Tywysydd - Tour Guide

About Tywysydd - Tour Guide

Blue Badge qualified professional tour guide in Wales, Deian ap Rhisiart - Tywysydd proffesiynol Bathodyn Glas yng Nghymru.

Tywysydd - Tour Guide Description

My name is Deian ap Rhisiart. I’m a first language Welsh speaker and I live in Caernarfon with my family. I have a Masters degree in Welsh history and my field of interest is the contemporary period, dating from 1800 to present day. I am a qualified blue badge professional tour guide in Wales. My interests are hill walking and food and drink. With my passion and authority of history, with an element of fun, I can uncover the best of Welsh culture.
I can offer bespoke tours to suit the needs of groups and individuals but also there are specific themed tours available on the website.

Fy enw i ydi Deian ap Rhisiart. Rwy'n
dywysydd bathodyn glas sy'n byw yng Nghaernarfon. Rwy'n angerddol am
ein hanes ac yn awyddus i bobl o
bob oed i ddysgu am ein treftadaeth.
Gallaf arwain teithiau addysgiadol ar
gyfer unigolion, grwpiau ac ysgolion.



Ymweliad Llong Viking Sun i Gaergybi. Golygfa drawiadol o Eryri ar ei hyd yn croesawu'r teithwyr i Gymru. Vikingsun cruise ship passengers enjoy a spectacular morning view of Eryri as it docks in Holyhead/Caergybi. Images of Anglesey Visit Anglesey / Croeso Môn Alpine Travel, Coach Hire in North Wales Castell Biwmares / Beaumaris Castle


Yn anffodus diwrnod glawog ddoe yn tywys ymwelwyr o gwmpas Castell Cricieth Cadw. Ond o leia' fe gliriodd y glaw erbyn canol p'nawn! Giving guided tours on a very wet Sunday at Castell Cricieth / Criccieth Castle. At least the rain cleared by mid afternoon. (Not forgetting a nice soup for lunch at Tir a Môr !)


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=10155784960422076&id=94064362075< br>


Taith yn mynd a sgwennwyr o Stockton University i weld Bryn Celli Ddu Cadw a Porth Tre Castell. Ei bryd oedd chwilio am ysbrydoliaeth a does yna numlle gwell! Taking a group of American writers from Stockton University Philidelphia to Bryn Celli Ddu and Porth Tre Castell Visit Anglesey / Croeso Môn Mwynhau hufen ia llus Mon ar lwy wedyn! Enjoying Môn ar Lwy - Taste of Anglesey Ice cream.


Taith o amgylch dinas Bangor gyda myfyrwyr yn astudio chwedloniaeth, yn cerdded heibio Prifysgol Bangor a Pontio Bangor gan orffen ar y pier. A guided tour around the city of Bangor with a group of students from the United States. Starting at Bangor Cathedral and then to Storiel and up the hill walking through Pontio and Bangor University and climb Roman Camp and finish at Garth Pier Bangor Pier


Cymysgedd o wahanol wledydd wedi dod i Castell Cricieth / Criccieth Castle heddiw o Iwerddon, Japan, Colombia, Lloegr a'r Iseldiroedd. Cadw Visitors from various countries in different continents, - Ireland, Colombia, Japan, England and Netherlands visiting the castle today. Large groups joining the guided tour.


Iwlo: Castell a godwyd gan Lywelyn ap Gruffydd. Perl o gastell ynghanol ceunant a choedwig drwchus. Yr amddiffynfa ar y ffin. Ewloe Castle built by Llywelyn ap Gruffydd around 1250's. A hidden gem in the woods.


Travelling First Class on Festiniog and Blaenau Railway to Rhyd-ddu with Eryri looking magificent. Passengers from RoyalCaribbean Brilliance of the Seas enjoying the freak weather.
Teithio dosbarth cyntaf ar Reilffordd Eryri i Ryd-ddu heddiw! Ein gyrrwr Barri o Williams Bala yn llywio'r daith yn wych ar y ffordd dros Ben y Pas.


Y môr celtaidd fel gwydr a'r awel yn hynod o gynnes hyd yn oed ar Ynys Lawd. Castell Edward Longshanks ac arfordir Môn heddiw. oceaniacruises Nautica visit to Holyhead. A trip around #ynysmon for the passengers including #pontmenai #menaisuspensionbridge and #southstack #ynyslawd. Haul poeth a gwyrddni Ynys Mon yn rhyfeddu teithwyr o Long y Nautica #eryri #caergybi #anglesey #snowdonia. Eryri iw gweld ar ei hyd o'r jeti.


Oceania Cruises Nautica cruise to Holyhead. No picture postcard photos of Eryri/Snowdonia but a very nice fried breakfast at the Station Cafe Betws y Coed! Dathlu Sul y Tadau yn diddanu Americaniaid ar daith o amgylch Eryri ac yn mwynhau brecwast da.


Tudur Owen is talking sense. I also think that Eryri should be used instead of Snowdonia when we introduce our mountains to visitors. Cytuno'n llwyr. Wales Official Tourist Guides Association https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=10156582997286812&id=698111811


Taking German tourists up Pen y Gogarth or @greatorme and Llandudno from Meinschiff 3 cruise ship. Llong y Meinschiffe 3 yn ymweld â Chaergybi.


Ar daith y pererinion. On the pilgrim's trail. Aberdaron Ynys Enlli / Bardsey Island Uwch Mynydd


Two tyrants, Edward I and George Douglas-Pennant 2nd Baron of Penrhyn. Two symbols of oppression from two different periods. Arglwydd Penrhyn ac Edward I, dau symbol o ormes. Ymweliad llong y Seven Seas Voyager Regent Seven Seas Cruises....And very good Welsh cakes at the BishopsGate House Hotel


Yr olygfa heddiw yn arwain teithiau tywys Deian Ap Rhisiart yng Criccieth Castle. Cadw glas a glas. Guided tours today at Criccieth - as you can see a very dull day. Deep blue and brilliant green. Criccieth


Ymweliad llong RoyalCaribbean the Brilliance of the Sea sy'n dal 2, 500 o deithwyr. Taith i Gastell Caernarfon a wedyn ymlaen i Biwmares yn y pnawn. Visit Beaumaris Beaumaris Castle Caernarfon Castle
The Royalcaribbean Cruises Brilliance of the Sea cruise visit today. This mammouth ship carrying 2500 passengers. A visit to Caernarfon and onto Beaumaris Isle of Anglesey County Council


Ynys Enlli / Bardsey Island


Tywys teithwyr o Long Meinschiff 3 ar y tram i Ben y Gogarth ddydd Gwener. Cerdded i Landudno a wedyn paned a thost neis yn Providero Tea & Coffee House - Llandudno
Taking German passengers from Meinschiffe3 cruiseship to the Great Orme on the tram last Friday. Good coffee and toast in Providero's Llandudno afterwards. Llandudno

More about Tywysydd - Tour Guide

Tywysydd - Tour Guide is located at 20 Segontium Rd South, LL55 2 Caernarfon