Theatr Iolo

About Theatr Iolo

Theatr Iolo is an award-winning theatre company based in cardiff. Cwmni theatr sydd wedi ennill gwobrau yw Theatr Iolo ac mae ei chanolfan yng Nghaerdydd.



Transporter at Sherman Theatre 20-22 June 2019.
When was the last time you were transported?
Together we will go on a journey across continents and years, down city streets, through deserts, over oceans, asking questions that echo through history.
... Transporter is a bold, spellbinding show, born out of a belief in the power of words to transport. Just one performer in an empty space, and an audience.
An act of shared imagination. A kind of magic that happens...when you simply listen to a story.
This is the story of a girl called Maya. A girl who is always thirteen. A girl who is always on the move. A never-ending search for the last safe place on Earth.
A solo performance which is ideal for families with children aged 10 and above. At 55 minutes long this entrancing storytelling show will be a lovely way to spend an evening together.
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Transporter, Sherman Theatre 20 - 22 Mehefyn 2019
Tocynau ar werth nawr!
Pryd oedd y tro diwethaf i chi gael eich cipio i rywle?
... Gyda’n gilydd awn ar daith ar draws cyfandiroedd a blynyddoedd, i lawr strydoedd dinasoedd, drwy anialdiroedd, dros gefnforoedd, yn gofyn cwestiynau sy’n atseinio drwy hanes.
Sioe ryfygus, gyfareddol yw Transporter, a aned o gred yng ngrym geiriau - eu grym cipio ymhell. Dim ond un perfformiwr mewn gwagle, a chynulleidfa. Gweithred rhannu’r dychymyg. Rhyw fath o hud sy’n digwydd...dim ond o wrando ar stori.
Perfformiad unigol sy'n ddelfrydol ar gyfer teuluoedd gyda phlant 10 oed a hŷn. Am 55 munud o hyd bydd y sioe adrodd straeon syfrdanol hon yn ffordd hyfryd o dreulio noson gyda'i gilydd. …/…/transporter-cy/
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Transporter at the Sherman Theatre 20th - 22nd June 2019
Tickets on sale now!
When was the last time you were transported?
... Together we will go on a journey across continents and years, down city streets, through deserts, over oceans, asking questions that echo through history.
Transporter is a bold, spellbinding show, born out of a belief in the power of words to transport. Just one performer in an empty space, and an audience. An act of shared imagination. A kind of magic that happens...when you simply listen to a story.
A solo performance which is ideal for families with children aged 10 and above. At 55 minutes long this entrancing storytelling show will be a lovely way to spend an evening together.… /theatre/transporter/
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Thank you to all who came to today’s juggling sessions at Chapter big thanks to juggling teacher Owen Circus Geeks for making the sessions fun. Thank you
Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i sesiynau jyglo heddiw yn Chapter, diolch yn fawr i athro jyglo Owen Circus Geeks am wneud y sesiynau'n hwyl. Diolch


Today is all about Juggling with the ever talented, Owen from Circus Geeks at Chapter it’s been a fantastic morning of learning new and exciting skills as part of Get Creative.
Mae heddiw yn ymwneud â jyglo gyda'r jygiwr talentog, Owen o Circus Geeks yn Chapter, mae wedi bod yn fore gwych yn dysgu sgiliau newydd a chyffrous fel rhan Get Creative.


Our free juggling workshops are about to start at Chapter this morning... there are still places in the 11.45am workshop!


Mae dal gennych amser i archebu eich hun ar ein gweithdy Jyglo AM DDIM gyda Circus Geeks yfory am Chapter ewch i ling-workshops neu 02920 304400
Mae 11yb wedi cael ei werthu allan, beth bynnag, mae llefydd ar gael o hyd o sesiynau 11:45yb, 12:20yp ac 1:15yp.


Still time to book yourself onto our FREE Juggling workshop with Circus Geeks tomorrow at Chapter visit ling-workshops or 02920 304400
11am is sold out however still spaces available of the 11:45am, 12:20pm & 1:15pm sessions.


