Thrive With Bipolar

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About Thrive With Bipolar

Helping people living with mental health conditions to thrive.



Never in a million years did I think that I would get to this point in my life; looking out at the ocean with not a single worry in my mind and, for that matter, not even a thought at times!
Isn’t it amazing what can be accomplished when you commit and put your energy into the right things!?
... It’s called the compound effect.
Years of doing something and committing to the right things over time pays off massively!
True happiness comes when you are at a place in your life where material things really don’t matter.
Helping people and growing as a person is definitely the key to happiness and success in this life. Help enough people get what they want and everything else will fall in to place - I promise you that.
DONT just survive with bipolar, thrive with bipolar.
Let’s make a difference with the stigma around mental health. #CYL
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Hi guys and girls,
Something I would like to say about mental health in general, and bipolar in particular is that I see every single person with mental health and bipolar as special people.
The reason for that is that I know when they get through all the shit and out of the prison cell that is there messed up heads and get to the other side of the door, this thing called ‘life’ is easy compared to what they have been through to get to the point where they start to see the ...light at the end of the tunnel. Then they keep on going to get to the top of the mountain. The mountain being in my head at the moment, and it’s a fantastic feeling.
For those yet to see it...It’s one hell of a view and a place I never thought I would ever see in my wildest dreams! If someone told me 15 years ago:
“Your have one wish: what is it?”
It would be to get this bipolar away from me. Not that I dreamed it possible.
Now, I feel blessed every day to have it, as it makes me who I am. It gives me a drive for life that you wouldn’t believe. There is not many people talking about using mental health and bipolar to their advantage in day to day life and that’s what I want to address.
If I could just get 1 person to the place that I’m at right now that would be fantastic.
All people need to do is commit to 5 things every day and they can definitely get to where they need to go!
I’ve got all the keys to all the doors regarding mental health and bipolar...
Like I did.
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Using bipolar to your advantage


Thanks for the support so far guys amazing 🙏 #CYL


What a journey it’s been.
To go from depressed and stuck in my bed for months on end, to now being the #1 Top Senior Team Leader, as well as #4 Top Recruiter is just so beyond my wildest dreams that I have to pinch myself to remind me it’s actually happened! 🙌🏽
... The hard work and dedication to a total rejuvenation of my life and mindset has truly paid off. I can’t wait to do this for so many of you guys, as I already am doing today ❤️
You really can achieve great things on your journey to a better mind and a better life. I was hearing voices and overthinking people’s conversations whilst stuck in my house - EVERY hard fall leads to a high bounce...if you’re made of the right material.
And you most definitely ARE!
Don’t just survive with bipolar, Thrive With Bipolar! 💪🏽
Mark x
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This has been a massive part of my journey 100% you are what you eat


To think that I’ve been in bed with depression for six months, had so much shit going on in my head that I just want to go to sleep and end it all...there was big black clouds in my bedroom and I was a prisoner in my own mind for 20 years.
I used to think, why me? Why do I have bipolar?
I felt robbed of my life in so many ways. Now I know this life is a journey and it has many ways of testing you, as it tested me to the max.
... Now, I’m pleased to say I’ve come out the other end a bigger, better, and stronger person than I could ever have imagined. I’m glad I went through it coz it’s made me the person I am, and not only that it’s given me a insight to what it’s like to go through it and come out the other end!
I’m completely off all pharmaceutical tablets, and not just surviving with bipolar but thriving with bipolar, using it to my advantage every day.
There’s not many people talking about that now. My bipolar makes me who I am. I feel 100% blessed to have it really! It gives me an edge and a drive for life that I would like to share with others and, at the end of the day, it’s all about choices: make the right choices and commit to the right things and you will get whatever you want from life #CYL
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To think where I was 8-9 years ago to now blows my mind. I need a telescope to look back!
And I’ve done five things every day to get to this point, just set my best ever time on the stair Master, I’m one of the top achiever in the company I’m part of and I’ve got a book out and I’m in the best place
... Mentally.
And why do I tell you this? Because if I can do it anyone can do it!
DONT JUST survive with bipolar, thrive with bipolar.
Let’s make a different with the stigma around mental health #CYL
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