The Sporting Influencer

About The Sporting Influencer

Educating & embracing how parents and coaches approach youth sports, potentially enhancing a child's level of enjoyment and participation in sport.



Professor Sophia Jowett Loughborough University
The Sporting Influencer https://thesportinginfluencerblog.wordpre


Soccer Parent Voices: Sideline Communication By Skye Eddy Bruce Has your personal sideline communication changed over the years as your child has gotten older? How?
Brenda: Yes my personal sideline communication has changed. I mostly remain silent and cheer for the team and my son when appropriate and remain positive. But it hasn’t always been that way! It was a few years ago when we competed in an out of state tournament and I didn’t feel my 9 year old... son played hard enough. After the game I mentally abused him about it. I told him how much the trip cost and how I felt like it was a waste of money and berated him for hours because I was so mad. I’m not proud because after he cried I actually felt better that he was upset along with me L. After I calmed down and realized the mental abuse that I put him through I vowed that I would never do that again. It took him a good year of playing after that before he stopped looking at me during practice and the games and wondered if I was going to be upset. It breaks my heart to know that I was responsible for that. Still to this day he will ask me if the trip we are going on for his soccer is expensive L, I respond with not as long as you have fun. On the plus side, I corrected my behavior before it ruined his love for the sport which he says “soccer is the favorite part of my life”.
Read more experiences here: communication/…
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As a youth sport parent, how would you deal with the situation? 💭
#YouthSoccer #NotGoodEnough #GameTime #Soccer #Football Keepitonthedeck Keepitonthedeck Football…/my-son-tol d-he-isnt-good-enoug…


1️⃣ Year ago ⤵️


The Sporting Influencer https://thesportinginfluencerblog.wordpre

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Interesting discussion yesterday on our PGCE surrounding “Instant Gratification” within education.
Within your experiences and coaching environments, do you think parents and/or children are seeking that instant gratification in youth sports?
Feel free to comment if you have another perspective to share 💭 If you disagree, please comment below and share your reasons.
... Thank you
(Not sure how to add more options) 👏🏻
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⚫️Failure or Growth❓
If you are moving forwards, learning, developing, making mistakes you are not failing, only growing and striving towards reaching your potential.
Thoughts? 💭
... The Sporting Influencer
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NEW Guest Blog by Working with Parents in Sport
"Many parents can find this incredibly tough and finding the right balance is not always easy. Some parents are afraid to communicate anything with their child’s coach as they may be perceived to be pushy, unhinged or interfering...."
"Other parents can be overly involved and vocal both in their support and in their conversations with the coach, often overstepping the mark in what should be a healthy two way relationship....."...
Read more here (4min Read)
Thank you Working with Parents in Sport
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Trying something new with designing infographics 👨🏼‍💻
The Sporting Influencer https://thesportinginfluencerblog.wordpre


Highly recommended book! Amazing resource to everyone involved in sport! 📚



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