GWEITHDAI JYGLO AM DDIM - Sadwrn 18 Mai I ddathlu sioe newydd Theatr Iolo sydd ar y gweill gyda Circus Geeks, byddwn yn cynnig pedwar gweithdy Jyglo AM DDIM.
Dewch i ddysgu hanfodion jyglo! Am hanner awr byddwn yn chwilio taflu, dal (a gollwng wrth reswm pawb) gan weithio’n unigol ac yn fwy cymdeithasol. Amcan y gweithdy yma yw chwalu hud jyglo i’r newyddian llwyr, herio’r rheini a chanddyn nhw ryw gymaint o grap, ac ar yr un pryd ymarfer corff a meddwl pawb.
... Addas i 7 hyd at 107 oed, yn blant, yn llanciau a llancesi ac yn oedolion.
Ar hyn o bryd mae Theatr Iolo yn datblygu sioe gyda Circus Geeks, fydd yn mynd ar daith yn 2020. Archebwch yn Swyddfa Docynnau Chapter 029 2030 4400
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Get Creative: Juggling Workshops Free Juggling workshops with Owen from Circus Geeks.
To celebrate Theatr Iolo’s new show in development with Circus Geeks, Get Creative are offering four free Juggling workshops with Owen Reynolds from Circus Geeks. Come and learn the basics of juggling! For 30 minutes, we’ll explore throwing, catching (and of course dropping). Demystify juggling to the complete beginner, challenge those with some understanding.
... For ages 7+, children and their adults!
Reserve your free tickets at Chapter box office (limited capacity): 02920 304400 or visit ling-workshops
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Beth yw Gŵyl Cer i Greu?
Mae Gŵyl Cer i Greu yn adlewyrchu’r holl weithgarwch diwylliannol gwych sy'n digwydd ledled y DU yn rheolaidd ac yn annog pobl i roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd a chrëadigol. Nôd y dathliad cenedlaethol enfawr o grëadigrwydd yw rhoi cyfle i bawb gymryd rhan weithredol mewn digwyddiad crëadigol yn eu hardal leol.
O ddydd Sadwrn 11eg i ddydd Sul 19eg o Fai 2019 bydd cannoedd o sefydliadau â grwpiau cymunedol yn trefnu digwyddiadau i’ch helpu chi i fod yn g...rëadigol – ac maen nhw’n rhad ac am ddim neu’n codi ffi fechan i adennill costau.
Trefnir Gŵyl Cer i Greu gan sefydliadau celfyddydol a chrëadigol ac unigolion ledled y DU ac fe’i cefnogir gan 64 Million Artist, Arts Council England, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, y BBC, Crafts Council, Creative People and Places, Creative Scotland, Ymgyrch Celfyddydau i’r Teulu, Celfyddydau Gwirfoddol.
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What is Get Creative?
Get Creative Festival shines a light on all the great cultural activity that takes place on a regular basis in local communities and encourages people to try their hand at something new and creative. This huge annual celebration of creativity aims to give everyone the chance to get actively involved in a creative event in their local area.
From Saturday 11th – Sunday 19th May 2019 hundreds of organisations and community groups will be putting on events t...o help you get creative – and they’re free or have just a small fee to cover costs. Theatr Iolo are celebrating Get Creative with free Juggling Workshops on Saturday 18 May!
Get Creative Festival is brought to you by arts and creative organisations and individuals across the UK and is supported by 64 Million Artists, Arts Council England, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Arts Council of Wales, the BBC, Crafts Council, Creative People and Places, Creative Scotland, Family Arts Campaign, Libraries Connected, Local Government Association, Scottish Libraries & Information Council, Voluntary Arts.
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I ddathlu sioe newydd Theatr Iolo sydd ar y gweill gyda Circus Geeks, byddwn yn cynnig pedwar gweithdy Jyglo AM DDIM.
Dewch i ddysgu hanfodion jyglo! Am hanner awr byddwn yn chwilio taflu, dal (a gollwng wrth reswm pawb) gan weithio’n unigol ac yn fwy cymdeithasol. Amcan y gweithdy yma yw chwalu hud jyglo i’r newyddian llwyr, herio’r rheini a chanddyn nhw ryw gymaint o grap, ac ar yr un pryd ymarfer corff a meddwl pawb.
... Addas i 7 hyd at 107 oed, yn blant, yn llanciau a llancesi ac yn oedolion.
Ar hyn o bryd mae Theatr Iolo yn datblygu sioe gyda Circus Geeks, fydd yn mynd ar daith yn 2020.
Archebwch yn Swyddfa Docynnau Chapter 029 2030 4400
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Transporter.... tonight at The Riverfront! Heno yr Glan yr Afon...

More about Theatr Iolo

Theatr Iolo is located at Market Road, CF5 1QE Cardiff
029 20613 782