiad wedi'i gynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer ymholwyr newydd fel chi. Does dim angen gwneud apwyntiad. Dewch draw am baned am ddim a sgwrs anffurfiol gydag aelod o'n tîm. Cewch gyngor ymarferol ynglŷn â sut mae'r holl beth yn gweithio, y gefnogaeth a gynigiwn a beth y gallech chi ei gyflawni gyda'r OU. Os na allwch ddod i'r digwyddiad hwn neu os ydych yn fyfyriwr OU eisoes, ffoniwch ein cynghorwyr cyfeillgar am ragor o gymorth a chyngor ar 029 2047 1170.
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Your time is now.
Find out what you could achieve with The OU.
Come to our Open Day and find out why studying with The OU could be the best decision you ever make.
... If you're a newcomer to the world of higher education it can be daunting. There is a lot to consider. You've got to choose the right course, figure out the finances and work out how to fit studying around your other commitments. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, but it could also be one that changes your life or career for the better.
• Not sure which course is right for you? Talk to us about your study goals and we'll help you choose the best path.
• Thinking about the costs? Studying with the OU is more affordable than you might think. Ask us about fees and funding options.
• Need some reassurance? The OU is the largest provider of part-time undergraduate study in Wales. Find out how you can join our huge community of like-minded students.
The event has been designed specifically for new enquirers just like you. No need to make an appointment. Just pop along for a free cuppa and an informal chat with one of our team. You'll get practical advice about how it all works, the support we offer and what you could achieve with The OU.
If you can't make this event or are an existing OU student, call our friendly advisors for further help and advice on 029 2047 1170.
Nawr yw eich amser chi.
Dysgwch beth allwch chi ei gyflawni gyda'r OU.
Dewch i wythnos Agored yr OU a dysgwch sut y gall astudio gyda ni fod y penderfyniad gorau i chi ei wneud erioed.
Os ydych yn newydd i'r byd addysg uwch, gall fod yn brofiad dychrynllyd. Mae llawer o bethau i'w hystyried. Rhaid i chi ddewis y cwrs cywir, gwneud pen a chynffon o'ch cyllid a chanfod ffordd o astudio o gwmpas eich ymrwymiadau eraill. Nid yw'n benderfyniad i'w wneud yn frysiog, ond gall fod yn benderfyniad sy'n newid eich bywyd neu yrfa er gwell.
• Ddim yn siŵr pa gwrs yw'r un iawn i chi? Siaradwch â ni am eich nodau astudio ac fe helpwn ni chi i ddewis y llwybr gorau.
• Meddwl am y costau? Mae astudio gyda'r OU yn fwy fforddiadwy nag y meddyliwch. Gofynnwch i ni am ffioedd ac opsiynau cyllid.
• Eisiau tawelwch meddwl? Yr OU yw'r darparwr astudiaethau israddedig rhan-amser mwyaf yng Nghymru. Dysgwch sut y gallwch chi ymuno â'n cymuned enfawr o fyfyrwyr o'r un meddwl â chi.
Mae'r digwyddiad wedi'i gynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer ymholwyr newydd fel chi. Does dim angen gwneud apwyntiad. Dewch draw am baned am ddim a sgwrs anffurfiol gydag aelod o'n tîm. Cewch gyngor ymarferol ynglŷn â sut mae'r holl beth yn gweithio, y gefnogaeth a gynigiwn a beth y gallech chi ei gyflawni gyda'r OU.
Os na allwch ddod i'r digwyddiad hwn neu os ydych yn fyfyriwr OU eisoes, ffoniwch ein cynghorwyr cyfeillgar am ragor o gymorth a chyngor ar 029 2047 1170.
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Your time is now.
Find out what you could achieve with The OU.
Come to our Open Day and find out why studying with The OU could be the best decision you ever make.
... If you're a newcomer to the world of higher education it can be daunting. There is a lot to consider. You've got to choose the right course, figure out the finances and work out how to fit studying around your other commitments. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, but it could also be one that changes your life or career for the better.
• Not sure which course is right for you? Talk to us about your study goals and we'll help you choose the best path.
• Thinking about the costs? Studying with the OU is more affordable than you might think. Ask us about fees and funding options.
• Need some reassurance? The OU is the largest provider of part-time undergraduate study in Wales. Find out how you can join our huge community of like-minded students.
The event has been designed specifically for new enquirers just like you. No need to make an appointment. Just pop along for a free cuppa and an informal chat with one of our team. You'll get practical advice about how it all works, the support we offer and what you could achieve with The OU.
If you can't make this event or are an existing OU student, call our friendly advisors for further help and advice on 029 2047 1170.
Nawr yw eich amser chi.
Dysgwch beth allwch chi ei gyflawni gyda'r OU.
Dewch i wythnos Agored yr OU a dysgwch sut y gall astudio gyda ni fod y penderfyniad gorau i chi ei wneud erioed.
Os ydych yn newydd i'r byd addysg uwch, gall fod yn brofiad dychrynllyd. Mae llawer o bethau i'w hystyried. Rhaid i chi ddewis y cwrs cywir, gwneud pen a chynffon o'ch cyllid a chanfod ffordd o astudio o gwmpas eich ymrwymiadau eraill. Nid yw'n benderfyniad i'w wneud yn frysiog, ond gall fod yn benderfyniad sy'n newid eich bywyd neu yrfa er gwell.
• Ddim yn siŵr pa gwrs yw'r un iawn i chi? Siaradwch â ni am eich nodau astudio ac fe helpwn ni chi i ddewis y llwybr gorau.
• Meddwl am y costau? Mae astudio gyda'r OU yn fwy fforddiadwy nag y meddyliwch. Gofynnwch i ni am ffioedd ac opsiynau cyllid.
• Eisiau tawelwch meddwl? Yr OU yw'r darparwr astudiaethau israddedig rhan-amser mwyaf yng Nghymru. Dysgwch sut y gallwch chi ymuno â'n cymuned enfawr o fyfyrwyr o'r un meddwl â chi.
Mae'r digwyddiad wedi'i gynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer ymholwyr newydd fel chi. Does dim angen gwneud apwyntiad. Dewch draw am baned am ddim a sgwrs anffurfiol gydag aelod o'n tîm. Cewch gyngor ymarferol ynglŷn â sut mae'r holl beth yn gweithio, y gefnogaeth a gynigiwn a beth y gallech chi ei gyflawni gyda'r OU.
Os na allwch ddod i'r digwyddiad hwn neu os ydych yn fyfyriwr OU eisoes, ffoniwch ein cynghorwyr cyfeillgar am ragor o gymorth a chyngor ar 029 2047 1170.
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There's another great opportunity on our work-with-us page. Take a look:
Mae cyfle bendigedig arall ar ein tudalen Gweithio-gyda-ni. Cymerwch olwg:


