Traveline Cymru

About Traveline Cymru

Traveline Cymru is the public transport information service for Wales providing route, timetable and fare information for bus, coach and rail services in Wales.

Press enquiries to marketing@traveline. cymru

Traveline Cymru Description

Traveline Cymru is the public transport information service for Wales providing route, timetable and fare information for bus, coach and rail services in Wales.

Press enquiries to marketing@traveline. cymru



We’ll be at the Go North Wales Awards tomorrow evening to celebrate a year of excellence in the region’s hospitality and tourism sectors. We are very proud to be sponsoring the ‘Go Best Place to Eat’ award. Good luck to all of the nominees!


Byddwn yn seremoni Gwobrau Twristiaeth Go North Wales nos yfory i ddathlu blwyddyn o ragoriaeth yn sector lletygarwch a sector twristiaeth y rhanbarth. Rydym yn falch o fod yn noddi’r wobr i’r Lle Bwyta Gorau. Pob lwc i bawb sydd wedi cael eu henwebu!


There’s no better way to embrace the cold than by enjoying some of the winter themed events taking place across Wales this month. From Cardiff’s Winter Wonderland, to the Llandudno Christmas Fayre. Get involved! ❄️


Y ffordd orau o groesawu’r tywydd oer yw mwynhau rhai o’r digwyddiadau gaeafol sy’n cael eu cynnal ledled Cymru y mis hwn – o Ŵyl y Gaeaf yng Nghaerdydd i Ffair Nadolig Llandudno. Ewch i ymuno yn yr hwyl! ❄️


We are experiencing extremely high call volumes to our freephone number at the moment and apologise if you are having difficulties getting through. If your query is urgent, please email or message us on social media 🚍🚉


We are proud to be supporting @AgeCymru’s Winter Celebrations, a series of social events such as Christmas lunches and theatre trips that give older people the chance to meet new friends. This vital work helps tackle loneliness and isolation across Wales ☕️❄️


There will be a number of road closures in place later today as Remembrance Sunday Parades take place across Wales. Make sure you check our disruptions page before you travel #LestWeForget


Bydd nifer o ffyrdd ar gau yn nes ymlaen heddiw pan fydd Gorymdeithiau Sul y Cofio yn cael eu cynnal ledled Cymru. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn bwrw golwg ar ein tudalen Problemau Teithio cyn dechrau ar eich taith #LestWeForget


Did you know you can travel for free on TrawsCymru services at the weekend? Yes, really! To find out more about this offer, visit the TrawsCymru website 🚍


Oeddech chi’n gwybod y gallwch deithio’n rhad ac am ddim ar wasanaethau @TrawsCymru_ ar benwythnosau? Wir i chi! I gael gwybod mwy am y cynnig arbennig hwn, ewch i wefan TrawsCymru 🚍


Did you hear? We won the ‘Services to the Transport Industry Award’ at last week’s Wales Transport Awards⭐️ This award is testament to the hard work and commitment of the entire team, and we couldn’t be more proud! 🏆


Wyddech chi ein bod ni wedi ennill y wobr Gwasanaeth i’r Diwydiant Trafnidiaeth yng Ngwobrau Trafnidiaeth Cymru yr wythnos diwethaf? Mae’r wobr yn dyst i waith caled ac ymroddiad pob aelod o’r tîm, ac rydym yn ymfalchïo’n fawr yn eu llwyddiant! ⭐️🏆


There’s one week to go until the Swansea Bay Tourism Awards and the Go North Wales Tourism Awards, both of which we are sponsoring! Good luck to all of this year’s fantastic nominees and we look forward to seeing you on the night ⭐️


Wythnos sydd i fynd tan seremoni Gwobrau Twristiaeth Bae Abertawe a seremoni Gwobrau Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru, a byddwn yn noddi’r ddwy ohonynt! Pob lwc i bawb sydd wedi’u henwebu eleni ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld ar y noson ⭐️


330,000 older people in Wales say a few minutes of conversation would make a huge difference to their week. We are very proud to be supporting Age Cymru’s Winter Celebrations that aim to give older people this opportunity ❄️⭐️

More about Traveline Cymru

0800 464 0000