Ursa Tarot

About Ursa Tarot

Using Tarot cards to help you find the answers that you are searching for.
Conducting Tarot workshops.

Ursa Tarot Description

I read the Tarot intuitively, which means interpreting the card image, rather than relying just on traditional meanings as assigned to the cards by Waite and others.

I use two decks shuffled together - the standard Rider Waite Smith and New Vision, which takes the same RWS images, but turns them through 180 degrees, so we see the picture from a completely different viewpoint.

Shuffling(juggling?) 156 cards is not without challenge, but worthwhile for the extra depth it provides.



Whatever happens between now and the 31st, this is DEFINITELY my last event of the year! Strictly speaking, it could be argued that it's also my first event of 2019!
The last time I worked a New Year's Eve event... it wasn't in THIS role!! πŸ˜†


This was my reading space yesterday. I loved it!! Fantastic energy from the moment I walked in! If they'll have me back, that's where I want to be again!!


Here's what I need to be channelling...
and I do actually have a shirt like that! πŸ˜†


My first event of 2019... so far!


The coast in early February - I can't wait!!


I'd planned to do a bit less next year... maybe 2020! 😁


I know this has been doing the rounds for a few years... but I think it still needs to be shown. Not just to annoy facebook, which is reason enough on it's own 😁, but to celebrate true courage!


Amazing final class this evening!!
After 6 weeks training, we're already doing readings for events from the 13th Century!! 😱
Dawn was simply asking about the energies surrounding Kate's planned move... and was amazed to find it all revolved around events from the 1200's - all of which was verified by Kate!
... I LOVE TAROT!!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
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I have a new sign for my table!! πŸ˜€
I think the man who asked for one yesterday, was only joking and expected me to bottle out!!
He liked it so much, he asked for another!πŸ€—


While I accept that some readers/therapists can be 'demanding', I've come to realise that sometimes, these demands are not all about creating the right atmosphere for their own needs, they're also designed to disrupt the energies of those around them.
It's a nasty trick and it's been noted!! 😠


Introducing people to reading Tarot intuitively. No previous experience necessary. Weekly course notes will be handed out.
Learn a skill that you can take with you and use.
... This course will leave you with a good foundation on which to build your own style.
The only 'RIGHT' way, is the way that works for you!!
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Β£30 per deck, plus shipping/postage.
PM me if you want one.


To anyone who's had a reading from me, or attended one of my workshops, or classes...
Can you take a few minutes and write a few words of feedback for me, please? I occasionally need testimonials for events.


My apologies to the medium who tried to give me a message from my father today... but you really should learn to ask if I actually want such a message, before simply blurting it out!
I think my reaction came as a bit of a surprise.
His first look of shock came when he asked me if my father had suffered with throat problems. I told him the only throat problem I could remember was when I'd choked him!
... You'd think at that point, sensing a 'little' hostility, it might be best to drop the subject... yes? Apparently not! Said medium ploughed on regardless, saying "He wants you to know...". That's as far as he got.
I told him, in no uncertain terms, to stop! That hateful old bastard had nothing useful to say while he was alive, so I'm certainly not going to give him any regard now he's dead.
"Spirit says..." is not an excuse for delving into areas where you haven't had an invitation to go.
I appear to be in a bit of a ranty mood this month... maybe it's the heat!!
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Anyone who's had a reading from me, or attended my classes, knows how seriously I treat my Tarot. Every question is important and deserves my total commitment to it.
That said, when I'm not 'working', I'm happy to mess about. I take the piss out of what I do... and the people around me. Very rarely does anyone take it seriously when I do... but it does happen!
So, to anyone who gets the wrong idea when they hear me offering a friend of mine, in my best Michael Palin '10 shec...kles for my life story' impression(from 'Life of Brian')... "50p a card, luv! Tell you your future for 50p!"
To think I was serious, underestimates just how good I am at what I do! I deal with some incredibly sensitive, delicate and heartbreaking situations... as do we all... I've had to hold back my own tears when my empathy locks into my client, but I don't need to walk around with a solemn look plastered over my face all day!!
Sorry about that, but it's been bugging me all day!
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I've been following a Pagan path for about 25 years and I'm afraid I can be a bit militant about it... especially around Yule! I don't blindly accept things, 'just because other Pagans do'. I have to prove things to myself, before I accept them. That doesn't mean I dismiss anything I don't understand, I just don't fully embrace it! Having said that, Tarot was something I had a complete disregard for. I put it in the same category as the tabloid daily horoscopes. It wasn't unt...il about 6 years ago, following a Dowsing course, that I started reconsidering my stance on Tarot. I decided to give it a proper chance. For the first year, I followed the traditional, 'by the book' method, attempting to learn the exact meanings of each card. That method, for me, was too rigid and I felt restricted. I was about to give it up, but then I read an article on 'Intuitive Reading'. It was all about reading the image in front of me, rather than a fixed meaning. I was hooked! It made absolute sense to me... and my ability took off! I've been reading for people on a regular basis since then, mostly online, but more recently I've become more active on the local scene. I intend to start getting more involved... which is why I've finally got around to getting business cards printed. I've been asked if I would consider doing this as a full-time job. I've considered it in the past, but I'm worried that it would ruin the enjoyment for me. I have a full-time job, that pays all my bills, leaving me to relax with my Tarot. If Tarot became my only source of income, I think it would be detrimental to my intuitive ability. I would no longer be doing it because I wanted to, but because I had to!
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fantastic reading Colin, thank you. Very accurate and confirmed some thoughts I had over whether to speak out over a matter or remain silent for now. so it was timely too. Blessed Be, you are truly gifted x


Just had a reading with Colin at the three counties hotel in hereford.

WOW truly amazed how on point he is. His gentle kind approach it’s very warming and appreciated. A very gifted man.

I would recommend him to anyone in search of truth and clarity on any situation. I am one of the hardest people to read for, saying this he was very accurate in the reading 10/10 thankyou very much. I’m truly grateful for you.


I’ve recently completed a 6 week Tarot Course with Colin - I loved it. Colin has a wealth of knowledge that he is very generous to share. If you have an interest in Tarot, go for it, you won’t be disappointed


I received my reading and was really impressed but. I just have so many more questions.....


I received a reading from Colin, and thought that it was very consise and to the point. Thank you Colin, for your insights on matters that I was not too aware of. Have a blessed evening.


I received a reading from Colin and loved it. The way he does his tarot readings gives it more depth and it connects on so many more levels within the human psyche - which other readings do not give. Also, I truly appreciated the contrast of circumstance in the reading. That left me with more of a well-rounded answer. I would certainly not hesitate to pay for another reading in the future or refer a friend!


I received a reading a month ago from Colin and it was extremely accurate and helpful. I highly recommend him if your are ever looking for some guidance that is clear and right on.


Colin is very accurate in his readings, everything is spot on and very clear as if he had known me for so long. We haven't met yet face to face and he has no any background about me. I highly recommend him.

More about Ursa Tarot

Ursa Tarot is located at Rassau, NP23 Ebbw Vale