Here's another great opportunity to join our growing team
Cyfle bendigedig i ymuno â'r tîm yng Nghymru


Today is deadline day, this is your last opportunity to sign up for courses starting this autumn. Make sure you register today!
Heddiw yw’r diwrnod cau, dyma’ch cyfle olaf i gofrestru ar gyfer cyrsiau’n dechrau’r hydref hwn. Cofrestrwch heddiw!


Chwarae Teg are looking to appoint an OU student for a 10 day paid placement. You'll need to have strong research and copy writing skills, and be good with social media.
You'll doing research on women that Chwarae Teg would like to showcase, and help create a bank of biographies of different women from Welsh history.
To apply, research an amazing welsh woman from history who interests you. Then write a one-side-of-A4 description of how you would present their case study on media as part of the series of posts. Send it with your CV to by 5pm on 16 October 2018.

Mae Chwarae Teg yn chwilio am fyfyriwr o’r Brifysgol Agored ar gyfer profiad gwaith taladwy dros 10 diwrnod. Bydd gennych sgiliau ymchwil ac ysgrifennu copi cryf, ac yn dda gyda chyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Byddwch yn gwneud ymchwil ar fenywod hoffai Chwarae Teg eu harddangos, ac helpu creu cronfa o fywgraffiadau o ferched gwahanol o hanes Cymru.
I wneud cais, ymchwiliwch i ferch wych o hanes Cymru sydd o ddiddordeb i chi. Yna, paratowch ddisgrifiad un-dudalen A4 o sut fyddech yn ei chyflwyno hi ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol fel rhan o gyfres o bostiadau. Danfonwch gyda chopi o’ch CV at erbyn 5pm ar 16 Hydref 2018.

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Chwarae Teg are looking to appoint an OU student for a 10 day paid placement. You'll need to have strong research and copy writing skills, and be good with social media.
You'll doing research on women that Chwarae Teg would like to showcase, and help create a bank of biographies of different women from Welsh history.
To apply, research an amazing welsh woman from history who interests you. Then write a one-side-of-A4 description of how you would present their case study on media as part of the series of posts. Send it with your CV to by 5pm on 16 October 2018.

Mae Chwarae Teg yn chwilio am fyfyriwr o’r Brifysgol Agored ar gyfer profiad gwaith taladwy dros 10 diwrnod. Bydd gennych sgiliau ymchwil ac ysgrifennu copi cryf, ac yn dda gyda chyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Byddwch yn gwneud ymchwil ar fenywod hoffai Chwarae Teg eu harddangos, ac helpu creu cronfa o fywgraffiadau o ferched gwahanol o hanes Cymru.
I wneud cais, ymchwiliwch i ferch wych o hanes Cymru sydd o ddiddordeb i chi. Yna, paratowch ddisgrifiad un-dudalen A4 o sut fyddech yn ei chyflwyno hi ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol fel rhan o gyfres o bostiadau. Danfonwch gyda chopi o’ch CV at erbyn 5pm ar 16 Hydref 2018.

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More about The Open University In Wales / Y Brifysgol Agored Yng Nghymru

The Open University In Wales / Y Brifysgol Agored Yng Nghymru is located at 18 Custom House Street, CF10 1AP Cardiff
0300 303 5303