The Uplifting Doctor

About The Uplifting Doctor

NHS GP providing Private GP , anti ageing & anti-wrinkle treatments across South Wales. Mobile service available. Promoting wellbeing and ease as the key to a healthy and fulfilling life. Treating disease when needed with expertise, kindness and compassion.



Accountability and authenticity! ✨ I wanted to put a post up here to open up,share some thoughts I have and be authentic. I work as a doctor and life coach helping patients in the NHS and privately to attaing health and vitality -to live their most Uplifted life. I help them work on their mindset around their self worth, health,work,food,exercise and dream life. Does that mean I have my health and dream life nailed? Hell no! We are ALL a work in progress!... I advise daily meditation,journalling,intuitive eating, movement, good habit building, and connection. Do I do all of these things, every day, without fail? Not at the moment! Am I on the road to achieveing this? Hell to the yes! I sleep in, run late, push my good habits down to the bottom of the to do list and eat on the hop. I watch Netflix and go to bed late at times! I work too much which knocks my willpower and habits out. Shocker! But, I AM trying my best! Most days I show up for myself and do my utmost. BUT I am busy being a doctor and running a business too! Why am I telling you this? Because NO ONE IS PERFECT! And just because we maybe don’t achieve what we want 100% of the time, doesn’t mean we say f*^ck it and give up! We don’t make excuses. We go again. Every day. Living our best life to the best of our ability, with self-love and compassion. Just a reminder to be gentle but firm with yourself. And if you need support and accountability, DM me to work together towards helping you live your most Uplifted Life. .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #liveauthentic#thehappynow #selfcare #spiritualgangster#iamwellandgood #mindfulliving#liveauthentically #thenewhealthy#selfcarematters #selfcaretips#nourishyourself #selfcarethread#selfcareday #selfcareisntselfish#selfcareeveryday #selfcareishealthcare#walkyourtruepath #nourishyourselfhealthy#liveauthentically you
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Happy July! Summer is well and truly here; time to soak up the fresh air and sunshine. 🌞 . . . #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #inspirationdaily #quoteoftheday #mindbodygram #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #wellnesswarrior #wellnessadvocate #healthyfeed #inspireyourself #choosehealth #createalifeyoulove #livewellbewell #positivepsychology #pma #iamwellandgood


Loving ourselves makes space for health, success, connection, peace ...all of the good stuff! What small step could you take to show yourself love today? 🥰 .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #liveauthentic#thehappynow #selfcare #spiritualgangster#iamwellandgood #mindfulliving#liveauthentically #thenewhealthy#selfcarematters #selfcaretips#nourishyourself #selfcarethread#selfcareday #selfcareisntselfish#selfcareeveryday #selfcareishealthcare#walkyourtruepath #nourishyourselfhealthy#liveauthentically you


We all develop patterns of thinking. We learn them from our parents, our teachers, our friends, our bosses, and societal norms. These patterns can serve us well when they help us to know what we want in life and go after it with a sense of love and compassion for ourselves and others. But unfortunately many of us have learned thinking styles that aren’t so helpful. That leave us chasing happiness outside of ourselves or beating ourselves up or assuming the worst. The great is, we can change the way we think. We can develop new patterns that serve us better. It all starts with noticing the patterns in the first place! 👌🏻 . . . #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #inspirationdaily #quoteoftheday #mindbodygram #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #wellnesswarrior #wellnessadvocate #healthyfeed #inspireyourself #choosehealth #createalifeyoulove #livewellbewell #positivepsychology #pma #iamwellandgood
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Anxiety can look and feel so different for different people. On the outside, it might look like someone is thriving when on the inside, they’re struggling to get out of their house and interact with people. Let’s do away with the stigma and admit when we’re feeling anxious. It will help us feel more connected and normalise the fact that so many of us struggle with this. You’re not alone! 💖 .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife#mindbodysoul #raiseyourvibration#mindbodyspirit #holisticliving#wellnessjourney #mindbodygram#liveinspired #wellnessblogger#inspirationdaily #healthyhappylife#raiseyourvibrations #mindbodysouljourney#wellnessbloggers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness


Aesthetics treatments aren’t just for women! Smooth away fine lines and wrinkles with an antiwrinkle treatment. DM me if you'd like more details. 💉🙌🏻 . . . #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #cardiff #southwales #antiwrinkleinjections #agelessbeauty #bethebestyou #botox #juvederm #aesthetics #aestheticsgp


Start small. Pick one negative thought that you often find looping around in your mind and pick an affirmation to replace it with whenever you notice it cropping up. The ripple effect of this small change can be truly profound. 🌊 .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #liveauthentic#thehappynow #selfcare #spiritualgangster#iamwellandgood #mindfulliving#liveauthentically #thenewhealthy#selfcarematters #selfcaretips#nourishyourself #selfcarethread#selfcareday #selfcareisntselfish#selfcareeveryday #selfcareishealthcare#walkyourtruepath #nourishyourselfhealthy#liveauthentically you


“We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions. Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.” - Brene Brown .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #liveauthentic#thehappynow #selfcare #spiritualgangster#iamwellandgood #mindfulliving#liveauthentically #thenewhealthy#selfcarematters #selfcaretips#nourishyourself #selfcarethread#selfcareday #selfcareisntselfish#selfcareeveryday #selfcareishealthcare#walkyourtruepath #nourishyourselfhealthy#liveauthentically you


Did you know that a good night’s sleep is critical for healthy digestion? Regular lack of sleep can affect your health, making you more vulnerable to colds and infections and is linked to serious health conditions such as obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and may also lead to depression and anxiety. Sleep is also important for cognitive skills such as communicating well, memory and creative thinking. What small changes could you make to your evening routine to get a better night’s sleep? 🤔 .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife#mindbodysoul #raiseyourvibration#mindbodyspirit #holisticliving#wellnessjourney #mindbodygram#liveinspired #wellnessblogger#inspirationdaily #healthyhappylife#raiseyourvibrations #mindbodysouljourney#wellnessbloggers #bnfhealthyeatingweek #healthyeatingweek #sleep


It’s the start of BNF Healthy Eating Week, so let’s talk about the importance of having a good breakfast. Breakfast helps get the day off to a good start by providing some of the energy and nutrients the body needs for good health (e.g. starchy carbohydrates, fibre, B vitamins, calcium and iron). It is also a great opportunity to get at least one of your 5 A DAY and having breakfast, particularly one which includes protein, may help you to stave off hunger and reduce snacking... on less healthy foods. What’s your favourite healthy breakfast? 🍽 . . . #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #inspirationdaily #quoteoftheday #mindbodygram #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #wellnesswarrior #wellnessadvocate #healthyfeed #inspireyourself #choosehealth #createalifeyoulove #livewellbewell #positivepsychology #pma #iamwellandgood #nutrition #bnfhealthyeatingweek #healthyeatingweek
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Are you making time for play, laughter, and joy? It’s important for your health, so make sure you do. Doctors orders 😉 .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #liveauthentic#thehappynow #selfcare #spiritualgangster#iamwellandgood #mindfulliving#liveauthentically #thenewhealthy#selfcarematters #selfcaretips#nourishyourself #selfcarethread#selfcareday #selfcareisntselfish#selfcareeveryday #selfcareishealthcare#walkyourtruepath #nourishyourselfhealthy#liveauthentically you


In this online, hyperconnected world it’s so easy to start comparing ourselves to others and start experiencing FOMO aka the fear of missing out. FOMO can lead to us overextending ourselves by agreeing to be everywhere and do everything for fear that, if we don’t, our lives won’t be as wonderful and shiny as everyone else’s. But of course that’s a sure recipe for resentment, burn out, and anxiety. So instead, I’m encouraging you to tune into JOMO: the joy of missing out. By s...etting firm boundaries and following the adage “if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no,” you can create space in your life. Glorious, joyous, beautiful space where the true beauty of life is. 😍 . . . #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife #inspirationdaily #quoteoftheday #mindbodygram #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #wellnesswarrior #wellnessadvocate #healthyfeed #inspireyourself #choosehealth #createalifeyoulove #livewellbewell #positivepsychology #pma #iamwellandgood
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Are you thriving or merely surviving? We need to elevate our definitions of health. To see how interconnected all aspects of our lives are and how connected to one another we are. By committing to your own healing, you may inspire someone else as well and that’s such a beautiful thing 💖 .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #upliftingdoctor #upliftinglife#mindbodysoul #raiseyourvibration#mindbodyspirit #holisticliving#wellnessjourney #mindbodygram#liveinspired #wellnessblogger#inspirationdaily #healthyhappylife#raiseyourvibrations #mindbodysouljourney#wellnessbloggers


How I feel as final touches are being made to my signature program #Upliftyourlife. Follow me @theupliftingdoctor for updates. ......... #upliftingquotes #vitality #fun #energy #doctor #lifecoach #entrepreneur #mindset #health#healthcoach #habits #sleep #nutrition #brainhealth

More about The Uplifting Doctor
